Susano’s life inheritance space.

The space under the red-colored Chakra Giant Mountain fluctuated, and the old figure of Uchiha appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the incomparably majestic and tall Chakra Mountain in front of him, a trace of fanaticism and disbelief and a trace of regret flashed on his face.

He already understood where this place was, why he was able to walk freely in this place, and he knew what he wanted to know most.

His grandson, Fang Yuan, what is the situation now.

“Can Susa inherit his life…” muttered Uchiha Feng, looking at the majestic palace on the top of the mountain, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, but then he thought of his grandson, and a hint of relief flashed in his eyes: “Fang Yuan, this kid… It’s a great opportunity…”

He already understood why the incredible power he erupted from when he sent Fang Yuan into the place chosen by the gods three years ago came from.

That is the key to the ‘Susanoo Life Inheritance’ buried in his body!

Every person who is chosen by the gods will have a ‘key’ in their body, and when their own strength or talent reaches a certain level, the key will be opened, and the inheritance of Susano’s life will be opened!

Of course, the incomparably precious thing inherited by the gods can naturally only be inherited by one person. Therefore, as soon as Fang Yuan, the ‘perfect’ successor, appeared, he was directly favored by Susanoo! The original Uchiha Ban and Uchiha Feng were directly eliminated.

There is no competition, no selection, Fang Yuan is directly favored by Susano! Directly became the chosen person of the gods!

Madara and Uchiha Feng who were eliminated naturally had no possibility of becoming the chosen people of the gods, so the keys in their bodies would begin to disappear.

Of course, as the key to opening the inheritance of the gods, its dissipation naturally cannot be like a cloud of smoke, saying no, it is gone, and the huge energy contained in the key directly bursts out at the moment of dissipation!

This is also the reason why Uchiha Feng and Uchiha Ba fell into that kind of rage!

Susanoo is known as the god of chaos and destroys the existence of the god! Its power is naturally incomparably violent!

The Tokyo Massacre caused by the great change in Uchiha’s personality is because of this! And Uchiha Feng was stopped by Uchiha Dou with illusion in time, otherwise if its power erupted in the hinterland of Uchiha, the consequences would be unimaginable!


Uchiha Feng, who had understood everything, raised his head and looked at the steps one by one, these steps looked so ordinary and simple, just like the bluestone slabs paved by ordinary people, but Uchiha Feng, who had lost his ‘qualifications’, understood that these ordinary steps were the so-called inheritance!

Each ladder represents the progress of each inheritance! The higher you go, the more complete the inheritance will be! Of course, the higher you go, the harder it gets!

Uchiha raised his feet and stepped up the first step without hesitation.

No response!

For Uchiha Feng, who has been deprived of his inheritor, although he will be devoured by this heaven and earth, everything here has also been lost with him

It’s like the most ordinary bluestone slab of ordinary people.

Uchiha Feng smiled bitterly and walked one step at a time, he was going to find his grandson.

Although this is no different from ordinary bluestone slabs, Uchiha Feng or jumping way to walk quickly, he is like the most devout believer, step by step to the heights!

I am fortunate to gain it, but I am to lose my life.



A little below the top of the mountain, a thin figure sat there without an image, gasping for breath.

“Master Susa, I’m dying of thirst! Water~! I only listened to the imageless boy crying towards the palace at the top of the mountain, and his hands hammered the ground a few times.

This is exactly how a bear child behaves when he wants his parents to give him snacks…



A few seconds later, the blood-red sky suddenly cracked a hole, countless red liquid. Where the body flowed out of the gap, the teenager underground quickly opened his mouth to welcome the red raindrops.

A shocking scene appeared! I saw that the water sown by that mouth actually merged into a column of water in mid-air! A drop flowed into the boy’s open mouth.

Groove! There really is ‘water’!

“Hmm… Gollum…”

The young man gulped down the red ‘water’ that automatically flowed into his mouth, with a smug and happy look on his face.

“‘Water’: “Susa Boss, why do you buckle it like this every time!” ”

The boy’s voice echoed, but he received no response.

“Boom!” The young man snorted with disgust on his face, and wiped the bright red ‘water’ from the corner of his mouth with his hand: “Climb the mountain!” When Xiaoye goes out, first come a hundred pig’s trotters to gnaw! Drink this bitter dead stuff here all day and also. He. Mother. Don’t give a full drink! ”

The teenager kept muttering, and the whole person began to sit and warm up.

This is to prevent him from being knocked away by the sudden pressure! Before the teenager was careless, rashly rushed straight to climb, but was directly bounced down the mountain by the huge recoil force, and came all over again…

Here, Chakra is forbidden (De Zhao Zhao) and can only rely on his own willpower and the explosion of physical potential!

“Come on! Come on! ”

“It’s time to get out! It’s out soon! ”

The young man looked at the small step in front of him and took a deep breath.


He let out a roar, and his right foot suddenly stepped on the hard stone steps!


Huge pressure overwhelmed and squeezed hard. Pressing the boy’s body is like pressing your finger into a balloon, and the four-sided balloon is about to pop your finger out!

The boy blushed, gasped, and roared again!

“Go up to Lao Tzu!!!”


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