The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 640

"What is your safety pants?"

Luozi sat up and put out the pose of the duck. She took the cheongsam in the face of B.

"Although I don't like foreigners, but in order to wear ..."

The girl is sweating, and the wind blows cold. She suddenly realized what, she looked at "" blush.


Recently, my sister is a bit natural.

Both Sakura crimped Luo Yi. He kneel on the girl, support his hands. This should be called "." The four eyes are relatively, the faces of the two are very close. Luo Yan didn't face his face, and he was flustered.

"Don't be here ..."

: "I heard that the road is natural. Take the sky is used as the bed. Is it a mountain clear show, a bird?"


Luo Yi said courage to say: "You still remember the [Herrobs of Hights] I practiced? The martial arts and cold in the cold, my internal force is cold and hot, plus the cultivation of the priest. There are poetry clouds, Twenty-four bridge Mingyue Night ... "

After that, the cheongsam beauty bites his lips and picks up the hair of the ear.

Baked the throat water, only feel that the heartbeat accelerated. Don't you say that this is the realm of ice and fire?

After the warmth, Luo Li said softly: "Let's go to honeymoon together. I am famous for [treasure ship factory], can ship itself."

"Okay." Both Sakura is interested.

[Treasury Factory], Luo Yan defeated the power of Noah in the Bible, with the ability to manufacture magic boats. Not only can make a giant ship, but also more than one hundred luxury fleets and any number of sailing boats.

Hailong King!

A super-level giant ship is moor in the East China Sea, just like Noah's Ark. Luo Yi teaches the main travel, naturally there is enough drain. The mighty fleet archs the center of the giant ship, like aircraft carrier fighting group.

Luo Yi has a right to call [Huang Yi Yun Dream] - can change the ultimate aura of national gas transport. In short, it will become bustling, she hasn't sent it in Lushan. This is what Lu Yili's original question, Luo Xinben can let the world dominate the world, but only take care of a heart.

Bay, I remembered the world of magic, and I was straightforward. You are not the Lord of Rome, with the effect of coming with [Peter's Cross]?

Before the Hailong Kingle, the sea route from the two countries will become more prosperous. A group of people now to do now is the world, and there is an invisible to establish ocean hegemony.

"Luozhan, the captain." Both Saki joked.

Luo Yan said: "It seems like we are pirates."

"You are a pirate, then I am a man who wants to be the One Piece."

Both sponsor have the right eye, leaving the knife, wearing an eyekle is an alice, the pair of parsers on the pirate ship. Then, the right eye slowly opened.

Luo Wei was shocked: "Yuer, your eyes ..."

Both sponsored, touch the right eye. After a year, the has recovered.

"Well, it has been unpaped."

Luo Chen does not understand the price of [Time and Space Jump]. She tried a lot of secret laws, and she did not cure the right eye of B. No matter what to say, I am happy with the brother.

: "Sister, so I can look at you very well."

"What do you want to see me ... debut, what do you mean by cheongsam?"

Luo Yan red face, covering the hem of cheongsam. Black bottom, gold pattern. She put on the rope finish, and she was angry with the side of the high-open cheongsam, and the ribbon of the jade, and the bows of the bow. This is the most deadly cheongsam. Not only the design of the chest, there is a rhombic hollow opening before and after the cheongsam.

Following the "absolute field", the newly born cute area name is "absolute null domain". The inverse triangle space formed by the inner side of the female leg and the crotch, Japanese writing "shares under the triangle". There is only a dream triangle that there will be a beautiful girl who is in abundance and slim. Some girls are equilateral triangles, some forming a waist triangle, and interprets what is human aesthetics through the triangular function combined with the gold angle of optical calculation.

The hollow is the perfect portrayal of the absolute nature.

"Golden Squareqi, I think it is very good." Bottom the heart nodded.

The past is a writer, I have read a lot of home dance, and I have a slightly involved in the cheongsam. Cenocular's old bank, copying a fashion design. In order to meet the metamorphosis of your younger brother, wear the cheongsam.

So cute!

Luo Juxiao: "Let me take safety pants back ..."

"No, I have to wear this" bliss pure land "." Bun Zhenjun can not help, "I teach you a butterfly step."

Luo Yi shouted: "I will never jump in Japan!"

Wind and sunny, clear sky.

The sea, such as the sea, the sea, sparkling. Elika and Lilyna rely on the railing, blowing on the deck. Luo Yan came out of the mortuary in the unstead of Bench. This "new marriage" did not take a maid, the only crew is an Athena, Alika and Lilynana.

"Do you really want to jump?" Lily is shy.

Ailika smirked: "I will give the teacher to cheer."

"The district is small ... I dared to speak." Luo glanced at her.

The hordic group of the devil, in a sense is "three wives and four sorrows". Athena is a three-wife, and the left is just a four.

Athens said with his head and said: "Strange, there is a word on the big sister of the cheongsam."

Luo Yan explained: "That is marked out of the points ... When teaching, Yuer wrote with a brush."

"But it seems to be a correct word." Lily Anna said.

"Hey?" Luo Yanyi.

The sea breeze blows, cheongsam sways. In the place where she can't see, "white paper black words" is filled with the correct word, which is harder than the prank of the Painting Wang Ba. Luo Yi is inseparable, but it is obvious that it is oily ink.

"Besong people have anya, you will stand it!"

"This is the meaning of Luo Li, who is righteous." B is unhappy, "Today, the weather is so good, I will swim first."


"I also together."

This luxurious private cruise is named Hailong King. The girls took off their clothes and exposed the refreshing bikini, leaping in the open-air pool on the deck. Beautiful or beautiful, like a colorless beauty.

Luo Yan mandarously found that no one can cure the Big Demon King. Today, she wants her to wear a hollow cheongsam, and tomorrow may be the celestial bath, and the day after tomorrow is practicing natural swords in the deck ... The life of rich people is so simple and boring.

Seagull flew over the mast. The wind blows up a newspaper in the long room, and the long floating is falling.

This is a newspaper issued by the magic world, compiled by the witch of Sadoders. First version of the photo is the sage of the Southern Parliament. Alice Princess hosted the overall situation, convene all the gods to formulate a peace agreement, a global sharing intelligence, united cooperation in destroying disasters called "God".

This is from the wind of the transformation of the world, and the human fate community is formed.

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