The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 109

When the hemp is supplied out of the picture that does not exist. Even if I ran through a whole school, I have to rush. How can the grandfather be lost?


When the upper strip is spectacked, I am tired to have a dead dog, send a mourning: "Unfortunately!"

The abandoned warehouse, the container is stacked into the hill. There is an air in the center. On the one party, the hands were inserted, and they were standing on the field, and they were handed over to this place.

On the top of the container, the pot is worn in sports clothes, holding the arm, highlighting the full chest. Siqi's favorite helps her, I can feel trembling.

", do you get cold?" Shui said, "If you don't, I put super windbreaker ..."

gentle smile: "No, the clothes of the silk is too small."


"Come!" eats, "Wait, this is familiar with the AIM farm, it is impossible to be the second, is it ..."


Get up, the gravel is scattered, leaving footprints on the ground.

One party is acknowledged: "The perceived ability is still quite said. , you are coming."


Both Saki raised his head and saw two teenagers in the height. Familiar companions, especially the slices of murder.

"It turns out, is it to chase me? As long as you can lock the target, your [Vector Operation] can catch up with the flight."

One side said: "Don't misunderstand, this uncle doesn't care about what is the white coat. This uncle only wants to slaughter you! The second look is not bone than the third one."

"Do not!"

The is sweating, saying: "He is not the second."


One party is in the case. In addition to [unmolved], the entire academic park is still better than the [Vector Operation]?

"I am not ." Basheng said honestly, "I am [atomic collapse]."

One side said: "Are you marry?"


: Borrow your name now, just right?

Two girls have a solidification.

, shout: " !"

"It's really uncomfortable." The finish of the flag is sinking. "When do you want to tease us? Although the super not wants to mention the traitor, this guy is Level4 [multi-capabilities] - ."


One party does not believe it. The district's large-capacity, actually can destroy the experiment, and the face of his face is lost.

The silk is cold, "I have already decided. I met again. I have to give you enema with nitrogen. '', The whole person is super-explosive."

Girls Mo Boxing, with a clear face, saying very horrible.

"Senior, so terrible." Sakan Khan Yan said, "Isn't the Franda senior attached to a bomb mad?"

"Q & A useless!"

For a time, the sword was pulled. The ability of the Takulum pot is very difficult. To solve her, I have passed the price of the flag.

"I want to go up, the Senior of the flag." "Baked from the split.


He worked at his feet and splashes on gravel. At night, the right leg exudes a faint gold light, and the sole is sprayed out. As a plasma engine, the reaction force is advanced and accelerated. This trick is more stable than [instant movement].

"This trick is Mai Yak ..." , "Highly active AIM diffuser field, is [atomic collapse] is right. No, he gathered energy on the leg!"

Bien's dark road: Can I see it through a sense of perception?

"I am superb."

The silk flag is picking up from the pocket to form an air wall. The whole body covers the [nitrogen armor] of the concentrated nitrogen, automatically blocks all attacks, and self-confidence can deal with Level5. This mode allows Bak to remember "reflection". However, the defensive power of the silk flag is far away.

"Speed ​​kick!"

Bar over the height of dozens of meters, instantly, kicking it from the top. Hand crossing the flag, in the head of the head. She only felt a strong force, it was completely suppressed, half squatting. The container top is recess.

The windbreaker is opened, and the Bob is revealed. Girl wearing hot pants, snow white thighs are naked, and they are red on the ground.

Dark Road: Ultra-horror power, will [atomic collapse] integrate into body skills?

Under the pants legs of B, if the bandage is hidden. This is the old injury left by the repeated trial, and even the healing ability can't keep up. Killing an enemy a thousand self-loss 800, attaching energy on the leg, solving the shortcomings of the number of ads.

[Atomic collapse] Along with β-rays - high energy electron beam, it can penetrate the skin, resulting in radioactive injury. This is ionizing radiation. High energy electron can even break the DNA structure and initiate organ lesions. It doesn't matter if it is not worried about cell carcinoma.

"Be careful, Senior."

Both is not legged, the foot is on the palm of the foot. Shuqi suddenly realized what, I wanted to avoid it.


Base is released with the feet [atomic collapse], a gold beam bombards in [nitrogen armor]. In an instant, highly concentrated nitrogen ended the impact force. The silk flag bow is in the body, and the light is pushing out of the way, hitting the container not far away.


During the floating process, nitrogen armor is run through high energy electron, and it is ill. The light beam is scratched over the night sky and gradually dim. The little belly of the girl has been bleeding. Press the wound with high concentrations of nitrogen, barely enable the effect of hemostasis.

The calculation is declining, and there is no strength to stand up.

Girl coughing out a blood, look sad.

What to teach traitors. Come on, isn't it to be electron enema? Saxi. This guy is the use of [atomic collapse], is also strong than Mai Yak!

: "!"

Bi split the silk flag and slowly legged. At this point, the dark part [item] all defeated it. If it is a game, you can get the achievements of the single entrance.

After the , I took out the medicine box from the pocket of sweatpants. She intends to take my body crystal, gamble, and cooperate with the first place, and I have a dead battle with the .

Both Saki suddenly shot, and he seized the wrist of the . Girls have been painful, and the medicine box slipped from hand. Both split with his mind to get the trophy.

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