The Plains In Super

Chapter 34 - Resistance

I managed to catch up to Lei but it was not long until we both went our separate ways when we arrived at the hallway on the second floor.

The boy's rooms were located on the right side with several other unused rooms while ours were on the left.

I walked through the moderately lit hallway to the left nervously, looking back at Lei occasionally to calm myself until I finally managed to reach the door to Fily's room.

I couldn't help but overthink all the ugly thoughts that Lei's words returned to me.

He was right. I promised myself to never trust anyone so easily beyond the border but what happened to me?

It was not a bad decision to trust Venedette, in fact, she's probably the most trustworthy person inside this castle. But what about the others?

Venedette's kindness gave me a reason to lower my guard. Even Von whom I hated the most in this castle could be trusted to keep my secret safe but I probably should stop trusting anybody else beyond them..

Who knows? The enemies might be near just like what happened with Demi.

Maybe this was the message that Lei has been trying to tell me.

"Fily, let's eat dinner." I tried to lower my voice a little instead of shouting because I still kind of want to talk to her in her sleeping state.

I also managed to close the door behind me softly because of the same reason.

The thoughts of the old me not trusting anybody came flashing in my mind as I look at my pale reflection in the mirror.

I was alerted when I saw Fily's reflection in the mirror, she was rubbing her eyes while getting up from sleep.

"Morning?" I smiled at her which surprised her a little.

"Gem." She continued rubbing her eyes and even let out a yawn before finally acknowledging my presence.

"You're awake?" I said after realizing why she was rubbing her eyes all of a sudden.

Usually, when I come to her room to ask her to eat with me, she sleep-walks instead of actually waking up.

And I was informed that she would completely wake up from her hibernation tomorrow but she's actually awake right now!

"Mm, I guess that was enough sleep already." She smiled at me as she walked closer and greeted me with a hug.

"Let's.. go.. eat?" My voice was muffled because of her tight hug.

I let her hug me tightly this time instead of driving her away because I also missed her awake state.

She was more affectionate towards me while awake than when she is asleep or half-asleep.

"Okay!!" She squished my chubby cheeks which used to be boney before as she dragged me outside with her energetically.

"Calm down it's not even dinner time yet!" I complained when she started hopping along the hallways with her hands tightly wrapped around my wrist as I lazily let her drag me around the castle.

Not long after, Fily and I talked about the Salamandites in a secret garden where no one was tending to.

"Why do you need to sleep a lot Fily?" I was the first one to open up the topic while Fily was busy turning on the lights in this hidden place.

"It saves my body from overworking." She said inattentively, still busy with what she was doing.

I could not help but shiver due to the cold air we were experiencing from up high in the skies especially during nighttime.

"Aren't you cold, Fily?" I said and sneezed right after which worried Fily so she went to sit beside me after turning on the last of the twelve little lamps that were hanging on copper strings.

"Are you cold? Here hold this." She gave me a warm pad and wrapped a thick blanket around me which I was not sure of where she got it from.

"How about you? You're not cold?" I looked at her with concern but she only shook her head with a smile.

"I can withstand freezing and burning temperatures due to my level 10 resistance." She said as a matter of fact but I could not help but be jealous about her level 10 resistance.

"How did you manage to get level 10 resistance?" I asked, but despite the jealousy in my voice, Fily was still smiling at me.

Not because she was boasting or pitying me but rather because she was amused by my curiosity.

"Attributes are more or less inherited and not trained for. Skills such as Super puff or Venedette's Iron skin are the ones that Superhuman can enhance and train but attributes are harder to improve just by training."

Her explanation just reminded me of that day when I first went to physical training. I was forced to run for an hour and a half but even after all that my attributes still did not improve.

"You are aware of the potions, right?" Fily glanced at me.

"The health potions?" I asked innocently.

"No... The superhuman potions."

"You mean the superhuman formula?" I asked again to clear our topic.

"Yes, that's what they call that. But during the old times, they call those the Superhuman potions and not just a formula because there were many versions of it and not just one."

"What do you mean?" I shifted my eyes to Fily's brown hair that was being blown away from her face by the cold breeze of air coming from where the moon was.

"There were nine variations of the formula and the most common one was the Supersense potion. It was distributed to almost everybody which also gave us the resistance one just like in your status. Everybody needed the resistance one to fight off the virus from their body and survive. It was too late when the elders realized this and unleashed a new species of humans with super strength, super speed, and some even with flight. It was astonishing to see humans fly during the early ages." She reminisced with a laugh as if she was there during those times.

"What are the other variations of the formula?" I could not help but ask when she suddenly stopped talking.

"The second one was Super speed, then there's Super strength and Super Resistance. The other five were given to special people only. But this does not include the super knowledge that runs in my family's blood. Ours was a complex chemical reaction that happened because of our unique blood type and I'm sure several others were also affected by this reaction. The nuclear outside may also create different chemical reactions to the evolution of other species like the Salamanders. There's just a learn and you're lucky you have a lifetime of unlimited education with me." Fily stood up and offered me a hand energetically.

"Let's eat?"

"Okay but tell me the other Super potions first!" I put my hand on her and almost got out of my seat because of her pull but since she was weak I managed to put my weight back to the stone railing where we were seated before.

"Do you want to know new information about the Salamandites instead?" She tried to pull me again but I resisted it which made her closer to me instead of me to her.

"Pleaaase?" I tried convincing her, still sitting stubbornly in my seat but she was really fixed on not telling me all at once.

"I'll tell you one after we eat okay?" She said which left me no choice but to follow her.

"By the way, what's that new information about the Salamandites?" I overtook her and asked her while walking backwards in front of her.

"Do you want to hear it now or tomorrow with Venedette?"

Hmm... That got me into thinking.

Venedette will be back tomorrow and I'm sure she'll be surprised to find out that I can already talk with my Salamandite!

"Imma hear it tomorrow with Venedette." I shrugged and went back to annoying Fily about the other kinds of Super potions.

"What are the other purposes of the potions and why did you tell me that?" I tried to guilt trip her but it did not work.

"I'll tell you one purpose after we eat and the reason will be for tomorrow."

"Why not just tell me now?" I complained and blocked her track when I saw the door to the dining room.

"Because your head will hurt."

"I can cure it."

"Shh!" She hastily covered my mouth after what I said.

"With the healing potions of course." I tried to cover up my mistake because some maids heard what I said and Fily made it look even more confidential by covering up my mouth!

"Healing potions can't cure your brain." She shook her head and went straight to the door but I managed to block her again just before she entered.

"You'll tell me one purpose later okay?"

"Okay, I promise." She said, giving me no choice but to let her pass through the door.

"Tell me two." I bargained while following after her but she immediately shook her head on me.

Ughh, Fine!

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