The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 532

I haven't come to tell you, I am going to leave tomorrow, go to the trial of the Wolf King. As long as I get the appreciation of the devil, I can become a qualified knight.

When the childhood agreed, he still missed it.

Lilian Na Na's tears said: "If one day, it is not good to offer the witch in the world."

PS: People think

Chapter 333 Justice

From small to large, Alika and Lily Anna have been difficult to score. The blonde girl suddenly laughed and let Lilia have an ominous premonition.

"Your bedroom number in the second drawer."

"What?" Lily Na's face changed.

Elika said: "Why is it so cold to me, but every time I see his face is like a deer, it is like a small deer. I didn't expect you to write such a girl. The kiss is very bold. However, You haven't tried the first kiss, so I wrote too empty, I need actual experience. "

"Why do you know the novel I wrote? Fast hair!"

Lily, holding his ears, rising red face, putting the Poly Sword first like an ostrich.

"you are dead."

Elika took the opportunity to attack, and the western sword took the brunette of the silver-haired girl, and he sesamed a drop of blood.

"If you don't want black history, you will listen to me by the public. Don't sell for the wolf king, join us."

Lilia is angry and regarded: "Are you going to betray?"

"You haven't swearing too loyal? How can you have a contradiction with that old antique with that old antique, and the contradiction of usage is much more. The worst plan is inverse meter, I will order you from behind, sneak attacking Wamqua."

"It's too much! I can't make a good behavior of the Knights."

Yinfa girl is angry. Being a variety of differences by the Devil Stress, what is the lower flow novel bridge?

"I really can't help it, then I can only be a drain tool of the devil." Alilka smiled, "I am the palace, I will allow you to do the second. This is the agreement."

"It turns out that you have always remember ..."

Lilian Nazza knocked down, I thought about the ridiculous agreement of the child, but I thought I only did it.

Alilka smiled: "Do you want to be with me?"

"Don't fall in love!" Lily said not confidently, "But I will accept me ... Will he be a popular candidate in the . Want to follow his witch and witches. "

"He is your novel man's protagonist. You didn't pay attention, the previous is 'Saving you go out'. Of course, you also include you. Because he wants you, it will fight with the wolf king."

"Want ... I?" The silver girl was red.

"You and Wanli Valley [spirit] are scarce resources."

Lily Pully tone: "Is it this meant?"

"What do you think?" Alika smiled and smiled.

Lilian Nago: "What is H, I hate it!"

On the battlefield, Whabla is in a surrounding circle of the three god gods. Didn't see the power, the invisibility of the wolf is threatened. He is aware of the servant from the dead, and you can move around you at any time. Death Legion, impeccable guard.

"Good, revenge goddess."

Buck Buckered the servant of the attack, looking at the battle of not far away. When he came to him, he looked at the pet of "goddess" to play BOSS. This trick consumes great consumption, he uses [vector operation] accelerates blood circulation and relieves the pain of blood loss.

"Hey, new little master, are you too much to call?" Said ink.

The revenge three goddess mouth complained, the movement is not slow, with the tacit understanding, and attacked Whabage. The death of the dead servant, the sword, the sword, the goddess.

[Revenge "] Instant expansion.

Reverse hurt!

"Does harming rebound?"

Woan has a bloody water. He screams, emits a tyrannical breath, and smashed the gentleman's windbreaker, turned into a wolf, and the chest has more bloody wounds.

" -"

This is the "greedy group of wolves]. The wolf of the" Wolf] has a strong flesh and recovery of far-immorted people.

Aleko is too susceptible to: "Is this copy?"

"Calculate ... Forget it, it is not beautiful." Tissifirin said.

Warban smiled: "I want to see it, can my eyes rebound?"

[Somoda's], Warban Marquis from the ancient Roman's one-eyed army to He Leixi's power. The eyes of the Wolf King are like emerald, and the creatures he have visible will become a salt column.

The snake of the revenge goddess began to solidify, and it was necessary to become a statue made by salt. Ink Allah, Tissifiria and Arkopo are watching, from three aspects to Whablan.

Copy, Somoda's!

The ink ticings screamed: "It is enough to be in the case of a stone statue. We have an extensive experience to deal with the evil eye."

"Now, we all have a evil eye." Alkecore said.

: "It is true that he is still in line with my style."

"Maria Taisa!"

Waman roaring. A witch shifted, and was caught in his hand, helping him blocked the generic gaze. The dead servant from being summoned, one by one. Snow-like salt is pushing like a mountain, a creepy.

"You will only imitate it, but don't you know that this pair has a perspective ability?"

Wo Ban hide behind the death rider, grinned. The goddess of the goddess was blocked, but his eyes can penetrate the human shield.


The three gods have come back to God, and the lower body has been salted. Just temporarily action is limited. [Somoda's] Only the hypervisor is suppressed, the stronger the difference between the target of the target.

On the other hand, the battle between the dragon and the Wolf entered an end. Wolfan's Woan can make every hair into a wolf, supplement fresh blood, but he has been self-sufficient. The last wolf was swallowed by the magic bomb, and the split [Survity] and continued to make a lot of magic.

The confrontation of the summoned beast is just a test.

"The army war is here, then it is a single list."

Both Sakura held the magic book, and the other hand taking out the slate. Since the death of the dead is unable to completely eliminate, then it will be sealed. The revenge goddess is on the front piggyback BOSS, he is in the rear.

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