The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 647

"You forgot, even Xiaoyan is also ... so it is also a coward." Pasha Carlia said.

Plifria laughed and said: "The choice is not as good as the day. Today, you will do a wedding. You can rest assured that you have sent invitations to countries. You frustrated the conspiracy of the Strings. [Holy ], first, second and third true ancestors are very interested in you, promise to personally go to the contract. I really give us a long face of our royal family. "

"Flash marriage? I haven't agreed ..."

Baked back, a while, and the wind blows, and the flowers are getting fascinating. Two beautiful princess stood in the courtyard of the Royal Palace, gentle water gaze him.


Rafflia and Ye Xiassa: Wearing a crown, holding flowers, a pure white wedding dress. Silver white hair, the same in the city. One is a short hair, one is long hair. Silver hair princess eyebrows, autumn water cuts, smiled.

"Brother." Xia Yun was angry.

Rafflia said softly: "Is there anything, are you willing to marry us?"

Say what Aldich's slate, it turned out to be deceived. Both Bay ride, don't want to live up to girl's heart. I have a responsibility of eating a sister. If they are known to know the princess and the Knight's private feelings, they can't marry.

As a knight in the first volume, the princess loved man gave a kiss.

"Of course. Two beautiful princess, today you have to marry me."

The two printers did not agree with the mouth, and there was a joy of tears.

In the case of unmanned time, the Biece is called, launched [time and space jump]. It's not aware of the emperor's consciousness, I can't forget a white hair in the heart. In short, this world will archive first. Although it is shameful, it is very useful.

Flee married!

PS: I want to have finally, and the whole line is completed. Pharmal attack, finished.

I have already made my brain to climb the bed of Xia Yun in the middle of the night, and then misunderstand the mother into Rafflia, then ... Wait, is this not a god?

Chapter 402 Crossing Devils

The stars, the vast space. The upper and lower left and right are all void, and it is in the universe. The city of the sky floats in the void, and the bottom is like a tree root. The weightless gravel, such as a string of air bubbles in the deep sea floating.

A meteor scored over the sky and broke the quiet silence.

From the second floor, a group of "human beings" are observed in the sky. The city of the sky is a spindle structure, and it is a dark night sky from the lower layer.

An angel exclaimed: "Meteor ?!"

"Don't be joking, how can there be a meteor?"

"Yes ... is true, it seems to hit us here!"

This is a two-wing angel of a group of universe. Their responsibility is to observe the star elephant and guarded the heavenly criminals attached to this.

"Fast, report to the high level!"


[The sound of angel], through the magic array of the network of the sacred messenger. The magic array plays 3D images, which is also convenient than the mobile phone.

A angel looked up and muttered: "Since the magic war, the door of Tianjie has never been captured. This is not a simple meteorite!"

At this moment, Sakura is still falling in a rapid fall.

The city of the sky is getting closer. Both sponsor will take the magnificent aerial city, and the heart is embarrassed. This is not the world of Charlotte. Is it said that the floating castle in the "sword god domain"?

"call out--"

The meteor named "Charlotte" schedes the secondary sky. The guardian juncture of the city of the sky is hit by the meteorite hard and students.


Bacon broke the ceiling, the trend was not reduced, and a human pit was smashed on the floor. He smashed his hair and climbed up. There is [reflection] in the body, ignoring all physical damage, the corner did not touch a little dust.

"It hurts."

The consciousness of Biece is covered with the right eye, and there is a bloody tears from the fingertips. [Time and Space Jump] The side effects brought - the burnt - the right eye "forever" closed.

I don't know why, the atmosphere becomes nervous. This is a small blackhouse, reaching out, not seeing the darkness of five fingers. Both sponsor have night vision, see people who have a long wings next to them and have been locked. The other side stunned, stared at you like a monster.

: "How long is SAO to open?"

"SAO?" Angel hesitated.

"Sword gods abbreviation. You are trapped in death. , your wings are very good, this game also has a gold equipment?"

Both Sakuya touched his wings, can't help but be amazed. This is very delicate, just like it. If he is not him, there is a wings, it almost believes.

Angel struggled: "Are you human beings? Although I don't know how you slip into the heaven, don't touch me with the people!"

Bachelor's awareness is a bit wrong, and the forehead is exfolted from the sweat. This sky is only seven layers, and the floating castle in Sao should have one hundred layers. It wouldn't it be a heaven?

[Time and space jump] can only cross the anime seen in the past.

"It is ..."

The darkness of the stars, and the footsteps of Spriso were passed. The guards of the heaven have arrived in the lower cell. Every angel head is a radio, which is stunned, and a white wing is covered with light balls for illumination.

"is it here?"

A angel observed the ceiling of the big hole and the crater on the ground. He came over: "Do you have a suspicious person?"

"Do you ask me? Isn't it here ..."

The criminals who were imprisoned were turned out, and the eyes were aging.

Both is sitting in the corner of the cell, the hands and feet are "copy". The configuration of the handcuffs and the foot chain is exactly the same as the prisoner. He headed the golden ring, and he opened six wings behind him. Under Liu Hai, if the right eye is hidden.

"Are you asking me?"

The angel has a swallowed water, saying: "First, two, three ... Six, six wings angels? All the weapons gave me!"

The angels are relieved, and the bottom is eager.

"Why is you a small blackhouse like you?"

: "Don't mention it. Someone just fell from the sky and went down."

"I understand, let's go!"

The Tiande Guardian army organizes the team and advanced to the lower layer.

After the enemy left, he was tall. He will change his handcuffs and chains back to Tiangong swords, income your palm. This is the application of refining iron - [chain]. When I arrived at the angel troops, I was anxious to have a wish.

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