The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 288

,, ...... "

"Roll back to class!"

The Nanguang was poked to the foot, and the fan was thrown away.

Bar is put on the paper fan in one hand and put it on the coffee table. When you go out, he tested: "Can I escape? If you disagree, I will let the substitute come to class."

Prayer must be very interested.

"Don't do anything else, only the English I teach is not allowed to escape!"

This sentence is "free gold medal".

After the B is left, the office recovered quiet. The Nanguo took a knee in the moon, muttered: "Is it really poor?"

In the evening, the moving company of the apartment was parked at the door.

Baked back to school and met the snow vegetables at the stairway. The girl carrying the piano box and holding a carton. Both people take the elevator on the floor. In a narrow space, the atmosphere is a bit embarrassed. What is the passage of this cohabitation?

Asked in Baku: "Is your luggage have been sent?"

"Well, I lived in the dormitory, so there were very few luggage." Snowfish said.

"I tell you where to buy some daily necessities." I thought about it, "TV, refrigerator, washing machine, I don't use it, you can use it."

Snow cream said: "How is this very embarrassed ..."

"Nothing, put it is also a waste."

Don't have to cook tonight, in the invitation of Xiaogu City, visit the 704 room. Unexpectedly, the wallet of Ji Snow was founded by the ancient city and finally returned to the original. The girl has a lot of peace of mind.

"Bestei Jun, Snow Classmates, thank you for saving your brother. Let you see my craft." Xiansha smiled.

: "It turns out that you have two awareness."

"Well, isn't the snow dishes just transferred? We are a class and feel very well."

Four people enter, a rich dinner, is Japanese. The color fragrance is full, and it is mouth-watering. This kitchen makes it a bottom of the sputum. His super capability is to be improved.

"I'm gonna start now."

On the table, Xiaoyu Sand is so proudly: "I wanted to ask yesterday. You ... shouldn't it be a couple?"


Both split and snow dishes were stunned.

"At the same time, I will transfer it to the apartment together. It looks good. Sure enough, this age is the same, it is a bold." Xiaoyu Saulu.

The two are in the same way: "No!"

This time is an unexpected tacit understanding.

: "Know the classmates ... Well, the two Xiao is easy to misunderstand. Old Town, have you seen the murderer last night?"


Xiaogu City has a worry, saying: "The guy claimed to be a tutor of Locking Chia, which was affiliated to the Western European church. The middle-aged man of blonde, big head, wearing a single glasses. He has served a human beast, the appearance is Girls can absorb the magic of others. "

Both split and snow vegetables look at it.

The first hand intelligence, I got it.

Chapter 183 Fans

At noon this day, the school cafeteria. Both sponsored to watch the phone while watching the phone and dinner.

In Japan, a person who is eating will be considered a monster without a friend, which is easy to become an object of overlock. What's even more hid into the toilet, the beautiful name is "the meal". This is a manifestation of shame culture. Can never care about others.

Not far away, Xiaogu City three people are also dining.

Yushi Tree said: "Oh, it is a hundred."

The ancient city wanted to have a table, stopped by the light onion.

The blonde girl said: "Suddenly, will it bring to trouble? We are still not familiar, and the classmates look at things."

"Well." Ancient city had to make a good job.

Girls will always take more consideration. Blue Yu is glanced at it, and it does not think that B is an object that can be deep. There is no need to pull him into a small group. What surprised her is that a junior high school girl has gone.

"Senior Senior."

A familiar female voice is heard up, and he looks at the snow dish to sit down. This scene has already made the side of the others.

Ji Snow cream asked: "Can I sit?"

"of course."

The two live together, let alone eating together. The high school and the junior high school are connected together, share a restaurant.

: "You are very popular in the high school. Is it sitting together with me, didn't it matter?"

"The senior is that the surrounding girls are talking about high school to school students ..." Snowfrases said seriously.

Business mutual blowing?

The two looked at the eyes and laughted. Talk about some schools. Coincidentally, the is the class guide of snow, and it is also a physical teacher.

Ji Snowfish pushes a plate, takes out a delicate notebook, spread it on the table. The name is recorded above.

"Do we not master some intelligence? Since the murderer is the Ranling Chian, in order not to attract attention, the location of hiding is very limited."

Bun, said: "Do you say, similar to the embassy?"

"Well, there is no embassy on the string, but there are several companies of Ranling Chia. I worshiped the Sand Classmate, she let friends who are good at computer help investigate. I sorted out, Western European church retained warehouse, 28 District Ministry of Communications, Qiushan Trade 4th District Central Bureau ... "

Both splash, a notebook, record very detailed. It can be seen, this girl is ice and snow, and there is also the ability to collect information and have been strictly trained.

"I said, don't intervene. The police guards of the city are not a meal." B is in the notebook, "you don't do it. This information, I confiscated."

Snow cream said with an emergency: "Senior, how to ..."



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