The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 849

Ofs Eyes Vehicles. For her birth, she is invincible, it is not much to understand. Next moment, Samuel reached out black tentacle, such as lightning, hit Little Loli. I can't hear the voice of Ofs, even the infinite dragon god is swallowed!

This idol, didn't save it.

Both split and fall. He is also a dragon, if it is went in, it is dead. Cao Cao must have left the power of the dragon. At the moment, you can only solve the heroic, and then deal with the dulgendor.

Sorry, Ofs. You will wait for a while.

"Don't use [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage] and [Bai Longhuang's Light Wings], can you open a double ban?" Cao Cao smiled, "Then I will open it."


There is a big enemy. The second day is blocked. Once the breath of the dragon is leaked, it will immediately be at Samsel. Food dragons are invincible. If there is no Tianlong armor, only the power of the angels and the power of God, may not be Cao Cao's opponent.

"General." Cao Cao said.

The other side is the battle in the department.

The man of the silver hair is not far from the distance, saying: "I am a warrior who is cultivated by Qi Giomi, there is no name. You can call me 'QiGfei'."

Jienoweiya Shen Sheng: "You are from the church to defend ... Devil's sword Qi?"

"They seem to be so called me." Qi Gur said.

"Magic Sword?"

"My substep artifact is very ordinary [dragon hand], just how long has a few arms."

After that, Qi Gi fleddied three-headed six arms, and he held a magical sword, like Ashura.

"The Emperor Sword Gla in, there are also Balmond, Norton, Tikprife, Dattine, and finally the sword of the light!"

Jienoweia is like a few horses, is amazing.

Six knives!

The Holy Sword has never thought of meeting this enemy. His conceive swords held, have exceeded their holy sword.

"Qi Game, I have heard of you when I have a mechanism." Hard complicatedly said, "I and Friedgo brother are beneficiary. In your body, we can inject our experimental body ...... "

This technology is like attenuated vaccines, ors the antibody from a successful immunized experiment. They have the same white hair like brothers and sisters, which is the side effects of the experiment.

"Are you a disabled?" Qi Gigi smiled, "I am a perfect warrior."

"I, not waste."

The bride tightened the sword of the king. The Emperor's sword holds a six magic sword, but she has a seven-in-one holy sword, and there is an advantage. It is absolutely unable to be lost by the Hall of the Son Hall. She and Jienowei were teamed up, and one left and right rushed to Quege.


"Then let me know your factor!" Qi Guanflowed the hot war.

Blonde said: "Little girl, you are also holy sword, don't you help? Qi Guan is the strongest in addition to Cao Cao's adults."

Ilina blinked and said, "You look the weakest, pick you up."

"I really want to say."

The blonde girl is full of face, saying: "I inherited the female hero of the Saint Girl!"

Ilina, Ilina, I feel a bad cold.

"What is your hiking face? Don't defeat the name of the big people, give me the holy woman in my mind!"

"Hey, I see when you can your mouth. Self-introduction, my artifact is [Holy Sword creation]."

Zhenyi sword inserted to the earth, countless holy swords like a spring bamboo shoots. Ilina left hiding the right flash, beautiful, and a perfect retro hide opened the last sword, and the double horses were swayed.

She took the chest and said: "There is a risk, I have been smashing cold."

Tagcheng kittens saw it, surprised: "The artifact of the" Magic Sword creation]? "

"Small, do you still worry about others?"


One iron boxing fell, and a big pit was pulled on the ground. This is a burly Chinese, and the armor of the double box is particularly heavy. He is a giant of Hayges soul - Greek myths - Holding [giant's misstorming].

Tagcheng kitten is deraged, exposed terrible expression. The "small" word is a forbidden voice. In addition to the seniors, even my sister is not allowed to say her.

"I am angry."

"Kitty sauce, I will help you!"

Gaspa opens [Rose's fingertips] to fall from the sky. Her wings behind her are two huge fists, which are dominated to Higeris.

Everything is the same as the plan, the dulldelers swallowed Ophius. Geolke pushed the eyeglass and turned to the enemy.

"The witch of Tongyang? You scattered my [fog], I thought it was suppressed me on the surgery?"

Ji Island Suzaku called the style of the god, said: "I am just a thoughts of Ji Island's home, I know twisons to the Toyo Mantra. Even if you are more than you, I also want to try."

"Add me?"

The black song is stringing, and the purple magic array is turned behind. Magic, Xianli and the demon mood are intertwined together, and they will be mixed.

"Hey, are you a Black Cat of the Valley? It's really going backhabbied into DNA." Georc scler.

The black song does not think it is here: "Yes, oh."

They are also working on a variety of power systems. The style is like a language, and the ordinary people can do a good life. Only a few days can be proficient in multi-language, which is not talent and effort.

"I am doing the owner of Ji Island, fight side by side with the cat."

"It sounds good." The black song smiled. "I first saw you laughing, very beautiful. You should smile. Anyway, the hometown of the owner, there is a chance to fight side by side."

Wait a minute, are you talking about fighting in bed? !

"You the bad cat of this workplace!" Suzaku is red.

"Everyone, I will provide treatment!"

Aysian hands closed, as if praying upwards. She has a touch of green light, treating teammates. The rest of the people are fighting with the Warcraft Legion, and it is inevitable.

"Even the second brother is killed. The battle of the two monsters is too dangerous, or it is better than it is a little better." Laughter said, "Fortunately, we are not dead, will not be eaten."

Death Legion and World of Warcraft Luo Vweizha is a female Wu Shen, who is on the battlefield, and kills the quarter. When her battle magic was made by the giant gods, she put together the holy sword crach. A knife is two broken, it has become a Master of Commerce.

Rosavi's drink: "Don't hurt my students!"

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