"I must win you, go next door."

When the Bacon Bun is defeated, Meiqin is happy to be happy. It's really a child's discharge country. Both Bun, I can't help but let her happiness a while.

The girl is accompanied by the melody, dancing on the dancer, the skirt is flying. Safety pants are also very cute. It is said that Yumu Meiqin uses a living current to stimulate muscles, which is to practice control on the dancer.

Perfect rating is achieved! I heard that there is a small lady who likes to swear, is an unbeaten myth of the game hall.

One song is final, Meiqin wiped sweat and said, "How?"

"It's amazing." Both spokes, "But this song is not good." I want to write a song "Only my railgun." You sign me as a singer. "

Meiqin support: "Do you still want to enter the entertainment industry?"

What is "Only My Railgun", is it translated into Japanese?

. . . .. .

"Well, if you just record a song ..." Meiqin played hair.

At this time, people were silent. It turns out that the rich people are so randomous girls?

Even friends who are not very angry with the bones, and they must maintain the people of Miss. So, don't bring friends here.

In an instant, Meiqin has an illusion. First love, with the spall of . Have the same hobby, have been happy. This is not bad.

Unfortunately, this false relationship is only one day, only one-half of the probability indirect kiss. When I came out of the game hall, I quickly lost my love.

The girl stopped, and the courage is said: "Today, it is very happy."


"Although you always make me angry, it will only hate ..." Her voice is getting smaller.

B is faintly said: "You can play with you anyway, because I am also a dead house. Prerequisite to Xiaoyi."

"Queen's loyal dog, did not save."

At this point, the mall walked a lot of girls. Kaikkai Baise bought a new dress with the final work. She is still neutral dressing, striped with jeans, hands in a socket walk in front.

"The aesthetics of the lilies is too bad. Is it really a girl? Yushu Yu is very doubtful."


Two dials have met. Bievan is in the dark. Meiqin saw Yuxi, the expression was cold. No matter what is gender, this guy is a murder of the sin.

"Brother and sister adults are dating? Yushuyu tried to transfer the topic."

"You come with me, away from the guy!"

Yumu Meiqin did not speak, and Xiao Luol was behind him behind him. The strange mouth is no doubt is one of my sister. Seeing young people, like time. At the beginning, this age was scamned to DNA map, which triggered a series of tragedy. Now she is also easy to be deceived.


Finally, I broke it, I ran back to Kaikai, saying: "Yu Shizhen is already a guardian of the lilies, no way to put it."

"I haven't heard of this kind of thing!" Meiqin endured anger.

Finally, I said: "The brother agrees."


Meiqin seeing the nation, revealing the expression of not credible. Why handle my sister to a murder? This feels like a "boyfriend" betrayed.

"It is I promised."

Meiqin is bitter and smiled: "It turns out that you don't care about your sister. This is no wonder, anyway, it is not your clone."

"No, my brother is very good to me. When I was lighted, my brother gave a white coat."


"I can't find that book, it turned out to be metamorphosis."

"That one……"

Both Sakah DC sweat, really jumped to the Yellow River and explained it.

"Hey, the third." Kaikko did not resist, "The experiment is my problem. But don't mean you can stick to the man. This uncle will not hurt small!"

Is this not in the fire?

"One party pass ... Kill you, you will believe it?"

Meiqin is in a face, the electric spark is turned, short hair is free. If it is not a commercial street to people, she will liberate [Jian Yu Zi Shen].

However, who is the ?

"Now one party is only Level1, it will be killed by you." Baki said, "I won't stop you. However, calm is better."

Meiqin is sad: "When this woman is still Level5, Level1's sister is also killed! Have she let go? How can I calm!"

Kaikkai is pale, shakes the desire. The lower abdomen began to hurt. The uterus is trembling. At that time, Yumuke was died by the steel bars, and it was suffering from the dysmenorrhea!


I have never apologized in a dictionary. She still can't frank. When I was very small, I didn't have a friend, and I didn't learn to get along with people.

"I will never forgive you!"

Mechanical turned around, emerged in tears.

A dating is not happy.

"Brother, catch up. The TV series is like this. The main reason for men and women has a misunderstanding of the three-flow bridge. The lilies do not even have TV, it is too bad." Yu Shunyu disappointed. "

A few steps, I remembered what, fold back. He looked at the lost Raikai, kneading and licking the hair.

"Don't worry, your sister will respect your choice. Contact me if you need to do. Yumu network has my number."


The last thing I thought: Sure enough, the brother is more reliable.

Chapter 112, Buna

: "Stockholm syndrome, refers to the victim to have feelings for the perpetrators. After you stop the violence, it is wrong to think that it is a sense of security. This child is too simple."

The girl hit the fist, a word: "I don't care if it is sick. As long as the Uncle is still alive, no one can hurt small!"

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