The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 400

"How this is ..." The knight wrote.

This is not too favorite?

The Liaison Officer is careful: "That, the Governor, a girl with a long wings is approaching Levi Tact."

"Let me talk to her!" Sakura told him.

The river is flying in the shape of the Demon. A floating cannon with a camera floated, rang familiar male.

"Li, find you."

The girl is surprised: "Big Brother!"

Chapter 249 Mythical Battle

"Do you want to catch me back? Hey, Loli is really not able to never can't stand it." Li is so busy.

The main control room of the armored spacecraft, I looked at the girl in the big screen, talking to it: "Don't play. When you are in the LYL system, Li's personality is sleeping."

The girl smiled and smiled: "Big brother, I really haven't yellied you."

"I listen to the fog leaf, everything about you."

The night of the night is blocked, not what can make people happy. The so-called "Dream", tempting men's dreams, absorbing magic for a living. The aristocrats who have no way to pay for the dream, complete the transaction in the dream. Dream is just a little prostitute.

However, the Jiangkou is just a primary school student who knows ignorance. The tragic memories are in the heart.

"H 's primary school students. Hey, are you not a dream? Let me see the tail under the skirt!"

Campus domain. The dilation was cut off, and the bag was thrown into the male toilet. She hides her knees to hide in the stool, poor and helpless.

Indifferent home. Woman said: "Why will I have this monster? Don't go to school, I will make a woman to make money after growing."

"I don't have such a daughter. You are a woman, you must be carrying me to steal the man outside!" The man burned in anger.

If there is no distress, the kitchen came to break the sound of the bowl, and the woman could cry. The end is hiding in the closet and rubs his ear. Face, arm, thigh ... is a silt that is played by his parents.

She cried and said, "Sorry, I am sorry ..."

"The wrong is not a duprait."

"you are……"

The inner world, the Jiangkou dilies, saw another one. Wings with bats and love tails are her most fearful look.

"My name is Li. Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Two girls are like a pair of twins, closely embracing. The power of the night's wakes up, let all people bullied by her people become a vegetative, and will sleep forever.

Reality sounded a male voice: "As a reincarnation of Lisis, as long as humans are unsteading, they will return to the world. You hate such a life, in order to completely eliminate yourself, I am willing to swallow the Li Wei."

The litan is another group, enough to cut off the causality of this world, and destroy the "Yin Desire Dream" with "Snake". The night of the night will never go through the tire.

The river is coming back to God, and it has long been tears. Today is a good day to die.

"I was found."

Saki said softly: "Yarihua and Xiao Moon are waiting for you. If you die here, you can no longer eat barbecue together. Maybe many sad things have been taken before, will not be. I will guarantee it to you. Nothing is too afraid. "

"Big brother……"

The bullish break is smile, and it is reached toward the lens. Although she didn't see the face of Baki, he heard gentle words. Screen in the screen, fixed in the teenage girl. This warm scene, let Rafflia moved tears.

Death and redemption, healing people.

Next, Lixi started from the sky, opened the big mouth of the blood, and swallowed a girl. The huge body fell back to the water, and the waves were surged.

The screen is black.

Rafflia said: "How can I ..."

"I, I really don't know what to teach. Next, slaughter this beast."

Both Barbone resistant to anger, emit a murderous murder. Even the Holy Ring Knights in the Sandwalk, they can't help but retreat.

The knight said: "Teenagers, are you serious? The other party is the strongest Warcraft in the world, the joint fleet is over!"

"I am also a half knight." Said.

Rafflia lifted his hand and said softly: "I guarded the knight, with the name of the first princess, ordered you to eliminate the land, bringing the victory to me."


On the nine days, Both Sakuyu stands on the flight deck, which is located between the cloud. The height is not very cold, the face is like a knife. He welcomed the wind, such as flying birds fell, and opened a white wings behind him.


The sky falls into a small figure. Levi is like a feeling, making a stone breaking roar. At the same time, B is open, the scarlet right eye is opened, and the top of the top is open.

Myth's battle, reproduced here!

Ban is released with the eyes of God. Six wings, there are six eye positions. [Thousands of eyes], in the mid-mean high-altitude, clear capture of the vitamin; [Aerial view], the projected to the sky, enjoy a large substant of four thousand meters long.

Otherwise, he can't even see the whole of the enemy.

"Speed ​​kick!"

The wings are hovering, and Bombs like a high-speed bomber. The bottom is rampted into the beam, as the plasma engine, the kinetic energy that is supplemented by free fall, constantly acceleration.


With an anger, I am in the head of Levitan. The sea snake's head is slightly sagged, and the tip of the Saki broke a waves. However, it is too big, the length of four kilometers. It can be seen that the impact, such as Domino is passed from the head to the tail, more than one second.


Levi is taught, and a roar. Turn the rain, stir the sea. If it is not [reflection] offset the reaction force, Baki has been shattered.

His heart is sinking: Is it just stretched?

Levi Tint is touched to the anti-scales, each of which is vertical. The lion rabbit also uses full, and the anti-ship missile is eliminated by human.

"call out--"

The blanks have been exhausted, and the dense magazine missile forms a barrage. Both sponsored metal frenzy, Liuhai swayed.



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