The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 239

Two pherosail girls in the brain emerged.

Sakura Q: "Do you know this company?"

The sup is changing, and it is ignorant: "I have seen this woman. That is a matter of peach ..."

Chapter 153 Active Messenger

At 2:05 pm, a building in the ninth school district. Two girls sneaked quietly.

Yumu Meiqin wearing sunglasses and replaced a black dress. The body is small, it is obviously a beautiful girl with a heroic man. I have to admit it to the bee and I have to admit it. Now it is more handsome.

"What about people?"

Meiqin hid into the locker room, the rest of the uniform can only be varied. It's not seen when you turn your eyes.

"Is it sintered? That woman can't rest .... No, if it is dangerous?" Meiqin worried.

"Wait for me……"

At the end of the corridor, there is a good time. The bee horses and prayed that the snails ran slowly, and they were exhausted. Under vacuum, the waves are turbulence. Yumu Meiqin is not good.

"too slow!"

"Anyway, I am a sports idiot." The bee said, "But some parts are more air resistance. The impoolment is always running fast."

Meiqin was poked to her pain. From a small to the big place, it is running fast, and even smiled by my mother.

She rose red and said: "Uries, the same star eye, is too strange!"

The bee bee is arrogant: "Xiaoyu likes my star eye, can your benprint do?"

"Poor ... The poor will be like the boys who are specially hobbies. If you can say it ..." Meiqin knotted Barbani said, "Wait, why don't I like him?"

Two people were discovered when they were very much like a child.


A team of security quickly ran over, and the muzzle of the black cave was aligned with blonde girl. The bee bee is as usual, presses the remote control.

"BIU -"

When the blonde girl walked, the black man and a row of squats, and the brothers of the brothers: "Miss!"

This is also Mary Su!

The bee did not pay attention, and a black man is still hidden at the corner. Can't see it, there is no way to manipulate. Take a look at the sneak attack, the Meiqin that is mixed into the crowd has been a hand knife. With a voltage of 50,000 volts, it is called "human electric gun".

"." The last person fell.

Yumu Meiqin event has a wrist, and the glove has an insulation effect, and it is very uncomfortable.

"Thank, my knight." The bee bee smiled and said.

Meiqin said: "Do you think you are a princess?"

"I hate you from the beginning, the electric shock princess of Chang Platak. However, if you love with the same boys, you may get along well." Bee bee blinked.

Meiqin flustered: "Wait, what do you mean by you? And who is Tao Li? Your guy used to regard me as a 'sister' alternative!"

So, there is no way to put it.

In the eyes of Bun, Meiqin is a teaching book, and the little pray does not know which era of proudness. The two people wanted to be friends, but they could not be frank.

"let's go!"

American piano and bee bee hands holding a chest, standing side by side, emitting a powerful momentum. The third and fifth one join hands, whether physical attacks or spiritual attacks are stronger!

Two teenage girls have joined the high-level meeting room and gave birth to Miramine. This is an old man, a white hair, full of folds.

"This is over." Meiqin tone.

The bee bee presses the remote control, and the look is hidden. She grabbed the cheek of the wood, torn next layer of human skin mask, revealing a strange face.


If it is just a cautious, why bother? Unless it is a sound of the East!

The bee bee thought of a terrible possibility and shocked him cold sweat. She bite his teeth: "It is good. The real goal of the guy is ... EXTERIOR! Talented house may have been captured, Yumu 10032 is still there!"

"What?" Meiqin stunned.

How horror will be taken away by the enemy to dominate the human super brain?

Half an hour ago, Ban Liao contacted the phone woman and said: "You have always been understood about the darkness. Tell me about [Member] information."

"I probably know a few strongholds. Do you want to do it? It's not good to evolve [item] and [Member]."

: "No, let them continue to take a break. I am enough alone."

"It's really confident."

A abandoned building, the alert looks to the East hiding Tibet, frequently transferred. Both Sakuo has a very chasing.

Perceive ability? Legend has it [ ] Not easy to shoot, let the ministries start eating after the enemy - plunder super power. It is simply a monster that is born in the darkness of the urban city!

"I know that you are hiding here." Bay said that "in front of this eye is too conspicuous. Whether it is you ..."


After the split, it is the load bearing wall. A silver-white figure explores the body, like a female ghost in a horror film. She shines sharp claws, enough to cut the attack power of the cement. "", Playing on the iron board.


"... still furnish."

Both sponsing, standing with the throat of the bordered, and the other hand down the camera on its neck. The alert lost "eyes".

"I know, this is only a hearing and touch. You can also hear, right?" Bone said, "You said that the more than 20 liquids are more than 20, but the proportion of mercury is 13.6. That is, mercury dissolves other metals. The normal temperature formed is liquid for mercury. "

The alert is in the heart, I didn't expect to be seen so fast.

B is loudly: "You choose the wrong opponent. You think you think about my attachment, but I don't know if your attack can't break. And my attack, you can't even eat it."

The alert will not believe it. [Liquefied people] Can immunize all physical attacks, the only weakness is the body.

Teenage girl dark: want to scam me? I have experienced the dark part of the baptism, I won't be fooled!

"I am best at playing with metal."

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