The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 1012

Yoree is beautiful.

"I finally ... I haven't let the cutest gossip inherited the name of the eight dance."

What did you understand, say: "" objected, Ye Ya is the world's first cute elf. No one makes you do this. If Ye Ye is here to die, you will not be happy, no one Will get happiness. "

"I, admit it to yourself." Yailiang is a smile, "until the end, we are all together. Ok?"

The Squirting said: "Sisters, the same day of the same day, with the same day, with the same month."

"The only regret, I haven't talked about a love. I will grab the man with the gossip. If you can, I hope I can like the same boys ..." Yale voice is getting thinner.

Finally, the eight dance sisters were held together, quietly waiting for death. Blood reddish carcass. The spiritual power has been dried.

: "Although I don't want to bother you, I think I can rescue it."


The gossip and Ye Yaiang are angry, and they look back at this "killing" their devil. It is not so terrible to give people.

Strange, why have you been waiting for so long? The blood is almost dry, and it must be that the Ou Pis is attached to each other.

Base B wipes to the blood of the sword, "[Tian Jian Yun Jian], as long as the enemy can absorb energy. In order not to let anyone disappear, you must seal your spiritual power at the same time."

This is a simple fact, a soul cannot be simultaneously [ignit] two girls. So, the Sakura has this way.

An arrow double carving!

Ye Yue is shocked: "That is to say ..."

"I just lie to you, only plundering the elf is true. Your spirit, I have confisited. I will live in the normal man in the future."

Both sponsored: "It is more important than the battle. When can you learn to truly take care of the other party's feelings. Self-deceived lies, impose people's kindness, but it is self-satisfaction."

The eight dance sisters are too awkward, not good at expressing their feelings, will become a pair of people.

"Great!" Wu Hexi wiped tears.

is not good: "Do you think I really want to destroy the flower?"

"Of course, I believe there is a prostitute, there must be a secret that does not mean." Show is embarrassed, "The United States said that the sister is ignorant, like me and the piano ... I still say that I and the true The blood relationship is more exciting? "

: "..."

"Happy, no one has to die." The gossip said that there is no expression.

Yeye is angry and said: "Yeah, gossip. I have a little dizziness, I want to sleep ..."


:: No, I look at the diamurt.

"Okay, I will treat you. Although it avoids the heart and the big blood vessel, it still has a lot of blood. No blood will happen."

,, ,,,,,, ,

A sword goes down, let a person are only simple to be accused of skin. Ye Yue's beautiful back will block the line of sight, while avoiding two people's milk O, ribs, internal organs, blood vessels ... simply incredible.

The sword is in the road, and I will enter.

"That, I am a big compassion, let's take it. Devil, this is not a contract." Yeah is a small blush.

The Snelling said: "It is recommended to treat Yaili first."

"You don't fight." Shiwi helpless.

[Cure] super power to generate body contacts to start. This is a veritable sister, like a string of pork belly. No matter where it is not suitable, I will take a sigh of breath, and I pinched the half shoulder, and I can say it is "left to hold the right".

"excuse me."

When the man touched the body, the eight dance sisters were trembled, and the face was full. I can only take the other party as a mosaic, the more hurt, it seems to be in the body. R is formed in a distinct contrast.

"I will not let men see the beautiful body."

"Opposition, Yeah is the most beautiful."

They start quarrel again in inexplicably.

The palm of Baku is a touch of green light, heaches the body of the shallow elf. He moved his heart, but he had to borrow a suit.

"I know that you feel good, can you have a little a little?" B is alleged, "My [immersion paper" is not inserted. You don't want to go on the island in the rainy day? "

Sneence and Yeye arrogantly separate. This little action allows Bak to enjoy the beauty of the Gemini. The body is like a mold, just a size of the mold.

Blank paper illusion is a pure white butterfly, which has become a school uniform to come to Zen high school. Both , , ... Anyway, the clothes of the paper paste have not been taken.

Lead gray sky, clouds cracking a mouth. A ray of sunshine sprinkles from the sky and falls on the Bald Sisters of the Burst.

This scene, beautiful is thrilling.

Both Sakai have Yu returned to the weave, gently circulating her slight waist. Blue-haired girl is very well-behaved, take the initiative to pillow his shoulders. The two witnessed the grievances of this pair of sisters, quite feeling.

Yale is asked, asked: "Hello, what is the bottom, why do you want to help?"

"My name is called B, I just pass the people's teachers." B is hit, "I don't want a good holiday bubble soup. If I have been smashed by you, the student will be very disappointed."

The resort is wrong: "Do not understand, just because of this reason ..."

The five hearts are very sweet. will always take care of her feelings and find the perfect solution.

Writing student, reading a girlfriend.


Both Saki has the hand of the woven and woven, and turn it away. What is the elf?

"It is already not a wise." Yeye said, "I will do what I should do. How can people be hungry? How to support yourself?"

The Snellium said: "Proposal, just wearing JK uniform ..."

The eight dance sisters looked at the eyes and saw the sly of each other. It should be said that it is a biological sister, and the heart is hung.

"101 times!"

PS: 4K8 chapter, only one is today. I also want to eat sisters.

Chapter 594 double happiness

It is bright.

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