The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 169

What did Both B is suddenly understand, ask: "Do you have a pain history?"

"I didn't."

"Not the primary dysmenorrhea." Bai is thinking.

Kaikai said: "I said, I haven't been there former ..."

In the age of 15, it is a bit late. After being plundered [Vector Operation], the hormone level of Kaikkkai Baishi tends to be normal, and it is really a girl.

Both sport did not encounter this situation. Under the influence of your girlfriend, you still know some. He went to the medicine store to buy an painkiller and buy a sanitary napkin in the convenience store. The little girl who first came out, or not to challenge the difficulty of the tampon.

"I put something this."

Kaikai opened his eyes and saw that Both split bags came back. Why are you with you in the most painful time? Anyway, I have no friends.

"Brother, men's power Max! Yu Shun Yu is praised."

: "I put it in hot water. Although it is necessary to avoid infection during menstruation, as long as water is clean, it can take a shower, warm and warm body is more comfortable. I heard that due to water pressure, it will not be side leakage when it is."

Don't ask me how I know.

"Side leakage?" Kaikko blush.

Why is you educated by boys? Some people teach her to use super capabilities, but no one taught how to do a girl.

: "You can't let the blood flow back? As a result, even your own blood is not controlled."

"Hey!" Kaikai was angry.

"I am leaving."

Both split hands, flying away from the open door.

It's a bad man, it is not gentle, and the character is as bad as me.

Kaikkai is directly sweating, and it hurts can't say it. It doesn't even get up. She turned back and got the last eyes. Little Loli poured the water and sent it to the sofa.

"Yuezi, I should take medicine. Yushuyu said softly."

In an instant, touched the most soft part of your heart.

"Don't call my name!"

Kaikkai Baishi took medicine, bubble in the bath, comfortable. Say, or the last thing to help wipe the body, don't know who is taken care of.

Girl looked at the sparkling water. In her mind, the cerebelings have a ghost to close the gods. Fortunately, there is no blood flowers.

"Yishi, Yumu Yu is also bathing!"

Finally, I jumped in, and the water splashed her. White hair is wet, possessed with the face of Kaikka. She is black, and the little Loli's head is pressed into the water, and it is almost dead.

"Stupid, don't suddenly jump in!"

It is night, a big girl sleeps on the sofa. Even the quilt is not, cover it on white. Kaikka lilies turns on the opposite side, like the hoppy pain. I don't know when, under the blessing of [reflection], forget the pain of being born.

Hands stay.

At this time, a small hand holds a weak lower abdomen and releases a weak current. Kaikai, I saw the girl's smile. Level3's [defective electricity], the living current seems to appease the uterus.

Is this child an angel?

"The pain will be fly away. In the knowledge that the learning device is infused, there is such a spell. Yushu Yu is very confident."

Kaikko said: "... it doesn't hurt."


Then, Kaikko took the rumor, and one person broke the "quilt" and said: "The child gives me the old man sleep."

"How is this, the lilies are too bad! Yu Shizhen is telling the brother." The last thing took a cry.

"Just, I am a bad girl, anyway."

Chapter 109 counterfeit boyfriend

Day, Mountain Laboratory.

Both Saki came over with Yintke. On the last day of the summer vacation, when Ma is busy, there is no one in the family.

Yintke is so good: "Is there a woman, is this your magic workshop?"

"Calculate it."

Previously, there were only one Mountain teacher with a simple student. Today, a familiar face today. The girl wears a white coat and put on the nameplate of the trainee assistant. A blue curly hair, dead fish eyes.

: "Beravulate?"

"I have been dropped out of the machine. At present, I will go everywhere. I saw a three-stream laboratory in recruiting, I will try it." Berave is cold.

"It's a rude. There is a famous eighth joining, our research institute is very powerful." Musaki lifted the Erlang legs, "this is a new assistant, what do you know?"

"do not know."

The two decisively denied.

In the [Volume Planning Power Plan], the beam is developed to develop a learning device, and the professional level is good. Mountain Spring is needed to help.

After the abstains of the situation, Both Saki watched a research talent. The information of artificial [atomic collapse] and [Difficult Story] are in the hands, constantly accumulating knowledge, if necessary, can sit in the technology tree.

In case, there must be a rebellion. Imagine, how old is the municipality of the school, [Diffusion Story]? If it can, he does not want to use Fabine and Jenny.

: "Little repair woman, you wait for me for a while."


Mountain teacher is very gentle, leaving her in the office. Yintke watched a set of can't move the mouse, waiting for the next episode. What is the computer, it's too complicated!

Both split take off the coat and exposed the upper body of the bandage. He dismantled the blood of the blood, revealing the horrible virtual hole, slow healing. The blood flows in the air and woven into a loop. Twenty-four hours of manipulating blood flow, I don't know how many brain cells consume.

The bundle reveals the color of the shock. This man uses this state ... fly over 30,000 meters high-altitude bombardment? What monster is this guy!

"Is this the wound left by the angel?" Mountain is dignified.

, said: "There is still a day to heal."

He didn't hide, and it briefly described the battle of angels. The things on the magic side are not well explained, just to be the enemy outside the country. The angel form was once liberated, and a race ring appeared in the top of the fantasy beast.

After that, how to try again, I can't wake up the angel.

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