The Plains In Super

Chapter 46 - I Can Do It

"It's not working," I said after a few minutes of soaking my hands in the mixture.

"You can do it!" Petunia tried to cheer me on as she was staring intently at my hands in the mixture.

"Fily..." I called her for help but she just shrugged her shoulders at me.

"We still have time to spare. Try doing the exact same thing you did earlier," she responded with a frown.

Since we still have time to spare, maybe I could try a little harder?

'Mr. Gemini help me please…'.

[That mixture contains toxins master, your body detected that and was able to secrete an excess amount of Healing slimes because of panic.]

'So that means I need to panic to release an excess amount of Healing slimes?'

Mr. Gemini did not respond so I tried to force myself to panic but it's not working.

Maybe my nervous system had calculated the exact amount already for the toxins of this mixture?

Just enough to keep me safe while inside of it?

"I can't do it." I announced and was ready to remove my hands from the mixture but Fily held my wrists to stop me.

"I could see it." She said while concentrating on my hands on the mixture.

"I can see it too!" Petunia excitedly jumped to Fily's shoulders as her eyes were also locked on my hands in the mixture.

"It won't work guys-"

"It will!" Petunia cut my words off.

How long do they want to keep this up?

"It's not going to work." I tried to explain again but Fily glared at me.

"It's not going to work if you don't believe in it. Give it some more effort." She looked at me with a glare that I haven't seen before.

Fily is scary.

The more I get to spend time with her the more I realize this.

"I-i'll try…" I stuttered as Fily looked back shifted her eyes back to my hands.

Petunia was the next one who stared at me.

"Put some more effort into it." She said in a commanding tone which really gave me no other choice but to follow them.

This mixture is toxic.

That is what Mr. Gemini had been telling me since earlier.

And the fact that my nerves panicked when I touched this toxic mixture? It just gave me another clue of how these powers work.

My subconscious is in control, at least for now.

I wonder if there could ever be a day when I could be in control of these powers by will?

Right now, I am very convinced that my subconscious rules this power.

Maybe that was also why it can only save me whenever I'm close to dying.

Because deep inside me, I really don't want to die.

"I'm sorry I really can't do this," I told them before pulling my hands from the mixture.

"You're not even trying!!" Petunia shouted at me which made me take a step back.

"Let me explain." I tried to calm the tension but Petunia was already throwing a tantrum.

"Gem…" Fily called out to me but the disappointment from her voice was very evident.

"I can explain!" I tried to reason with them but Petunia was making a lot of noise from throwing things and moving them with great force.

"It's okay." She said without looking at me which made me feel guiltier.

"I can't control it." I tried to get their attention but even Fily was now busy preparing for the next step of the experiment.

"Is this enough?" I heard her ask Petunia who responded with a snobbish nod.

"Guys!" I shouted this time, still trying to get their attention for an explanation but there was no response from them.

They're completely ignoring me!

"It's okay Gem. We understand. You tried. That's enough." Fily said without looking at me.

"Tried yeah… That's very enough." Petunia remarked sarcastically as she turned her furry tail to me.

Why are they being like this!?

Why can't I do anything!?

My heart's beat was suffocating.

I need to do something!

I looked at the bowl with the two gummy mixtures in it.

Petunia wanted to see me mix the two using my hands but even after mixing and playing with it, nothing came out.

The substance was slightly toxic and so my hands burned inside of it but because of the adequate amount of Healing slime my hands secreted during that time, I was left unharmed.

I think I need to trick myself into thinking that I need to secrete more Healing slime to cure my hands of the toxics!

But how could I do it when my subconscious self knows the exact amount already?

No matter, I'll just force myself.

"AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed when my hands came in contact again with the mixture.

There was a slight delay to the Healing slimes which made me feel the burning sensation from the mixture when I soaked my hands in it again. I could even see the smoke from the edges of my hands where the mixture and my skin meets.

"Gem!??" Fily stopped what they were doing and looked at me again.

"I am going to try again!" I said as I took a deep breath to prepare myself for the pain when I soak my other hand in it.

The mixture gets even more toxic the more I mix it, Petunia said earlier which gave me an idea of how I would be able to trick myself.

"Don't overmix! The clear color would be tainted with gray if you overmix the mixture!" Petunia reminded me as they moved closer with the coating mixture.

"I'll make sure it goes back," I said confidently and inserted my other hand in it with a muffled shout as I prepared my mind for the trick.

"Gem.." Fily raised her concern when we all saw the smoke from the surface of the gummy mixture where my skin was already red.

"I can do it." I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply, savoring the smell of the toxic chemicals in front of me.

"Trust me."

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