The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 1040

Yan Ya muttered: " ...?"

Ratatoskr is divided from DEM community, originated from the same plan, just like eight dances.

It turns out that AI can have a sister.

Scorpion Shen Sheng said: "I also saw a letter. DEM community arrested a elich five years ago, identifying the name [Sister). Her name seems to be ..."

"This section is two Asia." There is a male voice in the room.

"Yes, this is this ..." The scorch responded, "How do you know?"

Everyone is looking forward. Both Sakura walks into the automatic door with this article.

The gray girl took a shower and took a break overnight. She replaced the restraint, first put on a white necklace. The whole person looks clean and refreshing. The first thing after getting stripping is to ask for paper and pen to meet the impulse of painting.

Diya is lazy: "Do you have a girl, you are good."

"Have you been saved?" The son is stunned, "When is it ..."

Both sport smiled: "You can't make it."

"Teacher, Teacher, how are you here?" Ji Ji Hui greeted his eyes.

: "He is the captain."


My Ji Hui muttered: "The original teacher is a rich man with money to buy private spacecraft, and is right with the old sister. Too good!"

The old sister in her mouth is Gangfeng Zhuhui.

Milly is also in secret, and this man is very dangerous. At the same time, Baku is also a "captive", and fraxinus does need to absorb fresh blood.

"A ."

The scorch reads this man's name, and the mood is complicated.

"I haven't seen it for a long time. I can give you a answer. The origina is really a DEM system created. Azac is one of the culprits. Decades, a wizard is destroyed by humans ... ... "Sakura.

"It turns out."

The scorch listened to the storytelling of Baki, and I couldn't calm for a long time. The hate chain of human and elf seems to never disappear.

: Do you contact the AI, is it a clue that deliberately left? I think it's a son of the world's truth, but it is just a piece of chess.

"Welcome to your joins. Peaks, you will be a tutor. US Ji Hui is a combatator. Who is ... It seems like Milly? You come to serve the repairman."

White hair girls respect a military ceremony and said: "Captain. Black and a folding paper, return to the team."

"Well, you can also train together, it is so good!"

The lower part of the day is like her shoulders like it. Two women have gaze. The singer can see it, and the scorch is actually for origami, it seems to be a daughter.

It's a sinful woman.

Milla Tucao: "It turns out that the commander is just a mascot. Everything is considered by the captain."

"Ulu"! "The piano was angry." Are you not a mascot? "

Milly Ocean is proud: "No, I am elite in the elite, DEM's genius maintenance staff. This spaceship is broken, I can fix it."

"real or fake?"

Chongyou said happily: "It is really busy. Milly, in the future [Finrier] and [Bron Hilld] maintenance will be pleased."

"no problem."

That is frequent training and combat, CR-UNIT's damage, is very serious. Muli's joining alleviated the urgent urgency.

"I didn't expect the ship to still load the advanced AI system. I don't know if there is a priority of the sense. Cleaning the deck is the beautiful back, let me see your drain." Mili issued "" laughter.

Or keeping Asia feels deeply malicious, the whole battleship is shocked.

Diya eyes are bright, said: "You also think that the mother is a cute? I have already spent a night to copy the structure of the entire ship. This cosmic warship can draw cartoon, and teenager I'll playing the slogging of 'God. "

The girls are curious to see, and they have been very real. The huge universe warship, every detail is perfect.


"It has already constituted a guideline." Origami is determined.

Di Jia has opened a cerebral hole, and the eyebrow dance: "The universe hegemony is on the earth, and it will kill the skills ... God has broken the gun. It is still called the cracks."

: "You're comics are not called" a boxing superman. "

"No, it is" Silver Bullet "Oh."

The lower part of the day heard the name of this comics, stunned, then excited to know.

"You are the teacher of this clan, suddenly stopped serving five years ago, and some people speculate whether it is because of the suspected children's o, or feel that the painting comics is not as far as stocks to make money ..."

Diya happiness, said: "It turns out that you are my reader."

"Yes!" The scorch stood a military posture.

The girls have troubled: "When did you have heard it all ... When is the two?"

"Ten years ago."

Everyone looked at the son, revealing the color of sympathy. The captain of the opposite of the opposite is the time when it is still a house.

"Why do you look at me in this strange look? I also have younger, play the game, watch the comic ..." The scorch self-abandoned.

That is the black history before entering the army.

What did you think of in the piano and say: "Right, God is the ace of AST. Do you know him?"

"You said the gods of the gods? He is the captain of my newcomer. Whenever some players are illegal, they will be forced to wear the cosplay costume, and he stepped on the foot as a punishment. It is too bad."

Which one is punished?

"What about seniors?"

Both splendid and smiled: "It was sent to Siberian corn. If you don't give it back."

The lower part of the day: "..."

This organization is terrible!

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