The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 200

It is ugly to see the face of Ben. There is a super-ability to put it in front of it, and I don't dare to go. The sacrifice of this [plunder] is too big. The borders are all on, I am afraid of urine pants?

Mining is difficult, crying in shaking: "I beg you, let me go ..."

"Your ability, I accept it." A .

The corpse team, the whole army is not!

[Friction and decrease]: Not control friction, but change the coefficient of physics. It can limit the action of the opponent, or allowing its own movement from being affected by the resistance.

Change the transformation factor in terns to maximize [instant movement], and eliminate sound. Eliminate the air resistance coefficient in the air, make up for the shortcomings of [flight], becoming a supercompotent humanoid bomber.

Chapter 128 overlooking the scenery

At noon meal period. Underground Street, Yumu No. 10046 is ready to go to the restaurant. Because of the agreement between the Aresa and the Aresa, each Yumui can freely allocate the time outside of the body.

"Because the comet sent by my brother can eat it, it is also very cute. Yu must strive to earn cat food money."

Girls just have to enter the underground street, caught in an invisible hand, raised in the sky. She is a mistake, struggling.

"what happened?"

"The big lady of Chang Platak is a flying ability." The passerby discussion.

Yumuo was held to fly to the sky. A beetle-like machine is now prototype, and the tentacles tie her.

"Kidnapping? Please stay, otherwise counterfeit measures will be taken.

Girls try to discharge, don't work.

"Insulation Materials?"

The machine sounded a light sound: "This, 9930 death memories will come to the hand. Although it is better than expected, the dead man with DA is good."

The supplement plant is standing above the plant. The fire truck and ambulance under the bottom are endless, the whistle is not stopped. The guards pull the warning line, the miserable shape in the factory is absolutely not exposed.

"As a result, the" corpse army] is saved. "Franida took the mouth," said that the teacher who wants to kill, it is really ironic. "

Huang Quanchuan loves ear to take advantage of four female students, and have a corpse. She is a police officer, there is no qualification for criminals, and I hope to die in court.

However, the dark part is very large, and it will not be sanctions. She has a dark, she has already realized.

: "Because she is a bloody idiot teacher like comics."

"Sorry, teacher……"

When the stretcher is lifted, the rushing of the diaper is crying like a child. The lacrimal gland is as developed as the urinary system. Huang Quanchuan tangled his face and looks like it.

The flag is wearing a hood, saying: "Their ability has been abolished. Waiting for them is a super boring life like a baby."

So thinking, it is terrible.

The height is not very cold. Both Sakura stood in the forefront, and the wind blows the corner. The girls gazing the powerful back and was shocked.

In the end, they are all tools. After defeating the enemy, feed the captain. The monsters of the dark birth from the urban city, with super powers for food, more like the corpse.

The dark world is going to change.

During the implementation of the task, in order to make it easy to communicate, the Bluetooth headset is done. He got some headphones and said, "Destroy DA and [Enterprise], but evidence is also destroyed."

Telephone women did not speak. After a mistrite, the voice of Asia: "Let the died disappear, his ambition is an unstable factor."

Are the string? No, it was invaded the radio band.

again confirmed: "Killing a director, no problem?"

"To add more, if you can do it."

"let me try."

The phone hangs. As the dark department, it is necessary to take a bureau, like a dirty clear road. When necessary, prevent the high layer of the aircraft. Those big people ruled too long.

"How to do it?"

The girls did not doubt this order.

"I have an idea……"

Both split left the left eye and lost only the only vision. At the same time, the sky opens countless eyes. From the perspective of the first person, it has been replaced with a third, overlooking the entire city. Whether it is from the perspective and distance, it can be adjusted, and every person on the street.

Aerial view grasp!

The urban city is in the middle of the school.

However, the line of sight cannot penetrate the obstacle, and it is impossible to trigger [So].

"The daylight is too bright, the vision is affected. This is not like a wide-angle camera that is exposed?"

In the heart of the heart, try to concentrate on. [Chan Photography], intuitive performance is a perspective. I really penetrated the surface, see the scenery!

This is a combination of different super capabilities. Just as the combination of [So] and [Insight], [bird's eye view] can also be fused.

Both sponsing, said: "Undead is hidden in the train never-stop. Next, I will sneak into the world and assassinate the director. You disbanded."

"But ..." The flag of the flag stop.

Both Sakura has a stand on the edge of the roof and take a step. The whole person falls like a bird, like a belief. At a moment of landing, sinking into the earth like diving.


The passerby was shocked and thought was an illusion.

"It seems that someone jumped."

"High altitude pendant?"

The girls are not blamed.

The hugged his arm and said: "Captain, very handsome."

"Well, Franda wants to go back to swim." Fu Landa said, "the result is a super easy task, or it is strange by the newcomer."

Everyone is preparing to go downstairs, leaving only one of the favorite people.


The girl cleared the water knife and said: "Mingming got a super equipment, or can't catch up with the mother of the seniors. Super not willing. Next, I will become super."

"I believe." gently smiled.

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