The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 106

"People, I can't help ... Don't grab the toilet with the lady!"

"Are you a lady?"

[] or retreat. The more you eat, the more water produced by the decomposition. The girl does not have a faucet, and it is not too close to stay.

Today's breakfast is a cup.

The two are like ordinary brothers and sisters, sitting on the small table, waiting for three minutes. Bounny ate a bowl. Inbike is a bubble surface, and the plastic is not safe. So he became a gold basin, covering the lid.

Silver girl still did not change clothes, the little butt was sitting on the stool, shaking a non-stop. The sun is like penetrating the church of the church, sprinkling in a small feet of the warm, such as jade.

Even if you control, even if I do Loli.

Ben is hub, and it is still a fatigue after washing. Perhaps it is contagious by Mountain, there is a dark circle. These days are too tired and have experienced high-intensity battles. [Atomic collapse] also brought a small burden.

Insomnia, the quality of sleep is too bad.

In Steick is worried: "There is a memorial, it is also very late yesterday."

"Go see the stars."

"Hey? There is such a good thing without bringing me! I have a study on the horoscope, and the kind of liar is not the same as the little witch ..."

"Next, take you to see it."

Inbread is presented: "Say it!"

It's a little child.

"Okay, I went to the research institute, I didn't come back at noon ..."


Both Sakuchied a new white coat, was pulled by the girl.

Yinske is sitting in tatami, obliquely legs, puts a lady's sitting position. She patted the thigh, not to lying down. Is this a legendary "sister's knepin"?

Both Sakura did not think about it. He is lying on the Yintke legs, face the clothes of the shirt, like a cotton candy. The girl's skin blows, it can break, emit a faint sweet. The pet's pet seems to be eaten.

The corner turned up. Don't face your face, close your eyes.

"I know. There are a must to save someone, just like saving me." The girl smiled softly.

"Inbish ..."

Both actually is a bit strange, is this a simple big stomach that is simple?

"I can't solve the thing, I will call the small book."

"... you know."

The worst plan, let the automatic secretary struggled. [The spending of the ability to decline] will be reflected, not used. [Vector Operation] As long as it is magic, it cannot be reflected. However, Index won anything, and it is possible to trigger the Third World War.

"The body has been occupied, I will have a feeling." Yintke drums say, "Don't treat me as a fool!"

Time, Sakura remembered the step. Cute sister, can always find a variety of ways to cure yourself, even if it is a heavy taste.

I am also like a gunie, too stubborn and ignore others' concerns?

Yinski suddenly lowered his head, and the silver fell to his face, itchy. The forehead came from a soft touch, the fourteen-year-old girl's lips, such as the end of the morning removal of dew, and wet.

"This is ... Good morning kiss, dance summer teaches me. In order to let Yutian will come to a whole day! The Lord will bless you." Yintker is a bit shy.

Both sponsor, touch the forehead. Once again, the lady was cured.

"Your saliva is too much." He coldly said, "Next time, put the trousers before knephin."

"Ah, there is a!"

Both sponsored and escaped, close the door, heard the movement of the molar. If it is not running fast, the next field is very miserable.

Fresh Brain Science Research Institute, Mountain Laboratory. Like a shooting field, Bakan Station is in the center of the venue. Dozens of meters out of the mobile target. He fingertips, hovering golden light ball. The color is different from Mai sik, which is determined by the wavelength of the excited radiant photon.


"call out--"


The beam has a dummy's arm, a fragmentation splash. He uses the magnetic field manufactured by [Lightning] to calibrate [atomic collapse]. This control is above Ma Ye.

This is the advantage of the ability.

Bounter is frowned, still not satisfied. After all, there is no calculation of gun sister, and the accuracy of electromagnetic guidance is a lot. [Lightning] The control of the magnetic field is weak, and it is better to connect [defective electrical].

"Magnetic constraints under a waveform high-speed gun, this is a new [atomic collapse]." Suddenly sounded a female voice.

Mountain Shanni rely on the wall and said, "I heard, [tree chart designer] lost, there is also the light ..."

"I treat it as a target, the effect is not bad."

Mountain laughed and said: "It is beautiful. I have long seen it is not pleasing to the eye, dismissed my twenty-three applications."

Teacher, you are dark, not just dark circles.

"You are a genius. I just learned this kind of usage. I didn't expect that I really plundered Level5 ..."

: "This level does not have a way to defeat one party."

"Don't worry, come slowly. Do you have developed a lot of unimagulous tricks?" Mountain said, "What is this name?"

"The magic light can kill, the sixth God sword is also good."

Mountain: "..."

"Teacher, why do you expose a strange expression?" Baki is confused, "Is this wrong?"


Both , "" That is called [laser]. "

"Don't call the laser, which comics come from?"

"The Sea O King", the Navy General's Huangbo, Natural Series 'Sparkling' Power. "Bien said," My [Laser Sword] and [Atomic Collaboration], straight look, it looks like light "

Mountain support: "I don't know you young."

The past is the author of the same person, and the fantasy will convert the cool moves in the comics into reality. Bottom the cereal cereal and developed many moves. In Mountain View, she has met the most creative student. Because of this, it can play a truly multi-talency.

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