The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 592


Ailika and Lily Anna one left and right, protect Saaye Palace. Lu Eagble wrist shake. The blank, the missile is just the ordinary stone.



Two teenage girls cooperate with tacit understanding, with a sword. They jumped up and direct Lu Eagilization. The latter is in the hands of superb, and the palm of the anti-military blade is in the wind.

Ailika and Lily Anna are in the heart. I only know that the Bun is proficient in the boxing method, I didn't expect someone in the young life. A disciple is so powerful, how much is Luo Xinmun?

Lu Eagi took the disease and retired and said, "If you want to make a hand with you, it is too reluctant. Your opponent is not me. Go, thank you!"

I don't know when, a girl in a sprout is standing on the top of the shrine. She solved a layer of pure white bandage, fluttering a blood flower. Assensita smiled, as far as the ghosts suddenly expanded, avatars as white giant.

"Today, I have to turn on the snake of the paramour."

Does not coming!


The white snake has more than 50 meters, and it has crushed the second Wood of Shendai in an instant. Has swept the sea of ​​Venice, the huge body can be compared to the 20th floor high-rise building. It is a silver-white scais, such as a goddess.

At this moment, the scales are blood, blood fog is reddish. Hundreds of tourists were splashing by blood, witnessing the coming of the snake god, caught in a unknown fear.


"There is a monster, good ... a big snake!"

People scream, cry, escape ... Stamping incident triggers greater casualties.

Leliana was surprised: "This woman is God ancestors? Give up the deadness of the snake and the land, gain the strength of the beast!"

"Sha Yayong adult!"

Including the ganquin winter horse, several ninja rushed first, turned into the black shadow, single knee. They have no time to the white snake, can only look at it.

"What is the nine law? Even a little gaze is not, I am afraid it is a long-awaited attack. No matter what the committee takes over the scene!"

Shayeong command: "Emergency evacuation tourists, then ... shield the nearby network and signals, implement traffic control!"

Don't expose from the snake in so many people, you will definitely cause panic in the world. Then it is a large area deletion memory. When the disaster is coming, Shayeongxin decisively determines the blocking message and prevents the expansion. Cruel, but it is very effective.


Agreera has lost self-awareness, only by instinctive fight. It is a flat bird, causing ten casualties. At this time, Lu Eagi has not been known.

Ailika and Lily Anna cannot cause effective injury. Because the snake god is too big, the sword is cut on a hard snake scale.

Aili card stunned and said: "The battle will die, I use [Space System] to transfer it. Lily, help me fight for time!"

"Good! The essence of fantasy, play the wonderful melody! Please give me a wings you can't see!"

Lily, Lu Yan, [Silver Master] The form of cultivating the piano can play various magic songs. She accelerates the melody by [time accumulation]. The magic sound enters the brain, interferes with the actions of the white snake. The snake is slow, and the sound wave of air is not accepted, but can be poured into the brain through the vibration of the ground.

"The Lion's Magic Sword! You, give up the sword to become a lock!"

Aili summoned the chain from all sides, wrapped around the snake. The white snake listened to the magic song, only stopped the moment, became more violent, crazy hit the earth.

Brain - "

The mountain is shaken.

"not good!"

On the occasion of the millennium, the light blue stuff drops from the sky. The crystal girl, with the magic song of Lilia to the destruction of the song into the head of the white snake. The snake god was staminated, and the past.


"Alice ?!" Elika watched.

Alice is full, saying: "Sorry, I am late. I am tracing the ancestors. From the vocational, I spent a little time."

Lilijaa's sense of service: "No, just good."

Alice saw a white snake, and the eyes were frozen. Is it a source of cult? "

"it's time!"

Elika inserts the sword into the earth, burst the curse, and the earth has a huge red magic array. The chain will be wrapped in a coma's white snake layer and transferred to the mountain. There is a "falling valley" between the Eastern Verm and the Endai Mountain, and the girls fly fell with a white snake.

Lily, stepped on a cliff, such as a light gap. She launched [Flying], took the princess to pick up the fall of Alilka, and the latter went to her neck.

"Hard work." Li Liana said.

Elika exhausted, smiled and said: "Nice's cooperation."

"Don't be happy too early."

The girls fall above the cliff. There is an abandoned shrine, and it is easy to see the word "White Snake Shrine".

Eli silk is looking to the north, which can feel a shrine that is hidden by a neighborhood. It seems to be through the entrance of the world.

I don't know how Xiaoyu is. No, don't worry about his strength. As long as we insist on him to come over.


White snake crawl in the mountains, like a white-discovered Panshan Highway. The blood-added white scale friction, breaks the pine trees on the cliff, as flying on the cloud.

Zombie, wake up.

The depth of the Jungle of the West Town. Both Sakuya recovered the , the nine lawsuit Dryans were falling asleep on the ground. The ban on the brain has been unspeakable, and something like the witch cursed.

"Brother, what is going on?" Wanli Valley is in the heart.

: "It is docked by people. The nine lawsuits are probably falling. The enemy is looking at your [disaster], deliberately lead us. That phone is not him."

Wanli Guyou Question: "What should we do now?"

Bay is calm and said: "Let's go forward. Let us will be seized from the gods - Qi Tian Dasheng."

It is a long cloister within West Town. Hanging a nickname is considered to be the existence of two worlds. Both Bar took the head and went in. Xiaoguang holds the dragon knife and step by step.

Wanli Gu Boyu looked at it, the forest was extravagant, and the earthquake was blocked. She didn't dare to think, I quickly followed.

Nobody pays attention, a lizard followed, followed by the pace like Dragon. Jiuquan Dried Yoshi is lying on the ground, no one cares.

Air is getting thinner and thinner, replaced by viscous spiritual power. There is a layer of blocking in front of you, as if the air wall.

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