The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 333

Both Sakin smiled: "When did you arise, can you stand in front of me? The big party takes the remote control, which is too stupid."

Shrimp soldiers will be handed over to the little girl. The only threat is only Ye Yuxia Yin, the calm pressure of angel brings a strong sense of communication. Fortunately, the remote control has been in hand.

: "I look at it, how is this thing to use ..."

I didn't respond until it was pressed, I thought it was no electricity, and the habitual aggravation. "" sound, the remote control is crushed. He scratched his hair, sometimes hersoning is also a worry.

"Ah, play is bad."

"You damn a bastard!"

Bandi is vomiting blood. Without the controller, how come to sell money?

Ye Yuxian is weakly said: "When arriving at the seventh stage, the effect of thinking about the restraint will be weakened. Zengyuan, unstable. XDA-7 is very unstable ..."

White-haired girl was imprisoned in isolated world. The picture that emerged in front of him is that Basaki has a second to kill Ye Yuxian.

Brother, Dad ... Why, do you want to fight for this? For me, you are all important people.

"Don't hit it again!"

Personality collapse. Ye Yuxin looked at the head, and the unexplained dummy roaring, like mosaic blurred. The sound of Tianzhu is like a sacred song, unlike a rhyme that humans can understand.


Made angel, rush!

Chapter 210 plunder

Angel comes!

Ye Xiaoxia is in vain, and the sharpness of horror is burst. The cold is filled, I am frozen. The original lush noire island is an ice and snow. A ice tower is from the sky, and it can see the heterogenesis in the string.

In the distance, the Nanguang has a small foreign umbrella, looking at the sea.

"Stupid disciple, don't lose."

I have rewritten the battlefield in an instant. Ji Snow vegetables take a long gun to welcome the arms, and the bee bee prayed and picnic silk into the white blade. Both Sakays have one person walking to the ice, and the body is illusion.

"Is this an angel of ice?"

One of B is raised, calling the fingertips of [Rose] in the bottom of the heart. White and translucent giants have been put on the ground, they are shrouded him like armor.

The opponent is an angel, [reflection] big probability will be worn. Both , directly with the gesture, and entered the strongest defense.

Giant form!


Both Sakin smiled and felt the power of the giant's body, and opened the wings behind him. He stepped on the ice, and he flew away. The frozen sea plane is facing four-sided squatting.


Ye Shi Xia Yin is located at a height, open his arm, releases the power of light. This is not in line with this world, the speed is very slow, but it will turn. Circles are automatically tracked like missiles.


The left hand of Baki misses a shield of the light, hit the streamer in my face. Ray splash, sparks shot like a high temperature arc solder. Its power can also be imagined. If the protection of the rose, it is fatal.


Only light can be used with light!

Both Biece is like torch, and the rain is on the rain, rushed into the sky. Goal point to the angel of high high! He lifted the hand of the giant, and his palm shot a beam and illusion became a sword.

"Tian Jian Yunjian!"

On the basis of [atomic collapse], we developed a might of Japan's three artifacts. Plundered [Rose's fingertips], integrated with the genus, near the body of the angel.

This is the full-body giant shape!

I have learned from a short life. The more pursue power, the more you find the ability of human beings. Super ability is a boring fantasy of human beings, at all

- Unless more than beyond humans!

Eighth orieit, after all. Both Sakura lifted the hand of the giant, corroded it in the rays. His face is twisted because of hardship, even if you sacrifice an arm, you have to take a look at the light, come to the angel.


A sword, hit the swing of the smashing. The feathers, the girl is wrong, the flight balance is destroyed, and it is not from autonomous fall.

"Speed ​​kick!"

The foot of the man is shot, like a rocket propeller. Powerful reaction force, hard students make huge bits outlets high speed. Both ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The latter bow flew out and embedded in the icicle.


A waves were burst from the two people in the collision, and the ice column was broken. If you say that Ye Shi Xia Yin is to rise to a higher level, and then kick it with the sky with the sky bridge.

Ye Yuxian was lying on the deck, coughing blood said: "How can it, press the mortal body to press the model angel ..."

"The man is too strong." Rafflia muttered.

Smoke dispersed, white-haired girls like a beautiful ice sculpture, turning into immortal monuments. She freezers himself in the broken icehouse, and she opened her eyes, as if I woke up.

" -"

Ye Shi Xia Yin broke out. After restored the power in the ice, it will open the good wings. Every piece of wings opened the eyes of the scarlet, making it creepy.

Open your eyes!

"That is……"

Does not exist at this time!

Ye Yuxian's face is mad, almost mad. Rafflia learned the court magic technology technician, never seen him so lost.

"Southern, what is going on?"

"The high and low of the spirit, the decision can rise to the height of the gods. The mortal will be burn down by massive knowledge in the high-level dollar. God said that there is light, and there is light. Because the existence of the eyes, The light is meaningful. Yes, everything is the will of God ... "Ye Yuxian's voice is no.

Rafflia shook his head and said: "People who are burning bad brains are you."

"No, I am very awake."

Ye Yuxian is bite his teeth: "How can I harm the summer sound? She is my sister's daughter! This child is unfortunately, because the thing is alienated five years ago, I will feel painful. I Everything to do is for her to get rid of this decayed world and go to the heaven forever! "

Biltui is angry: "This is not the same as our plan. It turns out that you are deliberate to make Xumiyin complete the spiritual evolution!"

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