The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 267

"You kiss me again." Meiqin is a small voice, "Wait, where is your hand?"

Immersion paper!

In the surprised eyes of the girl, the clothes of the Saka were decomposed, and they were treated into blank sheets. He imagined the style of safety pants, like the elf drifting into the skirt, illusion is shorts.


Yu Meiqin touched it. The touch is delicate, just like the real cloth, is gentle and care.

"My super ability will always protect you."

Meiqin said smile: "It turns out that you are my safety pants."

"This, you can hold you in your hand."

Ah, the next consciousness of the table.

A : "I mean ... Love is not released."

"Say what love is not released, isn't it in Kiss?" Meiqin red face, "Your hacking is too bad!"

"Cough, this is for the sake of the body, I don't know your hips."

Meiqin's voice said: "Isn't it even whose bust is quantified?"

"Don't worry? The only thing is afraid of water." Saginally sighs, "You can't waterphew, you can say it is very magical."

"Paper ... Diaper? Have you take me as a person. Stupid, you are a child who needs diapers!"

: "Don't you kiss your legs soft?"

"I won't miss it, leak ..."

"Oh, I am talking about sweat."


"Then what do you think? Full of the head of the brain H."

Two people are holding hands, noisy, walking towards the street. Can't avoid between lovers. I don't know where to learn, the strategy of Baku is

- With its dating, make it shy!

At this time, in the small wood, the cylindrical robot fell a place, issued a weak voice: "Warning, the vending machine is destroyed. Self-discipline robots are attacked ..."

"The Brutal Robot Legion will not let you destroy the date .ssters, implement justice!"

A group of heads in the night sight glasses, the electricity fell all the robots. Within a thousand meters, there is no robot to support it.

"It turns out, is it better than the underwear, the ultimate okay is not worn? It is a sister, hidden love, people. Take notes carefully."

"Do not catch cold? Yushu Yu is confused."

"Anyway, the upper body is OK, it is not warm. Yu laughed."


In the early morning, the two put the game hall.

Before the arcade, face the face. Riding a motorcycle, play racing game racing. Both hugged the Meiqin from behind, and held the handle together. This posture makes the girl face red, as if they are bullied by anyone on motorcycle.

"Only my railgun" has entered a dancer. Teenage woman listening to ultra-high-speed burning, stepping on colorful arrows, jumping up vitality. Every simply desirable movement, brunette short hair is free, sprinkled with crystal sweat.

Waiting for a lot of players, I am recognized. The two are holding hands from the game hall to escape.

"Good insurance!" Meiqin took the chest.

: "The world's first electric shock princess, very popular. Do you want to sign a contract with me?"

"I want to be beautiful, only this time." Meiqin is said, "a student represents the head of the big thrival, and is also rated as 'most valuable players'."

After today, the Gossip will spread the urban city. At the same time, with the two super power majors, they can make countless few male girls.

I didn't feel it before, and I had a sweaty. Meiqin launched a skirt, not natural. I can only have it.

She is ashamed: "I thought that when you dance, suddenly explain the paper ..."

It may be a dream of dreams.

, "

"Who wants!"

: "This is to exercise the muscles coordination of [Jian Yu Zi Shen] is super-power practice."

"The super power you have mastered is not [courage], but [metamorphosis] ?!" Meiqin shouted.

"Vacuum is the romance of the short skirt. Is there anything wrong with men?"

Meiqin is awkward: "I can't find a refuteed reason ..."

There will always be some blushing game between the lovers, the more far away on the road of the stupid couple. Both people have forgotten, and only the couple is just pretending. If you do it, the sacrifice is too great.

"What is going on next?"?

Meiqin does not think about the way: "Take me with me."

"That goes to Benzi District. I am still quite curious about the world ... The enlightenment book."

"Go to you alone, I will not accompany you!"

The two walked into the bookstore. Ben, a look, the storeman is controlled. Finally, he looked around the girl's niche, put comics together in front of him. Meiqin is afraid to cover his eyes, and see unmetable pictures from the fingers, showing very cute expressions.

Already, not pure.

Both sponsor: "This is the way of love, otherwise it will not be complete. Miss Miqin, go to the health sports class of the female school? Still need to learn a variety of new knowledge."

"Is this the reason you give me a book? Stand, don't run!"

Chapter 170 Clamp

In the past, he was a writer with a person who left the otaku. The gun sister is half a house girl. Singing dancing, has been catering to the taste of Baki. Isn't this the idiot of love?

Girls have been chasing, and they actually have a slap.

Play the game together, watch the king book together, this is the fake boyfriend who dreams of. I will be very happy as long as you have been with you. For junior high school students, is it too early?

Both Bun came back and said: "Why don't you chase?"

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