The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 343

Ye Yuxia is a red face, hiding into the bathtub. She is sitting under the knees underwater, white hair wet. Sparkling water, reflecting the girl on white.

"It's too rude. There are Yu Ge, hurry out!"

Always lively outside the sand, can't help but shy.


Both Sakuchi just retired, holding the door handle, moving a stiff. The sound of the Seposes changing clothes outside. At this moment, the living room turned into a woman's dressing room, filled with laughter.

"The body is so good."

Rafflia said: "Snowfrasses are also very cute."

"That is of course, the first cute in the snow sauce!" Yan Yuxuan said proudly.

Snowfish is ashamed: "Don't say this."

"Take a trick!" Rafflia missed.

"Wait a minute, don't knead ..."


"There is Yu Ge, this kind of request is too bad! For girls, the sound of being hearded is very shy." Xiaoxisha.

: "I have a soundproof."

"That ... please leave it. I am not related. Princess sister said that Japan has a bath culture, and the good family will be honest to enhance the feelings." Xia Yong shy, "brother, can help me Will it? "

What is the strange knowledge of the woman?

Both could not see, the girl smashed the big eyes of the water. The light has heard a "O'Nistan", which has been sprouted. What is this impulse? I am not a vampire.

It is a small angel!

"Ah, Xia Yun sauce is really awkward." Sand muttered, "a 'brother' what, too."

Xiaoxisha often called his old brother "Ancient City Jun", and Basaki is only "there is an astro", barely bring a little brother. Properties.

Xia Yun said: "Sand can call your brother."

"Oh, don't!"

Later, the old man in the old man sat on the small bench and only felt a fragrant wind. The summer tone is on the bench in front, and the bath towel is placed on the thigh, and it is a bit shy to put the hand on the chest. After the sandstone station, he blindled his eyes with his hand.

"Don't peek!"

: "Is it a manual eye shroud? You are not good to rub each other, why do you want me ..."

"The girl's strength is relatively small." Xiaoyu saro straight.

Bo hun is holding a towel, touching the jade of Xia Yun, and suddenly he has been in the inner peace. At this moment, he was just a stupid old brother who wedn his sister.

" ~"

B is as if he heard the patriarchal sound. The brothers and sisters are alive, they will take a bath together. The guy always plays bubbles, then makes the bathroom a mess.

Xia Yun said: "Thank you, brother. I haven't had a chance than you, I have done so much for me. I really don't know how to repay ..."

"Nothing, but it is self-satisfaction. You let me think of my own sister. When she is painful, I also hope that someone will pull her."

Sakae continued: "Sand. Don't worry, I promise you, I will definitely take back the body of the ancient city. This is the agreement with someone."

My worried, is it worried?

Xiaoxisha is filled with his eyes with a small hand, delicate and soft. She hugged Baku from behind, only when it was a warmth of the brother. Although it is a recognition brother, it has become an important reward.

"Thank you, like saving me, saving the Xingyu sauce."

Both split breathing, can feel the softness behind the clothes. The real idea is - don't just hold it, clothes are wet.

"There is no way, there are Yu Ge is a sister. Then please you. My old brother will always become a girl, I have a sister. Ah, if you marry, there is an Yu, a family It will be together forever ... "Sand said with a smile.

"Are you a devil ?!"

The past is the same person to write hands, and the Biques have a long-awaiting to change the wet. The harem is Wang Dao, and it is all of whom!

Xia Yong said seriously: "Then, my sister must marry my brother."

"Hey, you are selling niece!"

The door opened.

Ji Snow Cement Station opened at the door and witnessed this scene. Both Sakura had a preamble, it seems to be a human meat sandwich sandwich. He can't see anything, feel familiar murderous. The school girl comes with "catching" attributes, will always be hit.

"Senior this haentai!"

The two people played their hands and evolved into a family violent scene.

Rafflia said: "Ah, is the original Japanese family use force to decide the right to speak?"

Ye Yuxia Yin and Xiaoyu Sand took a shower, replaced with COSPL | AY uniform. Two girls dressed as cats. A black white, wearing a cat. Bow, bell, chest is a loved hollow dress, showing large white skin. From the short skirt, I extended the cat, and tailored to the owner.

"Snow sauce, don't be angry. Give you a cure magic." Xiaoyu Sand smiled, "Xia Yun sauce, come with me."

"Nya ~"

Xia Yong and Sand have a hands with both hands and study together.

"so cute!"

Snow cream "contributing to surrender", happiness is going to die. Both split, tone. The sand smiled and smiled and was more than a victory.

It's an ancient neighbor.

At this time, the string god is is already in a pot of porridge. The joyful apartment is like a foreign peach source. Baccan experienced the bathroom style, realized the "terrible" of space confusing.

He said: "I should go to work. Under the princess, the lost. Have anything phone call, I will arrive immediately."

"This way. The police team of the strings, even the rival is not a holiday? This work is very suitable for the Justice." Rafflia reveals the color.

Bo shook his head and said: "I am not a knight, not just right."

Everything is to protect the daily life of the girls. There is no dangerous in terms of snow dishes and yarn. Biece does not want to take tired little girls and protect them. Women go shopping, men fight.

After B is left, everyone talks about the topic of girls.

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