The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 276

"What happened?" B is scratched.

Nangong sighs: "You are really unhappy, is it a good thing about the world? Also, the immortal closure is too long."

Vampire ruled the world, collectively referred to as "night empire". The forces of the three factions are located in the [War Kingdoma], West Asia [Chaotic Domain]. The kings of the three nights are the first, second and third blood ghosts. Loli's only words, outlined the grand worldview.

Bien's dark road: Is this enemy a vampire?

Nangong made a judgment in the bottom of the Nangong. Is there such a person? Not afraid, there is no magic, but there are artificial life. Vampire killer ... I am afraid it is the ultimate weapon of the Empire of the night!

This is horrible, and there is no longer!

Ah, being infected by the woman's super ancient Chinese. I am a gimmer standing on the side of humanity.

At this point, Baki is still not expected to be tragic fate. I want to play pigs to eat tiger, I am staring at another mother of another "young".

The south palace is a fan, saying: "I decided to accept you to do a student."

"Too good!" The happiness of Baki is installed.

South Palace is unquestionable: "Take a school in the summer vacation. I am doing your guardian."

"Hey?" Beshu said, "I promised to do learning ..."

"Don't you do my 'student'?" Nangong mouth horses.

Both Sakai's face is not very good. Pooled, actually played this word game.

"You haven't lived yet. Listen to me, no opinion?"

"The teacher is very luxurious?"

"Yes." Nangong said, "The room you live is very spacious."

Opening a teacher, the magic is stolen. The copy of this passed, from the hell suddenly fell to a simple difficulty.

Asked in Baku: "Where?"

Girls referred to the foot, said, "You sleep in the office. See your English is good, I will help me change the test, I will check tomorrow. I said ... If you want to escape, give you a night Time, I can also take you back in the East China Sea. "

"You regard me as Sun Wukong. What about my human rights?"

Nangong said: "The invasion suspect is no human rights."

Under the table lamp, Saku is sitting in the desk.

Black long straight girl shakes the lace fan - I don't know when the spatial magic is changed. She turned and went, every step is very elegant, like a graceful princess.


Finally, the brunette teenager's head is pressed on the keyboard, and the irregular characters knocked out.

The South Palace instantaneously came to Baste, and the fan was dropped. Space Magic, it is really defeated!


Only listen to "", fan break. When the girl, the eyes were angry, the first time Luoli was broken the expression of the toy.

"My favorite fan ..."

"Ah, this becomes a fuel fan in the physical sense."

When it comes to, I wrote a hundred and seventy chapters of the male protagonist to bid farewell to the man's body, the shame of the Horizontan. The Yellow Honey Palace, if you are kidnapped, you will blink. Wait, why do you have to spit today?

[Fantasy]: Sakura has a generality of 100,000 super capabilities. Under Level5, it is too weak to have a name. This is a fairly lazy memory method.

Chapter 175 Human BT

The string island, located in the center of the Pacific, floating near 330 kilometers from the south of Tokyo. Created with carbon fibers, resins, metals, and magic, artificial islands connected by ultra-large floating structures called GIGA FLOAT.

Four seasons such as summer. The temperature is maintained above 20 degrees, with a total population of about 57,000. The name of Tokyo is actually a political independent "Mozte". To protect the extinction of the Endangered Mozu, study their body and capabilities.

Aerial view grasp!

Opened countless blood-red eyes in the night sky, and the whole island will make your eyes. [Aerial View] The advantage is that wide-angle vision is lacking in perspective; [Miles] combined with perspective and perspective, but only focuses on a point. The two are integrated together, it is perfect.

Both Sakura familiar with the topography. This is the city of humans and the magic coexistence. It is worth "Magic Reserve", and the alien of the orcs can be seen everywhere, wearing a silver-white bracelet, as if it is called "Magic Landing Certificate".

It is less than the size of the school, and the population is only about quarter, which is quite a foreign customs. After all, the magic disabled there is so many magic.

, is the violent Loli.

In the senior residential area, Baki locked the familiar figure. There is a big house located on top. The floor window of a whole wall, overlooks the landscape of God island. The Nanguo does not have a key, and the transient moves into the door. The servants downstairs have already slept, and the lights are not open.

Under the moonlight, the girl flooked, unlocked the Gotte Loli skirt, and the black long hair is like a waterfall, covering the warmth of Wen Run as jade. Naked, stepped on the carpet, there is a beautiful beauty. She suddenly felt the line of sight from the ceiling, holding a skirt, looked up, and his eyes were fierce.


Bang Bang is hot, and then quickly collect your eyes. There are some powerful atmospheres in this city, it is easy to find.

This is an accident, I am not Loli control. However, it is also an illness. Is this the life of rich people?

He released the left eye and recovered his, ending the detection of the night.

The office of the Nangong has a locked hut. [Infiltration] Wear wall, come to come. A big bed is placed in the room, I don't know why I want to lock. I sent a pillow when I was sleeping. Both sponsored in bed.

I don't know why, this bed is sprayed, soft, but also a childish doll. He is over, picking up a strand from the pillow. Black long hair, it is impossible to be your own.

"this is……"

This is the place where the woman is sleeping in a nap? If you are known, the next field is very miserable!

The beauty is picturesque, and the black long straight in the mind. The hang of the chest is on, and the cold female voice is ringing.

"Is the heart jump accelerated, is it estrus?"

He took his mouth and said, "I am scared."

"Judgment, no lying."

[Liquefied people], gathering around you to pray. Pink hair red, there is an angel face, between the opening of the skin, such as skin, outline the devil figure.

The bee bee is prayed: "My sister gave me a secret mission. I've been able to stand around, I can't do it."

: "If you are secret, you don't say it."

"Through the time and space. Therefore, the intelligence is not on the sister. That is no way."

Who are you going, is it too easy to say?

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