The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 605

Both sponsor is in an instant, accompanied by electric sparks. Only a sword, the golden blade penetrated the body of Sun Wukong. After the strengthening of [Tian Jian Yunjian], it can not only seal the gods, but even fate can be cut off - due to fruit law!


Sun Wuko spurted a blood, and even the seventy-two variations could not be maintained, degraded into the appearance of the witch. The mask of the monkey king she wears slipped, revealing a delicate face.

"Your guy ..."

Both sport is indifferent, even if a sword runs through the beautiful body of Xiaoguang, there is no shake. He maintains the posture of the knife, the right eye is already the color of the greenhouse.

The eyes of the angelization are used up. Install the magic eye, there is the front car of [Petrochemical ", so I chose the [Somoda's]. With the god speed, it will only rely on one eye, and the dynamic vision cannot adapt to the high-speed world. Didn't hit the enemy, first slammed yourself.

The "Sun Wukong" surrounded by the week wanted to rescue the body. Both Biece is called, the monkeys have been salted, and the horrible pupils are crushed into the powder, and they are snowflakes.

: "It's you from someone else's body. If you are Qi Tian Sheng, you don't want to be parasitic as a parasitic in the witch. I said, give me someone's sister!"

Unknown consciousness sea, Wanli Valley held his knees and saw the only light in the dark world. That is the sound of Bacquaccone, is extremely gentle.

Teenage girl is touched: "Brother ..."

The golden blade seals the [King Kong's body]. The destiny between the monkey monkey and the witch witch is cut off.

Sun Wukong emerged and cracked, and the force was lost. The snow is adding, [] suppressed his mana. If the body of the wife, the body can't play a hundred percent of the strength. Originally used to weaken [ ], in turn into a cumbersome.

"The old grandson is also you! Witch, I have to come out, you open your mouth!"

Yuan God is out!

Sun Wukong's soul is a golden light, flying from the mouth of the Valley light. When the girl woke up, he was hugged in his arms. Helping her treatment, rising a faint green light. A little pain, but it is very warm.

Both Sakura: "Welcome to come back. From now, there will be no dealer of the witch. Will not be forced by the big family, will not be attached to the monster, nor is forced to play with monkeys."

Small tears gland collapsed, said, "Thank you, brother ..."

"Your real relative is waiting for you."

Both split, the small light is floating, and You will welcome it.



Wanli Valley sisters hug together. This scene is very warm. Both Sakuyu, but put his eyes in the escaping Sun Wukongyuan.

"Beson, let's help you with the power. It is now!"

The nine lawsuit is a family guarding the West Tiande, of course, there is a secret law to start [ ]. Head of Dry YAN, the curse of Jiuji is a hunt, sitting into a square. Because the spell is smashed, the power is too weak.

"Tai Shang Laojun, hurriedly," Jiufu Zhibu played his handprint.

Another beauty in the sky stops going. Handsome and handsome gods have third eye, handheld two-edged knife. [ ] The body is actually able to fight with Sun Wukong.

"I hate excessive eyes! You have broken the three abuse of this East, give me!"

Sun Wukong grinned, a stick was second, the second, Sheng Zhen Jun. Hematology, even if you can't retrieve your true body, it is still the top of Qi Tian Dasheng!

The nine law is spit out of a blood, and the horizontal is eight vertical. Three hundred years ago, the holy monk jointly had a Japanese spell, and it was ambiguously entered Sun Wukong. In this late age, it is not the enemy of the monkey.

Sun Wukong shoulder the golden hoist, which is proud of the sky, overlooking the people.

"This big holy big hometown, big trouble, Donghai Dragon Palace, will you still have a good time? The old grandson will make the flowers of the flowers and the mountains, just !"

B is looking at the sky and says: "Because it is dissatisfied with the ending of" Journey to the West ", it will not be coming. Don't want to be a fight to win the Buddha ... don't come from Sun Wukong."

"The world is in the Buddha, and I asked the old age. I didn't think too much in Yaochi, I didn't think too much in Yaochi. The Buddha's old man is responsible, holding my results. I can be obey, I don't care, don't think about it, don't think Wrong. I am still Qi Tian Dasheng, the land on the ground! "

Sun Kui snooked, his eyes were as good as the body. High Wanzhang, the head is like Taishan, the waist is like a mountain, the eye is like lightning, the mouth is like a bloody, and the teeth such as the swords. If the branches have enlarged, the sea god needed the island country. From thirty-three days, the next 18 floors hell.

[ ], the top of the true sense!

"I want this day, I can't cover my eyes. I have to bury my heart again. I have to be able to understand this. I have to understand me. I want the Buddha, all smoke and the cloud!"

The declaration of the Monkey King is like a sunny day, and he has a heaven. Everyone looked up at the sky, only felt that the back is cold, can't afford the mind.

What is the powerful not from God, only a power of the soul?

Luo Ji sidel: "Xianli, the fairyland, exceeding my biggest" Dynasty Gong Gong]. This is like the Qi Tian Dasheng of my Huaxia! "

Leliana didn't have a good air: "Where are you standing?"

"Waiting for the old grandson to take the real body, break this [ ]. Let this island country becomes my flower mountain, all human beings are monkeys, happy and happy. Resist in the West, hit the tiants, teach the like and Yu Emperor's old boy is panful. "

Sun Wukong took a single-handed print and made a power to the earth and started to sing.

"To , 10,000 things, is Shun Chengtian. Treatment!"

Petrochemical started.

Snowy Mountain and the second wild mountain are all infected with snow, it is a strong stone. Sun Wukong is to turn the whole Japan into petrochemical urban - Huagua.

Luo Yan suddenly came out, said: "This is ... The Secrets of the Shisong Grottoes?"

Both He turned his left hand and missed the quaint slate. Light blue flame sprayed out, wrapped around Sun Wukong in an instant.

"Scare the old grandson and one hop. Not hot, what is the stuff?" Sun Wukong jumped.

Prometheus stolen!

Baked in a calmly: "You cultivate the big days, jump out of the reincarnation, and you will not have a long life. But the hit is destined to have three disasters, so you have to learn from 72 to avoid refuge. These three disasters are Tianlei, the wind and the female My fire can steal everything. "

This is the weakness of Sun Wukong, from the knowledge of the [King ".

Stealing, French sky!

"It's better to steal something better than you. The old grandson is not taking you with you today!"

Sun Wukong only felt that God was stolen, not being reduced by control, and turned back to the regular size. He is not invisible to copy the golden rod. At the same time, the magic book of the left hand is put down, and the right hand tightened the Tiangong sword.

"call out!"

The two have a draft blade, the opposite direction. Between the world, the two world collides with each other. The Shisong Grottoes constantly erodes the boundaries of infinite swords, and the gold sword on the swords will become a stone sword.

Sun Wukong's thoughts. If you die here, you will return to the lotus throne, and you are always a "fighting battle Buddha."

Seventy-two variations, seventy-two kinds. This time, I decided not to ignite!

White horse!

The Bashen Expressway flew, and he pulssed the sky, and the flame burned along the sword blade. [White Horse] power to impart the characteristics of the sun - fire atmosphere deterioration. [Tian Jian Yunjian] Crazy draws a curse, changing the shape, and turns into a "sun fragment".

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