The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 501

Mid time!

Alice face change. The Alek's battle style and other are different. He has never confrontated, more good at the smart and calculation.

Aleike said: "Don't worry, I am not interested in killing a little role. Just set a small trap, let them sleep for a while, the same thing as the sage."

The entire Hampstide district has become a black prince's chessboard. Not only did the power under the eyelids of the Southern Parliament, but they actually count this step.


The girl is bitter in my heart: What can I fight against the devil? I was also saved by him for a short ago. If it is not Alexander to put water, I have long been painted.

Aleike play: "Where is the princess to his hand, where is the brave in the maze?"

Alice stared at him, saying: "Is this your goal? Catch Athena's time, tiger from the mountain."

"The guy will lose its fighting power even if you can kill Athena.

This is the black prince Arrec. In no way, far away. The first contest with the beginning of Basaki, just calmly collect information. There is enough grasp to shot, such as a poisonous snake.

"The dark chess buried in the sages is removed, but it is unexpected. However, from your actions, you can calculate the exact time of the starless night." Aleike said.

It's a terrible enemy.

Alice lost the [Southern Parliament], and Aleike did not bring [Wang Li factory]. In front of [Malamze], the number is meaningless.

The maze deformation, the wall opened a door. Silver hair single horse tail girl came out. She said, "I am rude, Alice Princess. Wang Tui is difficult, please pay the [Gorgon Stone]."

Alice was surprised: "You are ... I am known as Alika, known as the 'Sword Leprechaun' Leliana. Is this, have you intercedered in Wo Ban's Marquis?"

This is shocked by Lilyna. After I left Aili, I was followed by the family's life. I can't know.

"How do you ..."

"It's not difficult to guess, you are obviously not Alexander people, he is not good at dealing with women. Salvatori will not use people, and only the hidden wolf king is left in Europe."

Alice is a voicemarking machine.

"In the name of the name of the famous world, the king of Jianzhi did not have the possibility. Losing the value of the use of the use of the value. Alilka, the Brandri family selected a potential stock. So Crannihar's eyes red, gamble in another Campione body. "

Alice continued: "You haven't officially officially to the Wolf King. Six years ago, Wo Ban Marquis tried to summon the god. This time, you will come over and compete for [Gorgong Stone] is a busy king trial. ? "

At this moment, the blonde girl smiled and faint, and the eyes were flashing with the glory of wisdom. Lily Anna also has [spirit], but the other's spiritual attention seems to be worn.

"It is a world famous Alice." Lily Naqin Pei.

Alek is mutant: "You can predict the future, communicate with God, but you can't see your future. Do you have a move of the devil?"

"The people of the gods are naturally transcendence. The little stone falls into the Mediterranean sea, and it will sway a circle. Europe's Campione is all participated in this game." Alice was smile, "Why do you think I feel Will the gods on themselves. "

Lily is stunned.

"Mother fox." Aleike said.

At this time, a mercury is high speed in the maze. She jumped up and over the high wall, mischifornic gestures in the air, single knee in front of Alice. The bee bee pray for a sleeve, it is already two hand knives.

Alice said happily: "Pray for Miss!"

"I heard your heartbeat. Life of the Devil, the Hall of Temple."

, think of a serious problem. The devil and the princess won a generation. This time isn't it to guard the hometown, but is it to guard her daughter?

"The human style makes the devil?" Aleike frowned slightly.


"I will not leave it."

Lily Anna pulls the sword, the shape is a white long army knife, like a curved new moon. It is called [Silver Master], with the existence of the [Lion King].

"Ping Pong -"

Two teenagers won a group, and the swords were fired. Dozens of rounds are not equal, and the fight is quite. Lily, looked at the prayer, and gave it. In a sense, both are the toolman of the devil.

Leliana said: "As a way to make the devil, your sword is very fierce. Please be careful, I am not just using the sword, but also good at magic."

"Magic Wu Double Repair?" , "I can become a murderer by constantly fighting. The hand knife is just my weakest form."

Lilian said: "Give life, the mother who takes life! Give me the dark land of the land!"


The ground is suddenly softening, like the swamp. The bee bee pray is made of mercury, is entangled by the sediment, can only abandon your legs.


The pink long-haired girl racks the golden set of multilateral shaped shields and blocks the full sword of Lilyna.

AT force farm!

"Can this blind?" Lilyna said.

The bee bee, "" You are also, seeing my weaknesses. I am making the devil, so I can regenerate ... "

I don't know when, from the swamp, a black ball is firmly smoked. Lost the legs of the legs still sword, according to the command to protect the princess, gradually dissipate under terrorism, torn into mercury atom.

"how come……"

Alice flustered: "Weird Greed], from the Brae Behis, the power, the control and stress. Is it buried in advance?"


Aleike reveals a pity.

"First destroy the guy to play the magic. Regeneration seems to be."

Lily Pina was wrong: "You don't know where you will play, how can you set traps ..."

"No, this is the battlefield I have chosen." Aleike said.

Lily, aware of the calculation of the black prince from the beginning. He can control the terrain of the maze, and even meet the location of Alice is arranged. By opening the door in the maze, guide her.

Lily Anna touched his anger and said, "Black Prince, this is not a rider's fair matchow!"

"Woman, are you questioning me if you are a devil?" Aleike disadvantages the horrible momentum.

The bee bee prayed by the black ball, and it gradually collapsed from bottom to bottom. The waist is below the waist, and the next is the chest. She is like a star to be swallowed by black hole. This is the birth of death since the birth.

This man is too dangerous. His existence will threaten the split. Before I completely dissipate, at least use the last strength ...

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