The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 860

This battle destroyed half of the buildings in Kyoto, and the famous monuments were destroyed once.

At the moment, many citizens suffered a dark creature attack, and also witnessed the arrival of angels and demon, "unknown flying object" collided in the sky.

Real · Red Dragon Emperor and the tyranny's body is too large, and it is impossible to see the whole picture. For most, it is just a black cloud pressure, and the wind is coming, accompanied by a big earthquake. The island is more difficult, people have been used to it.

For a time, hundreds of thousands of people were disappeared, and the injured were countless. Kyoto became a ghost city. Barcheng returned, binding to his own hand, so as not to have a monster.

The treatment ability of the heavens is sent to the field, especially the Hundreds of columns and the warmth of Western Western. The tears of the massive is available. The city is over, the soul of the deceased is grouped into the cage, and it is rushing to grab the people from the dead. The miracle of death is miraculous to zero. The magic infrastructure was completed, and the reconstruction of Kyoto was completed overnight.

Ajjkab is shrouded in the city's surgery, and the memory of millions of people has been deleted. There is only photos and videos in the Internet, and it is proven to be rumors in the future. The city's legend has become more intensified.

The sky and earth have recovered calm.

Both Sakuya and Lily are free to sit down and see the stars. Revelling, this trip is really difficult, there is no time to play.

"I want to spend more with you."

Lily smiled: "You only think of me now? Forgive you. Sorry, we were sealed, no help,"

"You said this."

Both split fate, pop up the [Holy Gun in dusk]. No need [plunder], the holy gun recognizes him. He stroked his holy gun and loved it.

"I won't use the gun. However, this is the strongest God. Destroy the weapon, rebound damage, instantly move ... The most important thing is to seal women, it is time to rebuild."

Lily: "Do you want to be a female public enemy?"

"Whoever does not obey, I will wait for the family to wait." Sakair smiled.

The ass that was played in Lady and the kitten, very much. If you take the whip of the holy gun ... No, you can't kill the millennium. The sacred force is injected into the back court, will definitely hurt.

The second Yuan Goddess will be restrained by the [dusk ". Endless cross-tours, can always be used. It seems to practice a gun. I have learned martial arts in the world, and I halved guns. Both sponsored to make an idea, and wait for the return of the gods to the lotus sister.

This artifact will be in the hands of people who are unfair, it will be very dangerous. " " hometown. Following the perspective, wearing a wall, hypnosis, stealth ... After a series of super powers, it becomes a female public enemy, it is a happy congratulatory.

"Tian Cong Yun."

Both split out another hand and popped up the dark drafting.

"Master." Sounds the sound of the sword spirit.

After being destroyed by [Wheel], Tiangong lost the entity and fell into the body. Fortunately, Tian Jian Yunjian is an integration with the host. Just use the refining iron to build a sword.

"You are fine, take a good rest."


Tianxong Yun is low. It is worried that you will lose your pet, can't help but think about how to fight for the Bible. The owner got a stronger weapon. When you have a sword, you will not transfer it to a gun.

Lilia is sigh: "It's a man who is a sinful man. Is it Raiders?"

"What?" Both sponsing.

"Nothing, idiot."

The space replicated by Glorick has collapsed. The sword of the king was destroyed by [Rope], lost in the same period, the life is dead. Leffi is very blowing. Both Saki brought the sword of the light from Qifu, ready to hand it over.

Killing people, taking the equipment to the companion - the servant from the right usage. Qi Gi is crying without tears, dare to worry.

Both Sakuya has a clear point of the trophy and gains a lot. If the Dragon is a dragon, then the tyrants and the beast are God and the devil. The three of the gods of the gods have reached the strength of Tiantong.

[Saint Gun] is the strongest God, and [Warcraft creation] is most likely. The god of the Bible has reminded. Original artifacts, theoretically copy everything you have seen. The Holy Sword creation, the magic sword creates, the World of Warcraft is created ... The real usage is buried. This is the method of creating the field of infringement!


[Dead servant from], summoned the golden girl. The Shengmiede saw his own destiny, as the church was tried. If there is a man's habit, it is almost invaded in prison. Do you have to offer a woman?

I didn't wait for her to react, and Biece did not enter the chest.

"Master ..." Yue Germany is full of face.

Too bold, playing female slaves in the face of fiancee ...

She is already a dead, so she can be unloaded at will.

"It's okay, let's take it." I didn't look at her.

Yude is disappointed: "Okay."

[ ], feel it. The so-called "creation" is actually brain supplement, a bit like [fantasy] - personal reality that belongs to super capabilities.

"Excalibur!" ..

"How can it be……"

Lily is shocking, she looked at the sword of the king. Both Sakura is clearly the cost-effective EXCALIBUR.

"As long as the magic is strong enough to copy the high-end holy sword. Since now, the Holy Sword that has been touched so far can be projected. If you want to create a new holy sword, it consumes more."

Bachelor of Turns, the forging skills are already full. Like a projected magic, the holy sword that creates it will always exist. In the same way, the ................ Get [Warcraft creation] from Li Audado, make up for the shortcomings of [Dead servant from]. Each artifact is installed on the crazy on the filling of the ammunition, which is very convenient to use it. Open [courage] can ban hands.

It is not the power of the upper position, and even the qualifications of the death of the dead are not qualified. The stronger strength, the more empty. The big magic king of Ben is like a collection of homes, like Zhong. Not only collect the hood, but also artifacts and strong people.

"Toys." This is the evaluation of Ofs.

B is not intentionally, "said this is also a pleasure."

At this time, a green dragon appeared under the stars. The Dragon King became a mount, took a old man who was covered with eyes. He wears a golden hoop, , the neck is a string of beads. A big beard, smoking pipe.

"That dragon is the Xiaobai Dragon in Jade Dragon, Jiantong, Jiyou!" Lily was surprised.

The old man is coming. The ancestors of the monkey, fighting God of Famous Buddha. God knows, why is this world of Sun Wukong?

Yulong opened: "Two days Dragon, is Delgog and Albi. ? Ofs is also, why is there so much in the weak ..."

Unlimited dragon god became a limited dragon.

Asked in Baku: "Sun Wukong?"

"It is old. Little Friends, I saw it, your method is good." The fight defeat Buddha admired, "I didn't expect that you have mastered the unparalleled immortal of Huaxia."

Bachelor's eyes are unable to say that you can grab it from your parallel world?

"What is it for use?"

The fight defeated the Buddha sigh: "It's awkward, for my dull future generation. The monkey is still closed, I have to go to the door. His mass production golden hoop is used to melt with three real fires, I taught it. "

Is it originally produced? !

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