The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 1070

White-haired girl touched the chest and said: "If there is a favorite, you can let you bite the zipper at any time."

is not good: "Don't bite the strange thing?"

"You can let you draw cherries in the future." Origami smile.

The two came out, and the look was as usual. The mad three smiles can be embarrassed, as if it is said that "finally got your little girlfriend".

"I love a bad woman."

Eliot and Azac shoulder lying in the blood of the blood. He looked up at the unreachable starry sky, and his body collapsed. Super-load emergency appliances plus Ai Lian's back thorn, so that Eliot's life has come to the oil lamp.

"Until until the end, the woman did not appear ... [Phantom], only the mosaic camouflage show ... Hear? It's really unhappy, even the opportunity of the last side is not given."

The reason why Chong Palace did not dare to appear, only one is deeply taboo. She doesn't want to kill it like these wizards.

"This ending is really boring."

After that, Azac closed his eyes and his breathing was stopped.

"Well, Ai Lian, Carine ..." Eliot contained tears.

"Aike, Eliot!"

Ai Lian can't forgive himself to the companion, tears. Kelian Mo hugged her and gave silent comfort. The two sisters are very stunned, and I will be afraid of this moment.

Eliot was born, joke and said, "We were smashed by the same woman. Ak? This, you have taken steps first ..."

The wizards of the two also enemy and friends will always close their eyes. The respective legendary life ended. Thirty years ago, they fell in love with the origin of the initial source of hand. Unfortunately, there is only that pair of sisters in the eyes of Chongqing.

Can't help but sigh: "When he saw Chongyou, he was born."

Ai Lian heard a nightmare voice and played a cold.

Kaolian asked: "What happened? Ai Lian."


Being pre-set, Ai Lian can't say the truth. She will kill Elliott is being controlled, and it is not intentionally betrayed Alzak. I came to my head to bring the devil back to the black pot.

Carine didn't blame her. This is the death method of Eliot's own choice, and Azac is self-take.

B is faintly said: "Three thirds, I promised you to revenge with you. Today is the day of the trial. Create the three sins of the origin, it has already died."

"I understand. How can you dispose?" The mad three lick the lips.

Ai Lian and Capaya sat together and was still slow from sorrow. Sisters are tears together, can't help. The wizards in the Warrhery, the psychological defense is also collapsed.

"Bes are there, you of this devil ..." Ai Lian has long tears full.

Everyone is cheated! This man is a real devil. Compared with him, Ak is a good kind of good child.

"This is not like a deaf line. Don't worry, I will not do anything for you, after all, a colleague. You have played your value. Bad teacher, of course, to accept ideological education."

Between the waist, pinch the chin of Ai Lian like the president of the overbearing. Two Asia see this scene, excited to face red, inspiration source is coming.

"Defense punishment, killing?"

Kelian hugged the Ai Lian, said: "Bai Shijun, don't hurt my sister!"

Now, she is the only family.

"From now on, it is the first step in you to re-being ..." Baki in the whisper of Love Lotus, "joking."

Ai Lian pupil is shrinking, the star is disappeared. Hypnosis is unspeakable, but she seems to lose the soul. Kelian looked at the heart of my heart, my heart is distressed.

Diji mad three lifted the muzzle, but not to shoot Ai Lian. This woman is so "abandoned the secret". Both sponsor will keep her, there is no opinion in the mad three.

The muzzle of the black cave is aligned with the bodies of Azak. Timea mad three like a sick, blooms beautiful and horrible smile.

"Four bombs (DALET)!"


At a moment of the bullet hit, Aizak was returned. He sat up, his face was awkward, looked at the body of Aliot.

"I, don't die?"

The mad three smiled: "Damage? It is too cheap. The next thing to happen is more terrible than death."

This article is similar to what, excitement. I thought of being abused in five years, and the fire of hatred was solemn. Even if Azac died once, the hatred of deep marrow did not decrease.

Take the teeth, it is eye-catching. When the hand is enemy, it is here!

"No ... Ai Lian, Kelian relief me. Yes, yes, I can make you all the shares of DEM ..."

Azac feels more terrible than death. Now, where he has a counter-party gas field, it is just a dog who is funeral.

Ai Lian and Carlian looked at his ugly, not to bear to look straight. Once the silver hair, the man was dead.

They know that they can't confront to Biece. The dead enemy is still to be enforced, the whip corpse.

too dark.

Both Sakae dragged the collar of Azak and said, "Sinner, instead of love the lotus once. Rest assured, after the torture, will give him he will return him, so life is buried."

Well, in order to fulfill your commitment to mad three sisters. Just kill Azak twice, you can make three sinners' indicators.

The kiship is the side of the sister, stopping the footsteps.

"I used to take you as a goal, try to surpass you. Now, it is no need. In the future, I am the world's first magician."

White hair girl reveals the color of sympathy. This woman has no fight, has been abolished.

The love of the lotus, there is no words of the words. The origami turns it, and step by step is also followed by the footsteps of B.

"Ai Lian, we will go too."

Kaolian was in tears, and he was taking advantage of the body of Aliot.

Ai Lian is awkward: "Where can we go?"

"Come back home."

PS: 4k7 chapter, I have long seen this. This is not pleasing to this.

Women is so cute, how can you kill women? Pity, the pity, and the B is there.

Chapter 622 Painting World

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