The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 689

Under the sunset, Baki is in the same direction and the shadow of Aysia, as if you don't divide you. There is only one of Li Nili in the wind.

"why is it like this……"

Kalavana sort: "You have spoofed the feelings of others, and I will ignore it. Today, a master is also convinced."

"The human tube is called 'licking dog', live to eat dog food." Mitru said, "Even the spare tires can't be, because there is no correction, you can only write a correct word on the thigh. "

"Do you manage me? I am really love, true love! Do you understand?"

Larina is airtight.

PS: The honest brothers have not been dug a whip corpse, too miserable.

There was still a second more, but this chapter suddenly arrived until 4k words, causing the second more fetal dead belly.

Chapter 425 of the big devil

On the way home, Both Sakuya and Aysia will hold hands. The girl is holding a big bag with a big bag, and the heart is very warm. The hands of the hand are not separated, and the angels are holding hands with God.

: "I opened the door with the key."


Aysian is reluctantly released.

"Are you a child? I like to hold hands." Both sponsors, "At the fans of the popular idol, there is a session of the handshake."

Aysia does not think about the way: "Angels are idols!"

"Okay, I know."

"Really ..."

The gap in the sunset sprinkles in the exquisite and elegant courtyard. Blonde girl is red, and it is good looking. She looked at the lips and clicked at the pointer.

"Mr. Bo, you are going to close your eyes."

"what happened?"

Both Sakura did a photo. Only listen to the "", the shopping bag in the hands of the Western is falling on the ground. A fragrant blows come, and the girl forwards forward, and the feet is "" on the side of Ben. Is this a small talented woman in a shy?

At this time, the door is just open.

"You come back ..."

The bee bee prayed to hold the door handle and witnessed a beautiful scene. World famous painting, the Virgin hooks an angel. She responded very quickly and returned to the door.

"Sorry, I am wrong."


Aysia lifted his face, a heart like a small deer.

B is touched to touch your face. Aysian can be a good thing. He regards Aysian little angel as a sister, but things develop in the strange direction.

"This is my return. I first brought ..." Aysia bowed with his fingers.

: "Well."

As a devout sacred woman kisses the love of the love. Aysia hides small secrets. If you can, I hope to be rewarded a "angel kiss", perhaps a luxury.

"I have handled good ingredients, small kitchen." This is a voice of pray.

Aysia is busy: "Ah, I am coming!"

After dinner, two people study together. Both Sakura suddenly remembered the teacher's job. It is rare to be serious, and I check my sister's homework like a brother. On the first day of school, Aysia has worked very hard to hear the head of the head - being swollen by chalk.

When she is a sanctuary, she only accepted the education of junior high school, mainly because of the religious courses.

"Sorry, I am not very stupid?" Aysi is mad, "said the community after school, the kitten sauce and the wooden field are seriously taught me, but I can't keep up."

: "No, it is my fault, suddenly let you go to the high three too reluctant. Don't worry, I have a way."

The people's teachers have destroyed poor students. The soldiers will have a bad habits. Lina Lili also became a qualified angel. Both B is satisfied, feeling that he saved another lost lamb. He has always been good at the personality correction, and it is possible to be behind the knife.

[Psychological mastery] can copy paste memory, [teach] can also transfer knowledge and skills. Super ability and magical collections, the effect is the same.

"I have the magic of [teaching], but I have to kiss to launch." The corner of the mouth of the mouth.


Aysia's ""'s blush. She biting his lips, sitting on tatami, pinching the skirt, caught in the battle.

"Mr. Bo, then please."

"Okay, actually ..."

Both Saki have not come to a joke, it is blocked by Aysia's small mouth. The girl's pretty face is within easy reach, nervous closing eyes, micro-eyelash. Biece is in the heart of the embarrassment. Dear is already pro, I have to carry out the learning.

"Attributive clause, relationship adverbs are Which, Who, WHERE, WHEN ..."

Aysia opened his eyes. English knowledge in my mind is really coming. No, I said English, why do you want to learn English!


"Ah, the income network class. Forget it, it is quite practicing." Both Saki touched the lips.

Aysia wants to cry, say: "How is this, just learn a 'kiss' ... isn't it white?"

"Then come again."

This time, Baki took the initiative to kiss love, almost press on the table. The golden hair is smashed on his face, like a gentle touch. The love of the chest is dramatic in the chest, and it is necessary to kiss to suffocate.

"Lui Daxi, must be given a re-seeking limit of molecular weight. Optical knowledge, high school students are easy to forget the prerequisites. However, seeking zero-specific function is very practical ..."

The molecule is on, the denominator is under. While kissing in the kiss, it also combined with action to deepen the memory, and when it contained the upper lips, the lower lips were bitten. The so-called "o" is actually a taph-open cherry.

Is it a French wet kiss? The first time, it should be more pure ...

Aysia is tears, eager to be loved by the angel. She is wearing the newly bought underneath, as if she has bought ownership and circled the territory of angel. Holy marks are hidden.

"The classic sentence in Guovi: 'I know this world, such as dew" ... "

For a long time, the lips.

Aysia is awkward, the lips are afflause.

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