The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 104

The Tiandai Door opened, and it is a row of antennas, named "phased array multi-beamless antenna". [Tree graphic designer] With "Tianjirada", the ground is received with an antenna. In Yumu Meiqin, the air is filled with electromagnetic waves.

The night is coming, the scenery is unique, like a starry station. One looks like a starry sky, maybe one is a tree chart designer.

"Could it be that……"

"One-time method, destroy [tree graphic designer]." The bee bee laughed. "Don't you hate it?"

"That is the most expensive computer in the world, is we compensated?" Meiqin's foot is cold.

: "Nothing, I have money."

"When it is not a dazzling now!" Meiqin angry, "I have been holding me ..."

Both sponsor said: "If you are hidden, how can you deceive the municipal view of the school city without a hole in the top of the monitoring satellite?"

The phone rang. He didn't look at it and hanged it directly in his pocket.

"This is the 'Fraith Plan'!"

In the original, the tree graphic designer was destroyed by the automatic secretary [Dragon King's sigh]. This is the decisive factor for planned abortion. There is no calculation machine, and a little deviation cannot be corrected. But now, [tree graphic designer] is still, maybe will die 10,000 horses.

This is the butterfly effect I bring, you must be responsible for this.

There is a typhoon in "Infinite Fence O" - "the biggest advantage is a well-known story." Although it is a lie, sometimes it is, in the middle of the world, the truth is pushed back to the established track.

This time, let me create an "accident" with super capabilities.

Before | Cannon

Chapter 068 Satellite Orbil Cannon

The role of the command center is to accept the application and assign an operational resource. Many projects require this "most powerful computer" to the calculation of Mountain Shanni, the life-saving straw.

There is no control of the tree. This computer has a perfect protection system. Directly in space station to operate with administrator privileges.

"Fraith plan? It's just that the sky is night!" Meiqin shocked, "My super electromagnet gun is only 50 meters. Even if the material other than coins will also reach the first universe because of air resistance ..."

"Don't forget, I got a quite easy to use 'props'."

B is slightly smiled, and the palm is a light ball. Three light balls surrounded by a three-body system such as a star.

The electron is in a state of the wave-borne bonnet, which is equivalent to the uncomfortable quantum state. Only the wave function will be collapsed only in the impact to substance. The gas molecule hits the gas in the atmosphere, the energy is attenuated, which is much better than the light that is easy to scatter.

This is probably the farthest extension of the range. Theoretically don't stop the objects. Unfortunately, the number is too bad.

: "I have not fully released, almost shells the artificial satellite."

"How do you position it?" Asked the bees.

From the ground to space, the deviation of a little angle will be unlimited. What's more, [Atomic Cracks] is the lowest ability of accuracy.

"So I need 'phased array of multi-beam antennas'." Sakura explained, "These equipment followed [tree diagram designer] uninterrupted exchange of electromagnetic waves, as obvious like the light bulbs at night. The gun sister, the positioning is given to you. "


: "Also, my shell is needed to calibrate. Have you heard of the 'Tomamak' device?"

Meiqin hesitated: "It is a chapter that I have learned in the class."

"Ah?" The bee is confused.

"Do you never go to class?" Meiqin suspected, "said again, are you really junior high school students? Anyway, as long as you use your ability to manipulate the teacher?"


The blonde girl is bitter than a gesture, and the blink is blinking. Especially the chest | department is the most suspicious, and the level of junior high school students can be pulled.

: "The words retired. Toma Mark is the principle of magnetic constraints, with the magnetic field as a container, surpass the temperature of the sun. I need your magnetic field constraint electronic track, direct hit [tree graphic designer]."

"What joke is?"

It is simply the idea of ​​Tianma, only the theoretical possibilities. She can perceive electromagnetic waves, but can't sight a sight and a person who is alive?

Meiqin said: "I have never tried it at all, and suddenly I want to cooperate with you to make a magnetic field ..."

"Don't forget, our ability is the same." Both Saki smiled, "Don't you hate the same thing in the sky, don't you want to hit it?"

This proposal is too tempting. Yumi Meiqin praised the pharyngeal water. What is the thing you want to do is to create a combination of [Super Electromagnetic Man] and [Atomic Crash]. With electron as a shell, calibrate the magnetic field, the [Ability Tracking] of the Tan Pot is also taken.

"I ..." The girl is still hesitating.

Bo couldn't help but say: "Give me the hand."


In the end, the two stood above the rooftop, looking up at the starry sky. The bee bee prayed at the side, and the expression was a bit subtle.

True dare, Xiaoyu. When you face N | TR, just forgive you this time.

Both split, and the continuous energy of the source converged in the palm. Three light balls are integrated together, expand into basketball size, hot and hot. Meiqin carefully held his hand back and strive to make a magnetic field.

"If you can complete it, wait for your magnetic field."

Meiqin forehead sweating, said: "Hey, I have to spend time calculation!"

"Don't give me too much pressure!"

: "This trick is called [Satellite orbit gun]."

The real decisive factor is the magnetic field of the gun. As the track of the suspension train, what is going to do now is to open this online galaxy.


At the moment of the magnetic field, B is in the heart, give an electronic initial speed. High Energy Electronics Get a terrible kinetic energy in the magnetic field, near light speed movement.

"call out!"

The beam is shot to the sky.


At a moment of shot, Meiqin is cold half. Space in space is flied around the earth. The next second, the beam passed, and it was less than a few kilometers.

"Let's come!"

Boiling of Boiled blood, the second soul bear burned. The past is the same person, it is easy to be infected by an anime, incentive.

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