The Plains In Super

Chapter 32 - Skillset

Or not.

It has been 4 days since that incident and today is Saturday.

I thought Venedette would be back by now but she said there was a delay and she will arrive tomorrow.

On the other side, Fily was still asleep, replacing the day when she woke up for a couple of hours to see me activate Mr. Gemini this whole Saturday.

And what do you know? We were tasked to complete rigorous physical training in the morning today and weapon's training during the afternoon.

"Why don't you believe me!? He's flying I'm sure of it! Isn't it your job to train us? Then why are you being so lenient on him!? What's he supposed to learn by cheating!?" I could not help but rant after finishing three and a half hours of continuous training while Von was using his flight to cheat!

"You disrespectful little runt! How long are you going to keep accusing the Prince of this nonsensical misbehavior!? Go fifty more rounds through this week's obstacle training course! No one will leave this area until that nosy rat is done. Except for the Prince. You can go now.." The lazy teacher smiled at Von while the bulky one just shook his head.

"Bleeh." I heard Von's taunt from behind our two odd teachers who were obviously favoring him and giving him lighter tasks than what they were giving to me and Lei.

'Aren't you ashamed, you cheater!?' I sent him a message out of rage but I received a rather annoying notice.

[This user has blocked your messages.]

The automated woman's voice read the message for me.

He blocked my messages!?

"You loser. You're just like that devil Yumeki!" I muttered under my breath while gritting my teeth.

'How are you different from that monster? You're just like her. A cheater.' I raved in my mind as I burned his eyes off his sockets using my glare in my imagination.

Von looked like he heard what I've said as his eyes went wider and walked closer to me with a curled fist.

"I'm NOT like her." He stressed the word 'not' while staring deeply into my eyes, aggravated about what I just said.

"Then prove it. If you're not a cheater then what are you? Using flight to ease training." I rolled my eyes away from him and went back to the bench where my water was situated.

"I do things my own way and you have no say about that!" He said, following me.

"And what is this 'my own way' you're talking about? Being lazy? Abusing your authority as a Prince?" I rolled my eyes at him once again and prepared myself for crossing the obstacle course once again.

"You just have no idea." His voice softened right before I started running.

What was that? I have no idea about what?

Well, whatever it is, I don't care. He's still a cheater and nothing will make me think otherwise.

[Do you need a full fatigue cure master?] Mr. Gemini's warm voice offered to me.

'Later.' I refused his offer.

If flying is Von's cheat then mine is a frequent cure. But unlike him, I chose to suffer and experience all the hardships of training without cheating.

I don't want to go down the same level of cheating like him and Yumeki. That would be the same as disappointing Vendette.

After fifty laps of going through the obstacle course, I finally got to take a break and slept in my room for about an hour and a half. I also accepted Mr. Gemini's offer and woke up just in time for Sir Grant's weapons training class.

I skipped lunch but managed to grab a sandwich on the way, which was still not enough for my hunger so I promised to stop by the kitchen again later and grab some more food.

Talking about food, I still have no clue what to feed Mr. Gemini.

But there's no need to worry. Fily will make up tomorrow anyways with new information about the Salamandites from the book. I just hope she found something else useful there.

"Gem the trespasser! You are one minute late." Sir Grand greeted me with a smile as I hastily entered his classroom-

Training room.

"Whoa." My jaws dropped open upon seeing this bunker-like classroom inside the castle with ten simple tables and side racks, all carrying different types of weapons, from spears to guns. There were also target dummies all over the place where we could probably practice with.

"Welcome to my training room." He placed his arm around me and Lei again while Von was busy looking at the table with bows and arrows.

This was the first ever training lesson that Sir Grand was able to give us just like the two physical trainers this morning since the weekdays were mostly spent with educational learning and physical control.

"You have already chosen a role right?" I heard Sir Grand talking to Lei.

"Yes sir."

"Of course you came from a family of Shinobis, what else is there to choose than following your family's traditions." He laughed to himself while I scanned all the weapons, looking for something that would caught my attention.

"How about you Gem? Any roles in mind?" He turned to me while I was still focused on finding the right kind of weapon.

"Yes sir. But I believe you said the other day that you'll recommend a skill set for us."

"Ah yes yes, I remember that. Come." He dragged me and Lei to a glass board on our far right which broke my concentration in finding a weapon so I just saved it for later.

"Here are your stats," he let go of us and showed us three separate screens of glass where our status were displayed in chronological order, "let's start with the little Prince."

Sir Grand looked around and found Von marvelling over the shiny bows that were hanging on the wall.

"You like those?" Sir Grand stood beside Von but he was ignored.

Sir Grand cleared his throat upon being humiliated and decided to make a deal with Von in secret which I still heard thanks to my above average super hearing ability.

"I can give you those if you will listen to me." He whispered to Von in secret which Von responded with an annoyed 'tch'.

I could almost hear what Von was thinking just basing on his face. "You don't need to give me that, I could just buy it myself."

But he chose to stay silent and walked ahead of Sir Grand to where we were standing.

I saw Sir Grand scoff and dismissed the thought afterwards while walking towards us in this damp and light-deprived space, almost like a perfectly carved dome in a cave with four hanging light bulbs and four little windows near the ceiling as the main sources of light.

"Nice necklace you've got there. Is it a pair?" Sir Grand noticed my necklace and my stat-hut.

"Uhh, I guess." I faked a smile at him, unsure if I should tell him the truth or not. But for now, I think it would be best if I don't reveal anything to anyone without Vendette's consent.

"Well, anyway here's the result of your ideal skill set evaluation, primarily based on your skills and could be changed later on by your preferences and other hidden skills." He manipulated the glass board a little bit and new information appeared below our individual stats.

[Clyden Lei June]

Role: Assassin

Skillset: Stealth, Critical strike, Accuracy, Haste, Blades mastery ++++

I looked at the first revealed skillset stats under Lei's name and there were a lot of unfamiliar words listed there.

"Do we have to learn this all or just choose which ones we want to learn?" I blurted out, still in shock of the long list of skills to learn under the assassin role.

"These are just compatible skills under Lei's existing levels. He can choose to learn one or all, it's really up to him. This is just my suggestion list to help him decide skills that would fit his role. Now to yours Little Miss Gem." Sir Grand explained which helped me calm a little bit more than before.

I focused my attention on the space under my status and one by one, the list of unfamiliar words came flooding my brain again.


Role: Fighter

Skillset: Claw, Hunt, Veiled strike, Flexibility, powered strike, Iron skin ++++

"Fighter?" I read the role written under my status.

Fighter is also Venedette's role! Does this mean we'll have two fighters in Leviathan? But I read in an article that having two members with the same role is unnecessary for a Guild.

"Yes, a fighter. You remind me of a wolf and your physical levels are good enough for a fighter. You can still improve your physical strength-"

"I want to be a healer." I interrupted Sir Grand's words and looked at him in the eye.

"A healer? What use is a healer in a guild when there are healing potions?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me which brought my senses back to reality.

Oh no.

I was not supposed to say this until Venedette comes back!

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