The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 505

Even if the goddess's anti-injury is very high, the god is very strong, and it is also a bit to eat.

"Sure enough, you can bear the damage to it." Both Sini smiled, "I will reflex, then I can support the last."

His [reflection] can reduce harm, but the revenge goddess is different. They must eat full damage, in order to rebound enough power. As long as it exceeds the upper limit, the power will be cracked.

Ark Chart is angered: "Area people, don't be too ray. Do you want to challenge the emissions of the revenge goddess?"

[Phoenix] is the side effects of continuous debuff. Both split with angina, a bloody blood. In front of [courage], pain is unbearable. Even if he is bruised, he doesn't hesitate to hold a fist, and pour the power.


Both sponsored, the invisible boxing gave a few meters. This boxing is on the goddess, and it also combines the truth in his own chest. Repair, reflection ... cycle reciprocation. Injury rebounded back and forth between the devil and the goddess until the attenuation is zero.


The split breathed, and did not let the blood on the throat and tasted the savory taste. He spoke, tightened his fist, wiped the blood of his mouth, and smiled crazy.

"It's also ... I don't hurt."

The revenge goddess is not interested in copying fists, like a barbarian.

Alek is painful, difficult to speak: "You are mad!"

"Your guy, is it true?" Yu Qira frightened.

Continuous punch!

Both Sakun smiled, such as the wind and the wind. Because the fist is in the goddess, the damage to the rebound is like the rain, the arm, the chest, the small belly, the thigh ... The revenge goddess is very full, so it is like a sandbag.

"No, no time ... this respect is the beauty of the prostitute, lives quickly!" Sestifugin did not want to live.

Alice holds his mouth and has long been tears.

"There is a pretty, don't beaten. Why do you want to fight this point?"

The romantic of the man is a sense of punching to meat!

: "Goddess, bite the teeth. Human revenge is a bit hurt!"

Super strong boxing!

Both sponsored, the right arm is full of bow, and the full punch is shot. The sky in dusk, floating the fire, was smashed by this hit. The overshoot, the entire labyrin is subject to secondary blow, which has already been turned into ruins. The revenge goddess on the top is as broken, flying out.


Revenge field, break!

The earth under the feet of B is suddenly collapsed, and a waves of a circle are only the remaining waves of the earthquake. The teenager exhausted the vitality, seven bleeding, standing still. The body is full of shocking wounds.

He seems to be asleep, standing there is a single-eyed devil. Liu Hai was reddish by blood, and the right eye was wore, the left eye was slowly closed.

Aleike is amazed and face it.

"Is it exhausted? Sixth Devil, still refused to fall after death. You let me know the peak of the frontal battle. Both split, I would like to be the strongest."

"It's a ... incredible man."

The three gods were lying on the ground and dying. If you are coming from the identity of God, it will be successful in this Devil. More compulsory efforts than Alek's calculations.

"There is!"

At this moment, Alika has no battle, just wants to run the past to save B. Lilyna did not block, silently put down the arm knife. She looked at the back of the two, she didn't bear it.

Is this story so far?

"I won the final. Leave the backhand, there is no way to use Wu." Alek Xingyi is beautiful, "the woman really can't stand, even the opponent can run. Hand, Mei Lu Xin."

Three changes.

"call out--"

A water spear was shot from Lily, from behind, it took through the chest of Elika. Blood flower splash. Blonde girl spit out a blood, showing an expression that is not confident.

"Ailika!" Everyone was shocked.

[Queen the faceless], Aleike has the power to be tampered from the goddess of the half-half snake. The throwing spacing can easily crush the steel, and even sneak into the shadow.

"Follow my black kings." Running a soft female voice.

Lily Liana looked back and watched his arm from his shadow, and then drilled out the body of the fish. The upper body is a red-haired woman with a white wing, the snake body fish tail.


Aleike said coldly: "Hidden from your shadow from the beginning. Woman, you and the deep red devil relationship is very shallow, maybe there is a chance to lurking around, there is a hobby, giving him a fatal blow. Based on the above Judgment, I decided to take advantage of this relationship. "

This is the black king, a devil to the ice point.

At this moment, Lilian, why did the black prince will take the initiative to throw an olive branch.

She is angry and said, "You have these Campione, what else should you get what you want to do? Trample on my knight, hurt the innocent people, is there no shame?"

Alek is glazing: "Cavaliers? This kind of thing to lie to a child is still going. See you is a good chess piece, I will forgive your sin. You just want to shake the tail pity to wolf The king will be loyal. "


Alice is disappointed, and it is not sad, and he is busy running to Baki and Elika. Now use the treatment of magic.

Aleker is confused: the man is already dead, why do you want to protect him? Woman This kind of creature is too much trouble.

Ailika was treated by the water, trembling because of pain, step by step to B. The water permeation is water, leaving a horrible blood cave, blood is filled. In the end, she hugged a boutique man. Blonde girl is pale, crying pear flower with rain.

"Miss this, admit that you are my devil ... why didn't you confess? I am going to wake up! You have to die here, I will accompany you ..."

If you are a devil, then I just become a witch.

"Miss, do you want to accompany the people?" A familiar male voice sounded.

Ailika looked up with an unhissed, he looked up, see tired face, as always.

The tears of tears collapsed, and the heart rippling a warm flow, love is like it is to be full. The hand of Biece is placed on her chest and rishes a faint green light.


Both spoken say: "If you are not a killing of the guy, the dead person is me. Must be hurt? I will help you with avenge."

He simply treated Elika and carefully handed it to Alice. The sick princess and barely supported Alicea.

Alice's tears, said: "Be careful, your body ..."

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