The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 167

The use value of the use of the opposing the opposite of the "black heart" entrepreneurship. The formulation of the neutralizer is the key to the survival of Philippine, confiscation. The information of artificial [atomic collapse] also incorporated into the capsule.

In the afternoon, commercial street.

Take the street with the bee bee together and bring twin loli. In the next person, it is a family of four. The angle of the mouth is convulsions, you can feel the hot eyes, and I heard the passers-by.

"How much this is how big is the twin baby?"

"Girls look for only 145 years old, that is, before the age of 10 ..."



The heart of Ben is roaring: I am not Loli control!

The bee is holding a Philippine, holding Jenny in one hand. No matter what you want, you are satisfied, like a fucking old mother. The girl's heart is about to be filled with maternal love. Blondens are very cute, it is a "twin daughter".

Both Sakura is behind, with both hands into a socket, not slow, only responsible for credit card. He looked at the back of the girls and could not help but smin.

Finally, let them happiness.

"Is there a favorite, good-looking?"

Fabi and Jenny replaced the princess like a small dress, pinch the skirt. Two Loli have been exactly the same, the clothes are also wear.

It seems that it is more green. Jenny just left the training cabin, only the meager common sense provided by the learning device.

: "Very beautiful."

"It's a little prayed." Fabi said.

"There is also a gift."

Jenny took a toy car and unplugged a blonde, wrapped around the motor. No battery, the toy car is moving. She really likes mechanical toys to maximize their ability.

Bien said: Do you not afraid of bald? How did the five monks have made it ...

Happy time is always short.

The 23rd school district, Jenny and Philippi Baby will take the plane, will be sent to the overseas to adjust the body to relieve the accompaniment in the body. Everyone is coming to say goodbye, I also like these two children.

Philippi Baby is reluctant to say: "There is a good, little prayer ..."

"Should call Mom and Dad to be right." The bee is smile.

"Deceptive!" Fabi said that "Xiaoqi's name is not 'Mom', and it is too bad to make a mother."


The bee jealousy, holding two children, the stars have a layer of water mist. It is always sentimental. She pats, not letting tears fall.

Take off.

The bonus of the fidelity disappeared in the sky and said, "Yu Yumei."

"I have contacted the overseas Yumu, after the same research institute. After the Fei Baby and Jenny arrived, they will be given to the Yuku. I claimed to be a 'little' good. The last winner is Yumu. Yumi secret laugh."


On the other side, Yumu sister daily fight. The bee bees leaned in the arms of the souvenir, and the eyes are red.

"Xiaoyu ..."

: "You really like the child."

"Because I can feel that the child's heart is pure."

: "Then, we will have one after we will come back. Gengred your blonde and stars, must be very cute."

"Create ... What are young?" The bee bee blush.

"I haven't talented, so I don't learn me." Bay said seriously, "However, maybe inherit my super ability."

The so-called father, is not good at expressing feelings, nothing more than the possibility of being given to the child. At this moment, the split will experience a sense of responsibility.

In the Charlotte world, I failed. Didn't rescue the companion, did not protect your sister, even the memories of the first love can not be held, but also say what father?

This time, I won't fail.

Chapter 108, Bai Baiyan's primary tide

This evening, Kaikkai Baise suffered a big crisis. She bought canned coffee in the convenience store. Going home, being poorly blocked in the dark alley.

"Do you have a party? I heard that there is no super power. The first place is today?"

"Remember how to humiliate us at the beginning?"

A group of bad teenagers came, surrounded. Some people have robbed it, and they pulled the plastic bags, and the easy pull can roll.

This city is never lacking.

Kaikko's blood red scorpion and smiled.

"Ha? Low powers in the district Level1, what is big!"

"Are you a maiden? Or, said that the legendary party is actually a woman?"

"court death!"

Kaikkai Baishi is angry, and it is a vocalization for her. The pavilion of the girl rushed to the pace. I used to lack exercise, now I am barely running. Although physical strength is still very bad, waving fists will breathe.


With powerful computing, Kitcorn Baise can enhance the vector in Level1. Her Level1 reached the extent of others Level2 or even Level3.


A boxing flew. The other party did not expect that weak girls have the strength of the boys. However, the role of force is mutual. Kaikko has been painful, and the fist is released.

I have not reflected.

"Go together!"

" !"

A fist fell, the girl's face was smoked. She touched her pain and launched [vector deflection]. Change the angular momentum, unload. Kaikko stabilizes the body, and events the knot, and laughs.

"You think that you are!"

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