The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 116

Both the face of the face, can't help but wanted to laugh. But there is no smile. I don't know why, there is an empty between the two legs, maybe it hurts numb. It's too miserable if you have test o-cancers.

In an instant, the [Vector Change] produced resonance. Both Sakura's heart god sink into a mysterious world and felt the directionality of all physical quantities. He seems to stand in the street in the car, accompanied by command, let the messy micro world become well in order.

Now at least it can release five times powerful [Melt Downer]!

Have been hunt, one side!

Bar returned to the body and slowly closed his eyes and lost his last silk. At the moment I was coma, I saw the girl who flew.

Wait, the plot comes from the original work, creative from the book friends, modify the book friends, and make the money to make a book friend. Hey, are you writing with people?

[Medical demon 100 million]: Aggressive condition, the conditions of launch are the limb touch. The so-called "disease", the scope of judgment is quite wide. Like [healing], it is the ability to explain the constant explanation.

Chapter 076, the picturesque

I don't know when, the shadow of the dark is, hidden with the eye of the peep. Sweet blood, odor floating in the wind far away. Male male and female reveals the color of excitement, showing sharp teeth, symbolizing non-human races - vampire.

"looks very tasty."

"We also have to solve the problem of blood, and come to the urban city. Has a full meal, should it be no problem?"

"I'm gonna start now!"

The vampire ghosts swarmed around, and they were in the "body" of the , smashed a bat. They are greedily sucking blood, like a vulture. A reappearing prenator also fled the fate of the digestive digestion after death.

This bitter scene is just seen by two girls, and the time is red. Meiqin put down the bee, took a coin from his pocket.

"From that person, give it to me!"

"call out!"

Yumuchin launched a super electromagnetic gun. A orange ray flew a crowd. The smile of the vampire was solidified, the petrochemical, in the air into ashes.

Girls are gone. When did I am so powerful?

When the bee bees and the dying white hair, I understand what. She will not care about the death of the enemy, rushing on Both.


It's raining, and it is ambiot's embers.

The dust explosion provides a condensed core. The plasma brings high temperature water vapor and is cold in the high altitude. For a time, the effect of forming artificial rainfall.

The sky is crying.

Both spouse heard the voice of the ear, there is a sense of matter. A year ago, [collapsed] is out of control, he also fell in the broken wall. Ability is out of control ... RSPK syndrome? Similar to the earthquake [chaotic open]? Thinking became confusing.

I can't die.

He opened an eye, and he was tired. Looking up at the night sky, the rain is like a beam. The appearance of the girl is unlimited, crying into tears. Like the black side of the movie, the heroine squeezed over the mirror, a pretty face pitiful.

Little prayer is love crying. The Ou Pai also talked to the original, poor milk. No, how do you have two mini ...

Springs struggled, what is looking for.

The beekerer quickly held his hand and touched tears and said, "I am here, Xiaoyu."

"Are you looking for this?"

Meiqin picks up the golden pendant, each of the old termination is going to be blossomed. She signed in the hand of Ben, and she accidentally scratched her finger.

The sputum is quiet, and the pendant fell asleep.

Gourmet is lost: "Is it so important to you? I am more than I have [psychological mastery], only she can appease you ..."

Between the semi-dreams, the . [Vampire killer] must be seal with a mobile church. Vampires attracted by odor, will hurt the pray.

If I hold memories, there is no way to hold your hand; if I let go, I can't protect you.

The Yumi Meiqin tears cream, hold the chest of his void, and desperately desperate with the ability to maintain a bioelectric current to avoid the heart stop.

"Nightmare, it's really over. Just to save people's sister ... Stupid, why do you want to do this?"

Girls swallowed, sending a sorrow, how to wipe the tears on the face. The hands were blocked and painted themselves into small flowers.

The bee bee prayed at the beginning. Golden wet, stick your face. The wet colonies are close to the delicate body, and the unevenness is caused. It is still rushing from the rain, crying, crying. In the future, I will laugh at the rush to cry.

The wind and rain are shaken, and the Sisters of the Night Sight Mirror will pick up an emergence, support your sister.

"Brother" ... "

The entire area is martial law. The guards pulled a warning line and claimed to be the fire caused by the explosion of the chemical plant. As early as an hour, I received a high-level indication. No matter what happens, it is prohibited.

Under the rain, the police car flashes the signal light and illuminates colorful umbrella. The upper strip is a servant, "plop" is pour. The ear is awkward, and the passers-by next to the "explosion" and "teenager". So tragic explosion, it is impossible to have people.

A quarter of the school district was all flat. What kind of enemies fight? If I come early, he will not die!


When the pain is pain, a punch is on the ground.

"……what are you doing?"

When Ma Yi looked up, I saw Huang Quanchuan. The latter is in the uniform of the police officers is being safeguarding.

She sighed: "You will not think that B is dead? He was sent to the hospital."


Both Sakura woke up, it is already three days later. He opened his eyes and saw strange ceilings and thought it was cross. Sore, but the recovery is not bad. Under sufficient nutrient supply, [speed regeneration] has played a role.

A white room, and the wind blows the curtain. Blonde girl is sleeping at the bed. Eyelashes bend. The face of the powder carved jade is pressed down on the sheets, which is a very good sleep, as a sinking fish.

The beauty is picturesque.

I don't know how long it is, and the bee is not depressed. Both sponsor even can make the brain, the quarry of the quarry at the door of the queen. This kind of thing can be fully entrusted to others.

Both ,,,,,,,,,,,, , He tried to launch his mind, as if you have to flatten your girl's eyebrows.

The bee bee is awake. She is fascinating, I saw a handsome face in a blink.

"Hey." Bes were smiling.

The blonde girl's stars, a layer of water fog is covered with the speed visible to the naked eye. She put it on the bed and hugged the head of B.

"Xiaoyu, do you know how much I am worried!"

"Hey, save your hand, can't breathe ..."

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