The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 682

Both . The strong people who have been killed will become a servant, stand up and fight for him. This kind of magic super big anti-party capacity is desperate!

The arms of the Angels rolled away, he was high, and the body and posture were different. Some people stroked wings, some people handed light guns, and some people have hands with hands.

"The big lady of Ji Mun, the form is reversed. Now I am a relatively strong side." Li Ni Li smiled, "the owner, to kill them? It is not good to provoke to the devil."

B is smirked: "Don't be afraid. No matter what happens, as long as you go with me. We will never have any enemy."

All members of the angel!

PS: ten blade!

I can't help but think, can my husband still be a little more? What is the husband?

Chapter 421 Dark Bible

Ji Zhu Nai raised his hand and said, "We surrendered."

"Zhu Nai?"

Lily is very unwilling. The closest girlfriends and subsequent, did not ask her to show up.

Zhu Nai advised: "Minister, you also understand that we don't have any winning calculations? There is no way to take the artifact in this world of weak meat."

"I am actually, I don't care for a soldier, I just ..." Lily is cold, "Don't hurt my ministry."

: "Wise choice. It is a Ji Yunri family, and you will have a favorite feathers.

I just don't want to lose it.

Lily is pretty red, turning the head. For the first time, I lost to a man, why can't my resentment? Perhaps it is enough to be on the board.

"It doesn't matter, the minister." The kitten comforted: "I have been hiding by the cat."

Lily: "..."

"Ah, it is a dangerous man. Your teacher will not start with the students. I thought I had to take off the chubbena to flee a robbery."

Ji Island Zhu Nai has a red dizziness, which is caught in a delusion, and when you talk. As we all know, shaking S is hidden M.

"If you have been killed, I, Minister and Kitty Sauce will also become X lover. It will be very painful like an angel. I still look forward to it."

Lily shouted: "Zhu Nai!"

"H, I hate it." Kitten muttered.

Time is up.

The right eye is slowly closed. The aura of the head disappears, and the six wings inch are broken.

Angelization can only last for three minutes, and [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage] Every 10s make the power double. Simple heart calculation, the strength of the angel can be strengthened by 18 times twice, equal to 262144. This is more than 260,000 times, so saying that the pursuit of permanent angelism, sooner or later, one day can explode the universe.

- The above is just theoretical data.

In fact, the strength of the body can be limited. Both Rough estimates should be able to strengthen ten times.

Both trial, got a satisfactory result. Too much magic, tired and tired. Now, he wants to help another girl to complete the reincarnation.

The girls have relieved the crisis and surrounded by Aysia.

Zhu Nai said: "This child is dead, really pitiful."

"One honest is to save her from the . I didn't protect the artifact of the servant, at least to help the girl to reincarish, it is compensated."

Lily took out a black bishop.

It is welcome to say: "At the end of the day, how can God's believers will be willing to become a servant of Lu Xifa? If she turns into a devil, a prayer will headache, and I encounter" Bible "will be hot, and it is too cruel. "

"What do you say?" Lily said dissatisfaction, "Angels, you are very powerful, discuss all the angels. Isn't a small number of people can't help?"

"Minister, can't quarrel with the teacher."

Tagcheng kittens pulled her neighborhood. Lily is not afraid of power, and the head is very chest, directly looking at the eyes of B.

"you sure?"

Sakura has a smile.

Under the gaze of the girls, Sakuch summoned another dark magic guide - [Society of Survity]. The powerful Darkness is simply from Nether Hell. Lilia was discovered that the black fog gave a bishop in his palm, the only difference was white.

: "It's ironic, the angels created in the dark."

"Angel ... Chess?" Everyone is all.

Salty is a half of Erysia, pay attention to her sling slipping. Small laxes, and familiar. He didn't move to Icia to put on the sling, and then implant the bishop pieces into the heart.

In an instant, the magic is emerging. In dazzling white, the blonde girl's white dress turns a translucent, the lower abdomen is depicted to the cup-like ripple, which is the inspiration you of the spiritual center - from the top of the Holy Cup of the world. Women's uterus is the source of life.

[Cursing Book] launched an angel to rebel. [Surface Oath] The tree of pseudo-Kabara life is constantly providing vitality to the spiritual center. Aysia's pale cheeks restored blood, small and exquisite chests have weak undulations, bring live breath and body temperature.

"How is it possible?" Lily was shocked.

: "Thank you, you send the chess pieces."


The blonde girl coughs and slowly opened his eyes. In the first place, I saw that I had a pleasant. At the moment before the death, the person she most want to see is an angel.

Aysian Confucius: "Mr. Busaki ... is this paradise?"

"No, here is human. Welcome back." Said.

Acy just got together, it was soft and was hugged by B. After her, Zhang opened a white wing, drove a light feathers. The touch of this wings is not stranger, as it is in the angel.

The kitten said: "This is ..."

"Reincarnation Angel!" Zhu Nai traffic lifting the color.

Aysia reached out and touched the wings. Like dreaming, very warm. She smashed her mouth and hired.

"I, become an angel?"

"This is a reward for you. I announced the name of the angel: Saint Veyia Aquary, you are doing good to the morality in the birth, and after death, it will be eligible for an angel." Ben's mouth is horses, "from today Start, it is the first step in you re-being. "

"Really?" Aysia was very happy.

smiles: "Live you. If you want to believe, wait for you to determine the existence of God."

Nowadays, the girls are still unable to understand. Aysiy is not an angel that is born on the tree of life, but the creation of Baki. [Surproved Oath] It is equivalent to a game private service, built a new account, a birth race is an angel.

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