The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 781

"It turns out that the male toilet is like this."

"I haven't seen it?" Have you seen it? "

"I used to get into the girl's toilet. Otherwise, I will scare the boys." Gaspa said sorry.

Gaspa's gender is Gaspa. The School of Pharaoh should add a Gaspa special toilet outside the men and women.

: "I really envy. Not only to go to the toilet, but also brightly enter the bathhouse."

"There is no such thing!" Gaspa rose red face, "I am the first time to flush with others, because it is a big brother ..."

"I'm just kidding."

Both Sakai light car is relocated, and one turns on Gaspa hot sight and feels weird. This is not a game than the size. This child is really bending?

"Ah, for ... Sorry!"

Gaspapa is busy next to the next to pick up the skirt. Cute pseudo-mother works hard. The first time people call the game, take off the target.

It's raining.

"Hey, I am stupid."

Gaspar tears, triggered academic "urine tribun", hateful to find a hole in the ground. Both , the clothes are decomposed into white paper, flying into the hands of Gaspa.

"Give. The trouble of boys is easy to splash to the foot, actually very positive ... often?"

The expression of Bashen's appearance suddenly solidified. There is no other beast under the girl skirt, or there may be a beast.

"Small, are you a woman?"

Gaspa's brain is blank. A wind blowing, the skirt swayed. Blonde girl cried into tears.

"Big brother, I don't deliberately hit you. Sorry, I am a boy who has no death, already ... no way to become a man Han!"

Biece is late: "The world is called 'woman'."

Not a pseudo-mother, but the mother. It turned out that Gaspa was suffering from the childhood, and the fantasy would not be bullied. Everyone thinks about her self-proclaimed gender letter, can't you check it?

Gender Identity Disorder is a branch of anxiety disorder. Usually formed in the young age. Physiologically is women, but they think they are men. Studies have shown that girl's across sex behavior is easier to accept.

: "This is a psychological disease, not big deal."

"Really? Is the monster like me, the big brother will like it?" Gaspa hangs a teardrop.

Sakura pressed her small head and said, "You are my brother." Sister. "

"Well!" Gaspa burst.

In just a few minutes, the lovely brother became a sister, and suddenly even excited ... not, it was inert. No matter what, what do you think?

"Big Brother, I want to confess you. I have been sorry for you."

: "What?"

"When the old magic of disappears, I took the blood of Ladvi's big bread, in her neck ... species strawberries!"

Do you want to play lily?

, said: "She is not my hometown, only one is a convention that has become a brother and sister. Suck it."

"That is, the same thing as me?" Gaspa opened his eyes.

"Is it okay?"

Gaspa red face, said: "I have done a worse thing, secretly sneaked the big brother to change the pants, then try to wear it ..."

"I forgive you ... What ?!"

Both . Sometimes, reality is more absurd than novels.

How is I whispering shorts?

At this time, the girls changed their clothes and waited at the door.

"Slow, how do you get to the toilet is slower than girls?"


Both split, there is a pleasant and Gaspa. I don't know why, she pulled a Basaki corner, a small girl gesture. When the well-deserved blonde girl, the pointed elf ear is dyed in pink, more cute than before.

Tagcheng Kittens said: "Very suspicious."

"Ah, it's okay to your lovely boys." Zhu Nai smiled, "If there is a metamorphosis, you will vent it."

"Don't bring us also!" The girls were blushing.

On the way back, B is , finally, it is conserved to keep secrets. He slowed down and fell to the kitten.

"You are right."

The kitten is awkward: "What?"

If you have a prank with your kitten at that time, you will not have a later thing. Like a good friend, change clothes, take a bath, go to the toilet ... It's too strong.

"Big brother, don't dislike me." Gaspa said, "I don't dare to go to the toilet. So, can you accompany me in the future ...?"

Both sponsor, said: "No, you still let the kitten sauce to go to the girl ..."

"Senior, Hentai!"

Tagcheng Kitten glanced at him and walked away. There is only one person in the wind in the wind. Gaspa wants.

"The big brother is really hate me."


There is a kind of hunch, waiting for him to be more difficult. In order to treat small psychological diseases, professional counseling must be provided.

"Big Brother, why do boys have to send a few times?" Gas Pap can't help but say questions.

B is now, I want to say: "Z word shake method, the cancellation,"

After having a girlfriend, I know that the girl will trick. In order to make her no longer soiled, it is necessary to teach the correct posture. For example, the posture of "OT2" is put on the back of the package, and it is also like a child to be held by him with him ... Which one is the sister diary?

Everyone has a good family, and each goes back each other. Gaspar lives in the old school building.

A group returned home. Opened the door and shifted in pincong.

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