The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 215

Ozara is sitting on the ground, sad: "Don't bleed it again ..."

Both Sakura exudes a touch of green light, helping her for the wound. Osora one. There are some cultivation that they are blessing from the miracles, and the natural can cure injuries. Missionaries around the world, people who have suffered.

"Thank you."

Osora's eyes are getting different. The pastor who will treat is not a bad person. Although the battle style is cruel.

"You are willing to accept my baptism, do you join the UK?" B is scratched, "Although it is a newcomer, you are my first customer."

"Okay." Osora smiled, "Please help me with the cross."

This is the permissions of the priest. At this point, the baptism is completed.

,, : "

"This kind of self-deception is the practice, how can it be allowed ..."

Yani silk has to complain, and the eyes of the Bai Bai, hit a chilly. The situation is more than people, have to bow. She hate to bite her teeth and choose silence.

Both split, pick up the lotus stick with his mind. Playing, gold is spreading. The transstature turns into a golden stick, which is destroyed with the original art, which is a useless art.

Gold is refining!

"Also, you are in the corner of the mouth," I don't mind the retaliation of Rome orthodial education. Please consider it, I am a Alchemist or super power. At the same time, the city is working with the Cultural and Academy of Academy, Roma is also teaching Don't you eat? "

Jiani is holding a lotus stick, like a toy that has lost his beloved, completely losing the power of resistance.

"Go home."

Both Sakae came to the front of the Yintker.

"There is a pretty, you owe me a cross. That's a favorite of my favorite." The girl muttered.

: "A big dinner."

"Also, I have seen my naked in the morning, still sleeping together ... Sleep." In Steick is shame, "this is not a sin that can be forgiven."

"Hey!" Stel is unfortunately.

Baked a look, say: "Ah, how do you vomit from Stel?"

"Your guy, what did I do for Indock?"

Later, the females were joined to the CD, and they were allocated by the UK. Otherwise it is possible to be retalled by the Roman orthopedics.

This is also among the calculations of Luola. Her goals are not known as the "Ozi" of the "French Book", but the fire is fired. Since then, the fertrane is a chip of Luola to be a cracked, which is equivalent to the launching device of the nuclear weapon.

"The collar, already put it on."

The sound line of Luoli, with a smile.

"This is like what you will do." Bai Cold Sheng, "I didn't forget to give the neckline of Yindith."

Lu La smiles: "Mr. God, Mr. Shen, your business ability is excellent. Please continue to mission in the urban city. Don't forget, we have a common interest. Whether it is gold, or banned books."

" -"

Doorbell rang.

The paper is dropped, this time talks. Luoli is satisfied, and I feel a lot of pure Japanese. The highest bishop wants to hire him as a translator.


Both sponsored to open the door and see the girl of single. God cracks in the heart, put a piece of paper into a group, hide the ass pocket.

God split and said: "That ... thank you! I know, you are in love with the females. If you are not you, no one can flatten this."

In the end, Rome is not pursued, and the responsibility is pushed on the head of the Jiani silk. I heard that I will take the trial. This means that Both Sakura began to enter the line of view of Roma.

"Nothing, I am in order to maintain the public security of the school city." Taken, "Don't forget, I used to be a discipline."

The fire is woven, I think of the first time. At the beginning, it was also to protect Inbi, and did not hesitate to be enemies with saints. At that moment, the stance of the flame is really handsome. Later, in order to save the world, fight with the angel.

Under the end, is there such an incredible man?


Both split increase the volume and wakes up the crack. She has no hand, staring at the man's face, will be misunderstood.

The door of the next door opened, the Soil door explored his head, and smirked: "The big sister is head, the people who owe Ayu are getting more and more. I can't change it for a lifetime."

"Take ... I have a body?" I cracked panic, "I haven't been familiar with each other. I suddenly married ..."

Miss Saints, what is your brain?

: "When you fight together, when you fight together, the crack is like a sister of the neighboring family. So don't need to be loving."

"I am only 18 years old." I am embarrassed to say.

: "Look at your look, I thought I had been married to the marriage."

The gods of the gods are rigid, and they have no hair. Bay is seen, and it is said to be "mature female charm". The girl immediately blushed. It's a good woman.

The soil door is the Spring. It's really a thing, the big sister is also conquered by a man?

The cracking drums and courage to say: "Since I am longer than you old. That, since now, the brother. This can reduce my feelings. If you are your brother, I can accept it."


"Then you should understand the younger brother's sex."

Soil door pushes pickers and takes out a magazine. The cover girl is a maid, Ma Yin, a maid. The more far from the road of idol artists.

Surprise: "Do you bought this issue?"

"Of course, because it is Ayu's masterpiece, adjusting Level5. Recent fire, the boys in the class bought each period." Soil Gate said, "It can be seen that Ayu is a maid. Big sister, I recommend you an annuality of angels | . "

This name is very bad.

Soil door turned out the photo on the phone, making the gods red ear.

"Deceived? The exposure is too high!"

Soil neutrality: "Anyway, the clothes are going to take off. For Ayu, the big sister who may not wear clothes is more cute. Because it is invisible sister."

"I am not a sister!" Both Sakuo denied.


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