The Plains In Super

Chapter 79 - Fily's History Lesson

"You're going to make a sleeping potion and painkiller for Gem? But I thought she doesn't want to take any kind of medication for her condition?" Lei said while carrying the ingredients that Fily was grabbing and giving to him from the shelves.

"Exactly. I already told her that exact same thing but she's not listening." Petunia said not far from them, pointing at a little bottle of dried passionflower which Von grabbed and carried for her instead.

"We're doing this for Gem okay? Whether she likes it or not." Fily said while double-checking the ingredients in Lei's basket before proceeding to the door where Petunia and Von were already waiting for her.

"Is that all we need?" Fily asked and checked Petunia's basket in Von's hands outside the door of storage number four while Petunia was busy putting off the candles inside the storage room.

"Yes. Do we have a laboratory here or is it upstairs?" Petunia asked after putting off the last candle inside.

"Actually, we do," Fily said confidently before locking the door behind them and leading them to another room on the far left..

"I wonder why this place is off-limits to most people," Von said his thoughts out loud which caught Fily's attention.

"You know how expensive the things in here are, right?"

"I know. But the most common things are also in here plus there are actual rooms for research and development but no one ever uses them, why is that?" 

Since Von already started voicing his questions out loud, why not just make use of the opportunity and learn something new from Fily? Even though Fily was just new here, her knowledge about the place was still unrivaled compared to Von's.

"This place actually used to be a research hotspot for scientists. Have you forgotten about the fact that your great-great-great-great-grandpa was a scientist?"

"Of course not. Are you saying he actually did his research on this place?" 

"Not exactly. This place was built by Dr. Lectric's grand-grand-daughter Queen Frida which meant that he was already dead by that time, but since your great-great-great-grandfather was too great to forget (pun intended), Queen Frida built this place underground that was  dedicated to him."

"Which explains why no one actually uses it." Petunia concluded.

"Well, actually, since the tools and overall facilities in this place is still functional to the most efficient level, people like us or Venedette can still make use of it just like what we're doing right now."

"Right…" Lei said, finally speaking for the first time since the conversation started when they arrived at the room where Fily said the laboratory was in.

"Welcome to the laboratory," Fily said, opening a steel door into a room where the lights automatically opened for them.

"Well, this is different." Petunia remarked after seeing an unfamiliar setup of a more modern-like Laboratory filled with white tiles and blinding LED lights before them.

"This is how laboratories normally looked back in the days," Fily said as if reminiscing something before going on ahead of them to the glass door which automatically opened the moment she stepped in front of it.

"This is cool. I have never seen a place this advanced before." Von said and followed after Fily while his eyes were shining from the reflection of the bright LED lights at the ceiling.

"Whoa!" Petunia exclaimed after almost getting crushed by the automatic doors and being saved by Lei. "Thank you."

"No problem," Lei said and gestured her to go ahead.

"What other cool rooms are in here, Fily?" Von asked excitedly while passing by the modern steel rooms in the bright hallway.

"Well, there's this room where you can fix cars and store airplanes and also build machines in the third room." 

"Can we go there?"

"I don't think so. The keys to those rooms aren't here so I guess we're not allowed to go there." Fily said and showed him the set of keys that Venedette lent to her earlier this morning.

"Then maybe we can just go next time? I'll ask mom for the keys there." Von said while daydreaming about the different rooms that Fily was talking about.

"This place is like a live-action museum! Heavens!" Petunia exclaimed while still in awe of the place where she only used to see in history books and old movies from the past about chemistry, her favorite subject.

"This place is actually built like a museum with each of their own themes from the past. Queen Frida loved the past so much that she even tried inventing a time machine using her skills. She obsessed over it for a few years before finally giving up when it didn't work."

"She's still awesome," Petunia said while recalling the fact that she's actually living on one of the old Queen's greatest inventions, the floating islands.

"So she built this place instead, to relive the past that the Great Doom ruined for everybody," Fily said, concluding her brief history lesson with Von, Lei, and Petunia along the hallways of this historically designed laboratory inside Yvandir.

"Here we are." Fily stopped in front of a steel door which she mysteriously managed to open using a card.

"Cool!" Von exclaimed and followed after her to the laboratory specially made for making medicine.

"Have the doctors in the castle's hospital wing been in this place?" Petunia asked Fily out of curiosity which she answered immediately in delight.

"Of course not. This place is off-limits to outsiders, remember?"

"But aren't we outsiders too?" Petunia asked Fily reluctantly.

"You're Leviathan which makes you guys one of us now." Von suddenly said which shocked everyone in the room while they were putting on their protective suits for sterilization before proceeding to the actual lab.

"What?" Von said when he noticed the weird stares they were all sharing with each other.

"Nothing. It's just weird hearing that from you." Fily said and shrugged at him, still with that signature bright smile of hers which made Von less worried about spending his precious time with them down here.

"Okay then, let's make Gem better!" Petunia said for fun as they all entered the sterilized area of the laboratory in complete battlesuits.

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