The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 111

said: "Swords?"


This is too handsome!

"It's too interesting, B is there!"

One party is moving. At the same time, several scaffolds are promoted, like a row of arrows, and he can easily control the gravity of the object. As soon as the big | cannon, the gun is shot. In this way, the steel rushed over to 100 tons of steel.

In fact, one is a bit awkward. Why didn't he have such a cool move? [Vector Operation] Although it is unblented, the attack mode is too single.

This floor is too exaggerated, can you easily take it easy?

, He stepped on his light and his right hand tight the sword of the light. At the same time, six light balls were thrown behind. In addition to direct release of hands and feet, the number of light balls operated is six, and the beam is ramed.

"Eight feet Qiong !"


The rays defeated steel, and the hot metal magma was raining. Six light balls continue to release the rays. With [Dynamic Vision], a threatened iron frame is crushed one by one. Available, you can't automatically attack.

Both sponsor must be distracted and deal with the impact of steel. The whole person is at most, and the different parts also release [atomic collapse]. If it is not a constant temperature, the body must be melted by the rays.

Blood, boiling.


Bowl around the Bow, the iron block hit in the air. He took a sword flower, cut the "trainer" that came from, is a white hair.

One party does not need to defense. The high temperature iron water that falls on the body will be boused, like a fur rain. He reached out and direct the first level of Bakan.

Angle angered: "One party pass ..."

"It has a good!"

With the background of the sky, the two people collided together. A sword, one party lifts the elbow. Only listening to "Biu", there is no earth-shattering sound, but the sound explosion.


The high temperature gas molecules are changed by the vector operation, and the rapid cooling is formed to form a circle. Aircraft cloud in the blue sky.

One party really felt the destructive power of [atomic collapse]. This extent can be easily reflected. He grabbed the sword of the light.

"Compared with this uncle, you are still far away!"

what? !

The sword of the light is "folded". As such a sunlight in the mirror lake, an incident angle and a reflective angle are formed. The front end of the sword blade was reflected, brushed from the cheek of Baki, leaving a horror of swords.

Blood was evaporated in high temperatures.

It's too real. A medicine is hanging up, and a intestine has to flow out. I don't forget to say it on the ground. What is this spirit?

[Atomic collapse (LV5)]: Taking magnetic constraint calibration, combining laser improvement and destructive power, can achieve twice the power of the original version. The surface is the power of golden light, developed [laser], [light kick], [Tian Jian Yunjian], [Baji Mi], [eight-feet Qiong ] and other moves.

Chapter 073 Art is an explosion

Tonight, the wind is a bit awful.

On the bridge, Yu Mei Meiqin is heavy, one is walking. She suddenly stopped, and she looked up to see blonde girl.


"I left a predetermined student in your dormitory. I was noticeable for a moment. Your classmate, where are you going?" The bee is a face.

"[Tree graphic designer] has been destroyed. There is only the last step ... Certificate calculation is incorrect." Meiqin is bitter smile, "I will travel in the 185th, if the first stroke Is it lost? "

The bee bee is rushing: "The other party is the kind of monster, it is impossible to leave the hand. You will die!"

"I am a sister, so I should say it for my sister ..." Meiqin Guisheng.

The bee bee is angry, and suddenly reached out, gave her a slap. In the silent night, "" has been very far away. The strength of the bee is too small, and it doesn't hurt at all. Meiqin grabbed the red face and did not say anything.

"Step aside."

"You are looking for someone who cares about you? Now, Xiaoyu is fighting with that monster!"

"What are you talking about?" Meiqin one.

The bee bee is in the mood, saying: "Xiaoyu let me stare at you, don't make a stupid thing."

Have you guess?

"I have no way, I don't want to be tired!" Meiqin is desperate, "If I sacrifice me, I can let 10,000 people save. Isn't it very worthless? Anyway, no matter how long and my thoughts are exactly the same as me Clone, you will be able to live well ... "

"You are a unique Yumu Meiqin. Every sister has its own life, no obligation to live for you. Don't be too true! You are not a dead girl, you can't learn." The bee is not polite.

At this moment, the laser girl's fascinating blush.

"You ... Suddenly say? But it is [Psychological master], no way to steal my thinking, don't put a little understanding of my tone."

The bee bee hands have a chest, saying: "You are too childish, you can see it. If you die, it will be very boring."


Beautiful piano wipes the tears of the eye, busy: "You said, the guy is fighting with one side?"

"I don't know Xiaoyu's plan. He doesn't have something that is not sure, there should be a fortune."

Meiqin Road: "It is because of this, but also to go."


The bee bite the lips, open your hands, and still stop going. In the view of Meiqin, the amount of milk is blocking the stone. The gold chain is caught in a deep ditch, and it is a doubt that the action of the chest is not to take the chain. The burden of the upper body is too heavy.

"Let's open!" Meiqin is annoted, "Your female king attack, why do you want to listen to male?"

"I believe Xiaoyu."

The hair of Yumu Meiqin took the electric spark, and he would discharge it. Bee bee, I am afraid, but it is still a step.

"I have a slap in the face. As a exchange, it is not very dense." "The bee bee is awkward," the remote control of the bag will be scrapped? Let's talk about it, I can control you all. of."

"It's not a matter of time now!"

In the distance, the number of beams are scored over the night sky, just like a searchlight. This trick is similar to [atomic collapse], but it is like a weakening version of the satellite orbille.

The battle is fierce!

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