The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 891

It is really ironic. It used to be an anime male protagonist, but Charlotte, which could only come from chasing memories.

Every time I try to cross the new world, I will randomly enter an anime that I have seen in a memory. I only hope that one day, meets the important people.

The world is an uterus, and the secondary wall is a film.

Bay is a long-lost resistance, just like a new baby in the mother. The right eye crystallized by the power of the angel, faintly hot. He holds his right eye in one hand, and according to the practice, it will lose a year of light because of the pupil. Different world messages impact the brain, just like Odin sacrificed the left eye to get the truth.

"This time, I don't want to do it alone."


Under the guidance of [collapse], Both Sakuo opened a tyranny, launched a new power - from the evil gods, tampering the power of time and space. Take the domain as the center, the power is sprayed, and the secondary wall is broken. Anyway, it is a void, don't worry about the loss of power.


Stepping the void!

The vast universe, and Bun, I saw a shirt, flew to a new world. If it is, it is premiere, it is now a caesarean section. Crossing is like a continuation of life.

Break through the secondary wall!

Tiangong City, a city built on the ruins.

In recent years, the spatial earthquake is sent, and the entire city has established a comprehensive early warning mechanism and underground refuge. People live in a more difficult island country, people are used to. It used to be an earthquake, and now it is "earthquake" from the sky.

All this is nothing to do with the beautiful nine.

The girl is a sixteenth year old of Fenghua, with a purple color and scrattle. The five senses are positive and the body is good. Long hair and waist, wearing simple private service, very quiet dress.

Sprin is a singer. Today, I rented a position in the bookstore to hold a new single-selling handshake. After she is sitting behind the table, she is a bit cautious. The broker stands beside it and is a young man in a cultural.

The glasses are long-minded: "The previous weekly magazine broke your scandal. The rumors such as the Sino-Times ... Don't put it in your heart, you will be clarified by this handshake."

"Yes, Mr. Io." Beautiful nine faces. "

Ito sighed and said, "So, if you promise, you will adapt me, the producer of the TV station ..."

"That is absolutely not good!" The girl's resistance is very strong.

Ito has changed a kiss and said, "I know, you are still a simple child. The entertainment circle is not as beautiful as you think. You are a media attack that will be caught up."

"What should I do?"

Panic and beautiful nine panic. After all, it is just a child involved in the world. After graduating from the country, the fifteenth year old girl was discovered by the star and found the singular name of "Lan Dynasty". The enforcement is smooth, until she refuses to open the pillow, and being considered.

Four rumors, the public opinion on the network is in. Fans attitude hundred and eighty degree change, with "compensated dating Star sister", "Bitch" like dirty words insulted her. Whenever the night is quiet, the United States is hiding in the nest, and I don't dare to see the following comments below.

Why, I haven't talked about it in love with love. I have to accept malicious injuries and defamation?

Ito glanced and said: "This way, I will take you to apologize to the big man. You also understand it? The attitude is sincere, maybe you can forgive."


Sprotter and nine don't think much, the handshake will have started. The previous signed can be able to strengthen long teams, nine-nine-or more are men. Now, it is cold and cold, and there is no hot in the past.

A heart gradually cools.

A shot came from the door. Sprin, the beauty of the United States, two or two, two or two, and re-ignited hope. There is always true love powder to understand and support her. When the beautiful nine exposed a idol, it is a confused face.

"Hello ..."

The boys come to: "Lan Dynasty, I am paying attention to you from you. I am looking at you, for you to collect all the first time. But why do you want to lie pure, your heart has No fan? "

"Liar!" The other person jealous.

"Anyway, it is to sell pure people. The real month will only sell meat? Is there any apology for us?"

"Not this, I don't ..." The girl's excuse is so pale.

The fan is exciting, and when she tears the poster, I have broken the album CD. If you abandon the mustard, throw it on the ground. Security is not coming.

The purple silver girl did not know what it was, and it was pushed and fell to the ground. She long hair is messy, looking at the disc on the ground. The flame in the pupil is gradually extinguished, and it is a helpless tear.

The shopping mall rang broadcast: "Space shock absorbed warning, detected peripheral reaction waves. Please enter the underground refuge in order, repeat ..."

The sudden disaster broke the atmosphere of the scene.

The low-age fans scattered. The agent of Ito, completely desperate the death of idols. He fell to the safe passage and accidentally stumbled. The bookstore triggered a pedaling accident, and it was a horrified scream.


A wolf scene, only the girl is sitting on the ground.

Pointed the beauty of nine climbed, pick up the initial payment of the card, and the footprints and dust could not be cleaned. She hugged the disc in his arms, as if he heard something broken. For each creator, the work is like a beloved child.

I thought I could convey my heart to everyone as long as I started singing. Sure enough, it is still too true. Sorry, I don't want to escape, if I die in the space of the space.

Inspired and beautiful nine closed eyes, flowing with tears waiting for death.


Ceiling collapse, gravel splash. The spatial shock is as scheduled. The girl is waiting for a "god dragon".


Both Sakuo falls from the sky and falls on the ground with the domineering.

Just stepping the void, crossing the sky. Unfamiliar sky, have never seen any city, like building on a huge crater. When he came back, smashed the roof in the way of free fall. All the way a spark belt lights, breaks down the ceiling falls to the bottom.

This is a bookstore. The bookshelf is as dumped like domino, and the chaos is scattered.

Ban Zhang opened his arms on the ground and found that it was pressed. It is a purple silver girl. I don't know why, it looks a bit more familiar.

The beautiful nine open eyes, received a strong visual impact, and the male breathing came. The girl lifted his mouth and saw a living dragon, as well as the horrible face. Her face is pale, afraid of tears.

It is not willing to sell the body until the end of the life is finally held. Do you want to be eaten by a badlon?

B is known to know that the girl is frightened. This is no wonder that the long-distance phase of the dragon does not dare to compliment. He hesitated or closed a big mouth, "Dragon" suddenly said that the man's words were more amazing.

After the aftershock, the ceiling fell. Biece is like a feeling, and the open blue light wings protects the girl. Only listening to the "", he crushed the slate embedded with the steel bar.

Successful and beautiful nine.

Don't he want to protect me?

Bottom is got up, and look around. The collapsed ceiling presses a glasses man. I have already become a meat, and the blood flows.

"Mr. Io!" The beauty of nine flowers.

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