The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 1088

Mother, smile: "It turned out to be like this. It's a good-looking and reliable boy, much better than my mother. I agree."

"Wait a minute ..." The idiot is old.

Daughter's mood, no one is the same.

This is the first day of Sakura and Yu doing a doorwoman. He promised to try to taste the mother's craft. A family is sitting together, and it is happy.

White hair girl puts down the chopsticks and moved his lips.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry ... I am killed you."

A couple of ,,, They just habitually forgive daughter.

"Thin origami, it doesn't matter."


In his parents, their own daughter is a good child like god. As long as she is healthy and healthy, it is more important than anything.

A couple of antistricks were gratifying, and white light was emerging, and it turned into four fluorescence. On empty dining table, chopsticks slipped and spurred.

Silent silence, said: "After eating the final dinner, they have become Buddha."


The tears of the joy of a fold paper tasted the bitter taste. She just ended the pain of melon, and the walking posture will be seen by the mother. It is not possible to expose a banned fruit. The privacy of this girl can only say to my mother.

: "Some people say that people have three deaths. The first big brain died, the end of life; the second is the funeral, erase all interpersonal relationships; the third time is the last one in the world, I remember you. forget……"

It has always been a revenge, constantly failing. How long is people going to get out of the pain of losing loved ones? My time is stagnant since the day of my parents.

- The ride.

There are still many things to apologize, just like many people need to cherish.

"I am actually, I don't want to revenge, but I am forgiven. I want to say a" sorry ". I just, I want my mom and dad to beside me ..." The girl cried pear.


"Let's go back. After waiting for five years, go back to the hometown to worship your pair."


At this moment, the time of will start the flow.

PS: Although it is often a more blame, it still reached an indicator of the 18W word. My frequency is low, but it is long enough.

Chapter 631 Master Awakening

From the former residence of five years ago, the . She gave up the opportunity to continue through, prepared to return to the future with the night knife.

There is also a group of missing dialogues before this.

"You, see it."

A large one small kis folded paper surface standing in the corridor. This is a meal of girls and loli spanning for five years.

I don't know why, the small origami produces a strange feeling, and the white hair woman in front of me is very familiar. The number of heartbeats that are jumped due to love is tending to synchronize.

After growing up, I will become you.

"Your woman, too much!"

The .

It is to know that the original origami is a quiet and polite, and I don't know the world of adults. Maybe leave a lifetime psychological shadow.

The girl said that there is no expression: "This is love. You are also born. If o is shameful, everyone in this world is shameless, do you want to deny your parents' love crystal?"

"!" Loli rose red face, "don't smear my parents!"

"You will keep it to me, let's go live with hatred. Tell you a secret, kill your parents' murderers are ... Elf. So stubborn, one day you will regret it because of your own naive, The end of the revenge road is all. "

The language of the girl becomes gentle: "However, you will meet the people who like it, talk about a vigorous love, want to be a great mother."

"Who wants!"

"So, I hate the bear child. Goodbye, small."

The girl turned, and the finite tried to set foot on the future.

That is the micro-light cast from the end of the staircase.

Both yet intended to have children, but origami feels unprecedented. She even her daughter's name is good, it is called "Millennium Paper". It will be as cute as yourself five years ago.

I'm a folded paper heart is satisfied with the lower abdomen. Inverse Kabara's imprint is useful, making the Holy Cup to absorb magic effects better. The elves can draw a large amount of spiritual power and maintain the state of reversal.

This is the result of the experiment last night.

On the rooftop, Turia mad three has been waiting for a long time. The night knife gods are in the hands of the chest, and they have to find their majesty when they don't have a child.

"too slow!"

The origami said faintly: "Because you want to be with the past."

"Do you open her?" Asked B.

Origami belly said dark: "Well, my means is extremely cruel, and the child's mood is very stable."

I will become "her" O Enlightenment teacher. "Big Brother" is a five-year fantasy object, and love will precipitate with the years, and it has already been unable to extricate.

No teacher, self-study.

"My spiritual power is not enough to launch three times [Eleven bomb (Yud · aleph)]." The eyeliner is three times, "only gives a person to the future very bless."

Five years ago, the Madness of Turonaki's madness is still lacking.

: "Three thirds, your good things. Your [twelve bomb] is not packaged?"

"Send to the future is the task of [11 bomb]." The future mad three smiles, "I am relieved, I have already set a coordinate after five years. Just need to give the 'I' Magic Devils. "

The eyewear madness does not know their brain communication. She bites her lips, and I think that the hacker that happened yesterday, I didn't dare to go on the eyes of B.

The first magical peak of life. The guardian of the girl is still there, producing the illusion of Xiaoyu, walking. Medicine is called "magic pain".

The mad three is cold: "Hello, give me your spirit."

"I know." Said.

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