The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 369

"What am I tangled? Rafflia and Yuxihua were grabbed together, who is the same. Wait a minute, why can I only find these stuff!"

At this time, the door opened.

The blonde girl came in and said, "From just now, there is something happening ..."

Both Bay looked up, holding the booties in one hand. It is won. The onion hit this scene and stunned.

"Shallow onion, you listen to me!"

"Stupid, do you want to peek at the girl? The ability of the material is reading ... Princess's flower pirate will be sacrificed. If you tell me, you can give you!" Girl .


After some explanation, the blue pepper was only aware of a misunderstanding. She is busy: "I tried the firewall of the spacecraft, and the weapon of Aldichia was too dangerous!"

"Okay, I will go to the ship."

Set [Material Track] to track the position of the props owner.


Both Sakuya Yutai rushed to the sky, locked the location of the spacecraft. The height is not very cold, the wind blows the corner. [Vector Operation] Absorbs Radar Ultrasonic, Infaded Contact Aircraft. When he fell on the deck, no one missed. [], All the way is unimpeded.

If the chamber, princess and guards are closed together, unlocking bundles.

"His Royal Highness, you are deliberate." Yuxihua suddenly realized.

Rafflia is calm and calm: "If you don't say this, how can terrorists relax? What is the play, I am best at it."


A burst of starting outside the door. Rafflia and Yarihua have a vigilance against a look. The yarnhua pockets the skirt, revealing the snow white thigh, pressed on the leg ring. [Huang Huolin] is not around, can only use a curse to pierce the enemy's throat. Arcks will also be treated.

Both split down the guard and pushed the door.

"It's your guy ..." Yarhenghua stunned.

"There is!"

Rafflia is very happy, and one is felt into his arms. This kind of tricks have been judged before. The yarn Huawei is still acting, and the bird is also acting in the side of the bird?

: "Nothing."

"I am just a weak woman, being saved by you."

Rafflia sketch is laugh: "This is flat. Experiencing the hero to save the United States like snow."

"What are you thinking about?" Both Saki smirked.

Yarhenghua doubts: "How did you find us?"


It is a little guilty. I don't know why, Rafflia is pressed soft in the chest. He couldn't help but remember the princess's dress, such as the colorful beauty of the sakura.

What I thought about Rafflia and said, "The signing ceremony will begin. This helps the terrorists want to drive the rainbow bridge offensive ceremony site. There are many dangerous weapons, artificial missiles, magic electronics on board ..."

"Give it to me, pray for you."

The pendant of the chest of B is glows, and a drop of mercury falls. Silver girls are integrated into spacecraft, walking in metal decks, and the goal is the general control room. She uses mercury to short the electronic components, complete the physical invasion - another electronic girl!

Burning hoof!

Barn ride on the flame horse, reached out: "Go up, the princess."

Silver girl lives. She has also been a young girl in Huaichun, fantasy, a high mighty white horse prince. After growing up, I realized that the cruelty in the royal family will never have romantic love. Today, the dream is true.

"Well, Mr. Knight."

Unconsciously, Ratflia had tears and laughed. On the high-speed spaceship, a silver long hair such as a waterfall is fluttering.

A split brought the emperor of the silver, falling on horseback. In order to hold the reins, he encloses the waist of Rafflia. The princess pillows the chest of the knight and enjoy the thrill of wind and electricity.

"It is too fun to fly, it's too fun!"

Yuxihua is chased behind, and said: "Why only leave me!"

"You run it with it." Bounny slammed.

"Ban is there, you are a bastard!"

Rafflia smiled and said: "I don't mind the three people."

"Hey, I am not a human meat sandwicover!" .

Yaronghua is physically picked, not hopped on the horse. She hugged Baki, forgoting male phobia. Both Sakae can feel the oppression behind him, and experience what is called "front chest back". I accidentally, holding the reins, I met the princess.

This is a rebentman who wants to die!

Rafflia smiled: "My chest, the reeds are more soft. Do you just want to ride?"

In this way, there is a mouse mouse pad that sells a madness in the city. What is the beauty of the beauty, take the Ou Pai to do the reins is also normal ... I'm strange, this is not a scuten animation that even the horse is wanting!

The god of B is as usual, and the fire is rolled out of the deck. The enemy has been waiting for a long time. Cui Ni stood with Xiaogu City, and he was standing.

Ancient city! "

Xiaoyu City eyes, no response.

Rafflia said quickly: "Be careful, the true identity of this woman is Shaozuo, the Beihai Imperial Orc Force, may be a musk cat family, can manipulate the vampire of the true ancestors!"

Cui Ni original Pain, I grew up the cat, and it was a beast.

"Accurately, use the pages in musk to attract the opposite sex. So, I need body fluid to launch the ability." Cui Ni brids, "the princess of treacherous, almost got your time. You have nothing to escape." "

"is it?"

Both split the horse and got it on the ancient city.

"Vampire killer, if you want to be very tricky to the enemy, the true ancestors are restrained. I am not the muddy egg. So ..."

Cui Ni did a sparely move, let Xiao Gucheng bit his carotid artery. Obscent, liberate new power!

"Thank you."

Xiao Gucheng's mouth is stamped, it is a loyal dog.

"Wake up, the double corner is deep!"

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