The Plains In Super

Chapter 38 - List

"Wow, there are so many." My eyes widened upon seeing the zoomed-out list of all the possible skills from every role that I could possibly choose from.

"You can choose one from each role or a certain attribute that you wanted to max first," Venedette said pertaining to the little words glowing in red on the hard glass board.

She was standing beside me and I took that as an opportunity to use her as a support for my jelly-like legs, the result of being overwhelmed.

"It's okay, you can take your time on choosing." She chuckled while patting my head.

"Or you could take a look at my suggestion," Fily said, swiping the presentation from her tablet to the board.

"99?" I read one of the numbers after the equal sign.

The suggestion she was talking about was a personalized suggestion for the skills that would bring out the most potential in me, she even calculated the number of points my abilities could gain from learning each skill and presented it in such a way that was easier to read with colors and shapes that contrasted the color of the text..

"Wow. This is… I don't know what to say." Venedette shook her head while applauding Fily's wit.

"You're welcome." Fily courteously bowed while my eyes were brought to tears for her kindness.

"Thank you Fily." I pouted at her and she mentioned me to smile instead of crying which I did as per following her advice.

"This is just my suggestion so you could still choose a skill that would interest you."

"Okay! But I would still follow this list." I smiled at her while she just shrugged at me.

"Confirm the list by next week so I could change your schedule and hire more teachers if necessary," Venedette said while examining the list and if I'm not mistaken it looked like she was memorizing it.

Or probably just writing them in her Stat-hut.

Either way, I'm thankful for both of them.

"Okay! But can I train with you too Venedette?" I took my chances and was quickly rejoiced when she agreed to train with me.

"Sure. Once I finished finding us a tank."

Yes! I promise to do my best for their efforts to not go to waste!

'What do you think, Mr. Gemini? Can we do this?' I looked down at my necklace and he just glowed as a response.

Of course, I'll make it work no matter what!

"But what about Von and Lei? If they don't join then you'll have to look for another marksman and assassin..." I sighed after thinking about those two brats.

"Don't worry, they'll join sooner or later," Venedette said confidently which I thought was a false belief but I kept my mouth shut about it. I had no way to guess if they will join or not but they better do!

Or else my training with Venedette would be delayed.

After deciding my role in Leviathan, the three of us went our separate ways for the day.

Fily went to Petunia's room to overcome her fear and in search of new information while Venedette went on a date with Sir Grand.

I was smiling the whole day running around the castle having nothing to do because of my excitement for the upcoming days that I would spend in training.

"Can I grab a cookie?" I asked the cook in the kitchen and she gave me a bunch of them.

"Thanks!" I said and ran to the corridor where the stairs leading to the highest tower in this castle was.

Fily and I would be having another Rendezvous about the potions and this time, we planned to meet at the highest tower in the castle later.

But since I have nothing else to do and she was still busy with Petunia, I chose to go ahead to the tower and wait for her there instead.

"Ah, it's so cold!" I said with a smile, opening my arms to feel the coldness of the air even more.

[Initiating heat steam]

I heard Mr. Gemini decide on his own which made me widen my eyes at him.

'Mr. Gemini?'

[Yes, master?]

'I can't feel the cold air!'

[That is because of the heat steam master.]

'B-but.... okay.'

I realized that I probably sounded like a nagging child to Mr. Gemini so I just stopped myself from complaining. And besides, he only made it for me anyway so I could last longer in this temperature.

Why would I still complain?

My resistance level 1 would not let me survive in this kind of temperature for so long so this might be the best option for now.

'What kind of powers do you have Mr. Gemini? Can I share them with my friends or is it just for me?' Out of boredom, I decided to talk with Mr. Gemini about the special skills that he said the gemstone could give me other than the skills for my role as support.

[I have installed the list of abilities that I can grant you, Master.] He said and my stat-hut popped in front of me.

He was right, there was a list of abilities here in front of me and most of them were related to liquid. But why liquid?

I saved the question for later and decided to stick to the topic first.

'Can I use these skills?'

[I'm afraid your abilities are not yet enough to make use of these skills.] He said which made me pout.

'Then, can you just show me the list of skills that I could use with my current abilities?'

[Affirmative, master.]

I waited for a second and he gave me a completely different list from the previous one.

There were at least fifty skills before but now, I was left with only two.

[Healing slime Lvl.1]

[Liquity Lvl.0]

'Can I even use this level 0 skill?'

[Yes master.]

'Can you teach me how?'

Mr. Gemini did not reply so I guess that was a no.

Wait, never mind! There were instructions in my stat-hut! Every skill had instructions under them.

'Silly me.' I murmured and started reading the instructions word by word.

[Healing slime - The salamandite will use the owner's body as a vessel to transfer the slime.]

So this answered my question earlier. I could share the Healing slime using my body!

Just like what happened last week when the maid's hand got burned from my earrings, I was able to cure it with just a swipe!

I shifted my gaze further down and found something interesting.

[Cap: 78.77 of 393839 Liters left.]

So there was a limit after all…

But why could I only use some of it?

[That is because the remaining storage is still locked.]

'With the keys? You once told me before that the keys could only be gained after unlocking a storage right? By feeding you?'

[Yes master.]

How is it that I could get a key after unlocking the remaining storage by letting him eat?

Isn't that ironic? Getting a key after unlocking something.

Oh well, I also need to work on that.

What else?

[Liquity Lvl.0]

'What is this Mr. Gemini?' I asked despite looking at the skill's description from the screen in front of me.

It said that I could manipulate the matter of anything as long as they're embedded with the Energy slimes…

So I needed to put something inside it first before I could use it.

Too bad I don't know the trick of how to put anything inside its infinite storage.


Never mind there was nothing else.

'But how about that mist that you automatically released one time?'

[Only I could regulate them, master. They are protective measures to ensure your safety.]

'Ohh like this invisible blanket you put on me.'


'There's no list?'

[I could give the list to you if you want.]

'Okay… Maybe next time.' I said dismissing the thought altogether.

The Healing slime was the only helpful skill I acquired from the Salamandite. I wonder how long it would take for me to acquire every skill and max out my abilities.

"There you are." I was taken aback when Petunia suddenly appeared in front of me on a purple cloud that looked like it was made of Jelly with glowing stars and moons inside of it.

"H-hello, what are you doing here?" I greeted but my eyes were glued to her purple cloud that was floating in the air.

"What is that?" I could not help but ask because it was so mesmerizing and hard to miss the fact that it was floating.

"This?" she pointed at the cloud with her pointy claws, "this is a gummy" she simply said which did not satisfy my hearing.

"How is it flying?" I thought I had asked politely but she did not respond and just looped around me.

"You're interesting." She said while sniffing my hair then my skirt then finally my necklace.

"I could smell something sweet from in there." She pointed at the gemstone that was roughly cut but somehow fitted perfectly with the silver lace that Venedette gifted me along with the earrings.

"It's just a stone." I weighed her reaction, trying to see if he knew about the Salamandite or if she doesn't know because if that was the case then I would not tell her.

"Can I have some?" She looked at me with her big purple dreamy eye that looked similar to her gummy cloud.

"Some of what?"

"Your gemstone."

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