The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 527

Carlian is strange, the Miss Elka is still a cup of coffee?

After she left, Elika said proudly: "There is a prostitute, I will sell you the first cup of coffee today. Today's performance is."

: "It is worth you."

Yi Li Xin supported: "In order to sell a cup of coffee, it lost more than one million yen. Is the two are serious? Both encesers, do you open a store to burn money!"

"Happy." B is slightly smile, "this information said no one million."

Alic Anna is curious: "What?"

"Ailika, you said that Carine is the maid of Lily, she appeared in Japan, exposed Lilyna's whereabouts. This means ..."

The latter also wants to pass the joint and exposes the color of the dignity. The European Raiders only lack a puzzle, that is, the wolf king of the hidden. Will he allow an east?

Elika analysis: "Carine is an ingenious person, it is impossible to commit this low-level mistake. It turns out that she is showing the police, really selling 100,000 euros is this information!"

"In the Japan cafes, I thought it would avoid the limelight." Both split the hair, "it was still coming to the door."

I have been too busy before.

Yilin and Elianna have changed the dislikes in their hearts, producing a worship. It turned out that this is the deep meaning of the adults, the maid cafe is just a scorpion.

Both , it seems to be destined to have a battle with the Wolf King. He didn't notice that the face of Wanli Boxi is ugly.

"Take later this early." B is said, "You can pick it up in the store, I have something to do with Alika."

"Long live the store!"

At night, Wanli Gu Boyi rushed to the Tsing Zaudai at the tram. Shinjuku, Wenjing District, Chiyoda District and Taitung District form a horn. Walking towards Southwest is Shibuya, then the black-proof area where the greenhouses are located.

"That ancient book ... In order to confirm the whereabouts of the Wolf King, you must once again launched. If he really comes to Japan, the consequences are unimaginable!"

The girl worried into the library of the Qingfei Table. Here is a famous [library] in the Japanese magic world, which is managed by the [Zhengshi Compilation Committee], which has included a large number of magic guides.

Death is a common silence.

"anyone there?"

The strange thing is that the original book administrator is not seen. All the way is unimpeded, I boarded the second floor. The girl saw the shadow and relieved.

"Sorry, have you been closed? Because the door is not locked, I will come up with it."

The voice of Wanli Valley is abrupt. Because she found that the human hand in front of him. Face, hands and feet, and even clothes have become salt.


The girl hurriedly ran up, hitting a dozen salt statues in my face, all are the editorial members of Zhengshi. A tall old man is sitting in the library, holding a familiar ancient book. Lily is standing behind him, revealing the color.

Warban said: "This is my book of my [Wolf], I don't know when I arrived in Japan. [ ] My person is you? I haven't seen it for four years, little witch."

"Devil ..."

Wanli Valley is pouring to the ground, and she shakes. The Wolf Wang was too strong, and it was perceived by [King Di].

"The Ling Med Medal is actively sent to the door, saves me a lot of work. This one of this props will be set." Walan is coming to book, "What is this child?" Lilyna? "

The silver-haired girl is tightly smoldering, saying: "It seems to be called Wanli Gu Boyi. Marquis, only for a witch, is it too hot?"

"Miss Lilia ..."

Wo Ban said: "Oh, Milan's blue knight. I like fight, no matter how hunting is still a game, I still want to do what I want to do with my heart. Do you understand? I don't like the dog, but I will resist the wolf. Lily, I just like you. "

The girl is shaking in the heart, biting the lips: "This is my honor, Marquis."

Tokyo Dudang District, Qingshan. Both Sakai have a guest to be a guest. The destination of this trip is a certain alley on the Qingshan Road. There is an unmanned Nort-North grocery store named "Hu Yuetang".

The storeman is a female in a twenties, the name is unknown, and the person on the road will call her with the store name.

Hu Yuetang said: "The devil is adult, should I call you a special consultant? There is also a lady of the deep red devil around you."

"Call me, you can." Bun said faintly, "Are you a peripheral member of the Southern Parliament?"

Hu Yuetang is ambiguous: "Is it."

The Japanese magic world can be divided into two officials of the official and folk. The official is the four major families with a deep heritage, which is headed by the Sandy Palace of the [Zhengshi Compilation Committee]. The folk magic consecutive is a plate of sand.

In 1853, the "black boat"'s ribbon bombarded the national door of Japan and is a signature historical event. During the Meiji Decoction, Western Common Hall took the opportunity to enter Japan, one of them is the sage.

[Southern Parliament] The predecessor is the platform of the magician exchange information, no sessile, and there are activities around the world. At overseas, many magicians are just a member of the name, share information from all over the world. Some members are hidden very deep.

Hu Yuetang is also this nature. Yilin has opened the joint and integrated the resources of the Southern Parliament in Japan.

"Wolf book is sold to [book"]. The Committee seems to be a witch [spirit], it should be that Wanli Valley. White, it may be related to the history of the Wolf King, is not an important thing. "

Sakae downgrade: "So, Greenwell does not have much information about the Wolf King?"

"The sage is active in the second half of the 19th century, and the Waman Marquis can at least be three hundred years old. All the ability is unknown. However, our intelligence network has mastered the latest news. Yesterday, a gloomy old man took Lily Na Crannira arrived into the Naidian Airport, and there was a maid with accompanying. "


"The next thing, let the princess you will explain to you."

Hu Yuetang launched a tuned spell, and the contact with the style of contact has recorded the coordinates of "Hu Yuetang" in the Far East. This is the role of a stronghold in north-south grocery store - spiritual air transport.

The ray is mastered, a translucent blonde girl floats in the air. The body is far in Greenwich, but the thoughts have already leaping most of the earth.

The two are in the same way: "Alice ?!"

Sakuo quickly took the girl fell. The spirit is too light.

Xiaoyu. "

Alice is reluctant to earn an embrace. The overall situation is heavy, first put down the children's personal feelings.

She said seriously: "The situation is urgent, I will say short words. Wo Ban Marquis has been hidden in the Eastern Pargan Peninsula, so I can't master his whereabouts. On the other side, I will find out the entry record. His purpose is not ... Summon is not ... From God! "

Chapter 330

Four years ago, Waman Marquis convened a large number of witch women, holding a ceremony that does not come from God - [Zi Zhi]. However, the summoned god was killed and tamped with the king of the sword. This is the largest and most evil event in this century, which is recorded in the Greenwich archives.

: "As a goddener, actually take the initiative to attract natural disasters?"

"That disaster sacrificed 30 witches, and most of the rest were seriously traumatic." Alice sighs, "only two people are safe, one is that Wanli Gu Boyi."

Elika added: "... and Lily."

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