The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 262

The air is to panic: "Why, you can still stand up ..."

Head breaks blood, blood is reddish on the cheek. Eyes are terrible. He rushed down and rushed up, and a punch scattered the sprayed air gun. In the eyes of the opponent, a punch is on the face.

"Intaled the point, the unforgettable fist, a little pain!"

Another battlefield, the space line squad is laughing: "Is it possible to do this?"

"It turns out that the first one is just a weak woman. After the ability is lost, is it even if the third leg of the man is also lost?"

The enemy laughed.

Kaikka lily is played by five top space powers. In the face of space capabilities, the neresses can't be touched. Can't stand the "goal", once the ball will be taken away. She is protecting everyone who has lost combat power with an enemy.

"I really can't say it. I can't help with two legs. This uncle, even if it is on the ground, I will climb the past. I slaughtered you!"

White hair girl looks cold, in order to maintain a balance, like the beast is on the ground. Hands and feet are attached to [Vector Operation]. The gesture of cross hands, is very handsome, she ran like a beast.

"Do not be silly."

"You can't catch up with us ..."

The smile of everyone is solidified, and she said: "How, can't move ?!"

He looked back, and the Biqua came from the rain, and his lilac's mental power was emitted. After him, the player of the long point is overchair.

White crocodile troops, all over the army!

The enemy exclaimed: "It is the mental strength!"

Both split, pressed five space powers. They revealed the horror, no matter how worked hard, they can't start. I can only look at the Kaikai Baiyan like a hungry wolf.

"It is forbidden to move in my mental range." Said, "Don't you say it? He, one party pass."

A punch!



White girl laughs like a child. She grabbed everyone's hair, pressing the oil on the ground. [Vector Operation] Not only can he control the blood backflow, but also control the oil enema.

"Come, drink more. Take out the momentum of your insult to blow. This uncle, hundreds of times!"

Kaikkai holds the back of his back, only listening to "". Under the power of [Vector Operation], the green field has smashed a small pit. The enemy is dying, and the medical team is busy.

The rest of the people are scared, say: "Yes, sorry ... look at the same class, let me!"

The girl does not have a soft hand, smile: "Let me do an experiment. You guess, is the speed of my launch, or your space move?"

One person is one foot, launched in the same man, scratch the horizon. They screamed with ghost wolves. Too jealous!

Blowing away: "Kaikko classmates ..."

Kaikkai stepped on the body of the last person and turned back to everyone's eyes. When starting, start cherishing the companion?

"Thank you." Blowedly smirked.

Kaikka is embarrassed: "Thanks, it is a person's mind."

The flowers made from a piece of paper fall from the hair, so that it is soaked by rain, falling in oil. It has been blurred. Kaikko is in hand, showing inexplicable expressions.

"Hey, now it is going to get fine." The sky returned to the voice of the girl.

The rain stopped.

A ray of sunshine is sprinkled on the ground through the clouds. The young men's girls support each other, and they are inspiring.


The bee bee prayed for the hand knife, and watched a brown hair. In such a short period of time, she keeps up with the movement of the way!

As a "memory metal" that uses the temperature remembers the shape, she has a brain having a superior learning ability, with mercury with mercury, integrity!

The long hair of the Phase Garden is cut down, slightly a wolf. "Short Hair" girl seized a haired hair, stunned, then evolved into a madness.

"Useless! Time is coming, just drag the time ... still we win! Long point is unbeaten!"

, This huge difference and the remaining time, once again let everyone fall into despair.

20 seconds, enough.

The cloud is suddenly turned out. In the sun, the Bassen is active to launch [flight], raise to the sky. At the same time, the ten big balls of the self have floated, flowing with oil, such as the word long snake. Minding power can raise heavy objects above a ton. Under the gaze of 10,000 people, B is the only focus of the audience.

"19, 18 ..."

The audience shouted countdown and gathered into a huge sound.

Sakae said that "more than half of the goals will judge the victory. That is a tenth of it."

"What do he want to do?"

The face of the Phase Garden changed, shouting: "Stop him, don't let him shoot! Vehicle power, flying ability, but also all to the finish line. Pairing ... is right, foul tactics, even if the manufacturer Block him! "


"Are you stopped?" The corner of the mouth of the mouth, "" has been pressing the ability to Level5, very tired. I am afraid that you accidentally explode you. "

In order to make the prayer to play, don't want students to disappoint. I have been selling water, I am a little more serious. Looking at you desperately, I have to ignite.

Yan Emperor model!

A group of fires suspended in the sky, and the Baki is like a God. Blank paper is reflected and covered with a layer of flame, like a lack of texture. A moving big ball that is filled with oil is ignited. Like the planet surround the sun, it is like a flame-like "eight feet of Joju Yu Yu"!

The eighth in the legend finally unveiled the mysterious veil. The first time I exposed multiple capabilities in front of the public, there is no need to hide strength.



The photo garden is not open, such as dead gray. The weather is clear, unlocking the seal of the flame, and the weakness of [oily wear] is exposed.

Both sport said: "There is no specification, can't you throw the ball?"

At this time, the referee was stunned, and the whistle lost from his mouth. The audience did not look up in the sky, looking up to the combustion of the sky.

"This level of ability, how can be Level4?" Some people questioned.

The referee looked at the instrument and said: "Can interfere with the value ... is indeed four!"

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