The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 522

"You have been going to the toilet for so long." Alika Fox suspected, "as the water of the Yellow River is endless?"

: "In a sense, this is the case."

This is a rich dinner. The old man knows the preferences of Western people. So, specially entertain guests with traditional Japanese vegetables in the antique old house. Delicious daily materials, big and well-smashed Japanese women ... Meet foreigners' expectations for Japan.

Aliance did not have the qualifications of the seat, stood behind the maid's identity.

Ailika has been in a great time. The Chinese cuisine and Japanese materials have a thousand autumn. In contrast, the taste of the daily typical is light, and more payments are fresh and the original taste of ingredients.

"There is a pretty, this salmon is very delicious, you also taste it."

Elika took a fish meat with chopsticks and sent it to his mouth. Learn to use chopsticks under the influence of B. Japan's popular diversity, each has a separate desk and a dish. It is a bit violation in the feeding.

Both . He considers the owner's face, there is no problem of tall parasites. Parasitic in the seawater environment will often do not use human as the ultimate host, seafood is safe than the freshwater fish.

"Take the mustard and soy sauce." Said the euphemism of B.

"Will this better ... So spicy!"

After a while, the sisters of Wanli Valley came late.

"Sorry, we are late."

"But I still come to see the devil." The old man did not angry.

The owner of Wanli Valley has experienced a deep diploma with the people's council. Unfortunately, the children are ordinary people who don't know anything about magic. The two granddaughters are fighting, and the born is an excellent psychic, but it also brought some trouble.

: "Two old lady, we have seen it."

"Yes?" The master slowed tone.

Wanli Gu You is like a ostrich low. Don't you say that the loss of people will be revealed by the devil under the majestic?

Bun said faintly: "I am lost, fortunately I met Miss Valley. Maybe she 's many work."


Girls, look up, look at teenage. His Liu Hai's right eye is closed and printed with a knife. [Law] The Tianqi listened, once the devil opened the second eye, the world will destroy. I don't know why, the fear has never retired.

Wanli Valley is staring at Baki, and it is not timid at all. She smiled sweet, one is a fluent Italian.

"Big brother, are you a national king? It's really good."

"Thank you." The awareness of Biece switches the language.

Little Loli said: "Do you kill the god? Then, you will be destroyed by you."

Wanli Gu Boyi shouted: Xiao Guang, don't talk. Real evil spirits are in front of you. It will be killed!

"Don't come from God, but I want to go back to the poor insects of the sky." Bay, "said" "uses human values ​​to speculate God, no meaning."

The master praised: "It is good! Bai Shijun, it is a hundred years old. You have the name of the Sixth Day Devil ', will be a person, such as the WiURACE."


Both sponsor is unfold. Although I know that the status of the gods is high, it will be sought after. This is also too middle.

"My family's granddaughter has no blinking, I laugh." The old man said, "They have received Western-style education from small, often give the sage, the foreign language is not bad, will go to Europe to study in Europe. You are all young people, may wish more Communicate. "

Wanli Valley home west is very thorough, the trend of the era can be seen. This family is also a heterogeneous magic world in the Japanese magic world, just a tool for women in the witch.

: So a large fee, please call me, but also called two granddaughters. Beauty meter, do I look Loli? Is the true purpose to take advantage of it? It seems that there is a difficult person to say.

The owner said: "Bailian Jun, I haven't given you a good introduction. My family's granddaughter is a rare existence in the high-level witch, with powerful spirit and cure."

This enthusiasm seems to be in sales of goods.

Both people can't help but look high. Just now, is it []? Alice is not there, and a spiritual persons are indeed lacking in the team. The function of Japanese witch and European witch is consistent.

"As for the little granddaughter ..." The old man wants to say, "I don't understand things, I don't mention it."


Wanli Valley drums face, like a happy treasure. When she looked at Biquo, I changed a "I am very curious" expression.

"King's brother, can you tell me the story of your God?"

This age of little girls let Bake B remembered their own sister. In the past, it was widing in this way, and he is going to listen to the story.

Both split: "Not a matter of nothing. If you want to know, I will tell you."


Wanli Valley is equipped with a small mouth to eat, listen to the side ear. [Light] No valuable intelligence, if you can hear the oral manager's oral manager is also completed.

Both sport slowly: "At the beginning, I am a disciple of Sadoder's witch ..."

My Heroes Academy broke the insulting incident, eating people. The first few chapters just mentioned tampering textbooks, God predict. I can remove a small hero in the voting option, I have been quite wondering.

Talking about small heroes

The long-lost single chapter is accompanying. This authors have been good at writing novels 8 lines, please leave, accompany your chat, spit, copy the plot, written, and shoot guns.

I believe everyone is clear. My Hero Academy comics the latest words, the author is Nadangping a counterpart character to carry out human experiments "Zhihe Pills". Pills have both Genta and Maruta reading, and general Japanese creators will also be suspected, but the authors have indicated "maruta" pronunciation.

MARUTA is a priority of the bacterial troops of the Japanese Army to the human experiment. The meaning in Japanese is "round wood", which is attracted to "test products".

At the same time, the surname of Zhihe came from Zhi He Jie. Japanese bacteriologists, who have discovered the name of Magica and his name. Apococcus is a common pathogens in bacterial dysentery, and Japan's 731 troops have conducted a living dysentery experiment. Among them, it is self-evident.

This thing is the beginning of being pointed out by Korean netizens. The statement published by the original author did not apologize. Create an animation of the animation in the B station, which is now getting out of the rising speed of the revolution.

I haven't seen a small hero, only a few words. Impression only stayed here. To put it up, the plot I wrote in the first few chapters, let the leader becomes similar to the anti-Japanese yy novels of the World War II. I haven't mentioned that Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be mentioned. After all, the local people are also a pain.

Handcuffs have said that painting creation is the bottom line, and three principles have been put forward. One of them is "The victim of the war or the disaster is joking."

Second, it cannot be involved in yellow. Third, people can't, at least should not refine ... Oh, these two are I compiled.

The novel is also the same. Cool, against historical virtuality.

Yue Yue Ping is nothing more than the right-wing readers who are charming Japan. I am very concerned about the feelings of readers. Some people have basically treated seriously, and they are not tired. The self-cultivation of the network written, can be writtenless, at least can't look ugly.

I used a reader to say that I have a deep impression. The author must have its own at least.

I think the creator is also the case.

Chapter 327 Work, the devil!

Early morning, sunny. Bo is open, see a strange ceiling. I don't know why, the quilt pressed is delicate and soft, or is constant.

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