The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 912


When Both Sakuya, you will enter the court, ushered in the smile of the United States. As a "sister", Baki is the only male who is eligible for freedom in the Dragon Temple.

A girl said: "It is a driver."

"Newborn, too rude." Sister is sang, "You are new, you may not know. Ben is the producer of the sister, more like a personal private assistant."

The girls have been shocked: "Stick ... close?"

Both split is like a slut, feels countless eyes full of hostile eyes. The girls who love Mumeijiu hate will not be remembered. I just want to take a more step by step from my sister. Both sponsored, I am very accustomed to it.

At the time of April, the school is still in spring and false. In the afternoon of the sun, the beauty and his regisal valve are drinking afternoon tea in the garden. Nothing is a beautiful girl, no her is beautiful.

What is the sense of password? Small praying [psychological mastery] became the Queen of Changtai. US nine is also manipulating people with songs, forming their own valve. At the Longmen Temple, she is loved.

It's a sinful woman.

,, Both sponsored for half a year, it took Red and beautiful, took her out of life.

Sprote, beautiful, nine, a tea, slightly eyebrows.

"This tea is really difficult to drink, or the tea is best to drink."

Unfortunately, Both Sakura is very young to make tea, even she has no enjoyment. The family invited the female chef, and recently, I didn't kitten a kitchen, so that the beauty of the nine was very observ.

A girl is sincere and sincere: "Sister, sorry!"

The United States did not say anything, and the teacup handed the teacup to B.

"Darling, drink tea."


Both eucalyptus is thirsty, and the tea cup is drunk. He didn't feel anything, and the two were more intimate things. The beautiful nine looks at the bottom, revealing a shy.

"Indirect kiss?

The girls can only look at Baba, envy and hate. Who doesn't want to drink my sister's advances? It's the sweetest black tea!

There is a girl's controversy: "Beautiful nine people, please pay attention to your identity. Even if it is a confession, the confession, some people sneak video, no one knows your Royal words 'Charlotte'. "

"I don't have to care about others' opinions." The United States is full, "" If you don't talk about love? I have to break the hidden rules. "

Charlotte is the pen name of Bachelor. The latest album of the United States is all of his hand, name "Date A Live". Both ..........

Another girl said: "Everyone is doubting, the beautiful nine people and this Charlotte is a couple."

"That's right." The girl smiled.

The character of the next child is determined to make a bold offensive after the mind is, maybe it is a hot Korean dance. Both Sakura has this unique viewer, almost can't hold it.

: "You have to take me as a blockage?"

"Hey?" Mei Jiuyi.

Base is continuing to analyze: "Because you suffer from male phobia, it turns into a lily. Do you think of me as a good sister? Or do you say that in order to cover my sex?"

"Hundred ... Lily? Darling, what are you thinking!" Beautiful nine shaddridges.

In the past six months, two people have lived intimate life, but the relationship is not more close. The beauty of the nine shirts did not avoid him, there is no shy meaning. The cup of tea just now is that the girl who is good for the relationship will share the water cup?

Too close, but it is not easy to get out of the last step.

Both Sakuya did not cure the fear of the United States and nine. Girls don't want to be played with the brain and reject the treatment of [mentality]. Spiritual treatment does not work, can you always physically treat?

, don't want to overlord hard. First, the first person thinks that the United States or a lily. After all, I am also a man, I will not think that I only have you special.

"... idiot."

Loosing beauty, nine, face, mood is very complicated.

My ability does not work for you. Have you listened to my song? This converged love ... can you notice?

Even if you hate a man around the world, I will not hate you!

The tone of the discovery: "Right, I am going to Zen High School to teach English."

"Why?" Beautiful Jiu Xiangxiang, "Darling, you can transfer to the Dragon Temple as my teacher!"

I am in the Japanese female school.

"There is a little thing to confirm. Don't worry, don't delay this side." Both Saka put down the tea cup, "You slowly drink, I will go first."

B is turned around, and the beautiful nine hearts fall. I have lived together for half a year and are used to the existence of each other. Suddenly, she realized that the man was all of the soul.

The girl said: "Sister, do you actually like it?"

"I do not know."

Surperse, beautiful, nine, sit, squatting tears.

"Man only cares about the girl's film. If it is officially interacting, I don't know how to refuse. I don't know what to do ... Is this not like an idol and producer hidden rules? ?I'm really scared."

So simple, her secret love is also a man, and there will be a desire. Beautiful nine overcome your psychological shadow, naturally there is no way to achieve frankness.

"Beautiful nine people, you live under the same roof, don't understand the Basakun?" The female is cold and calm. "If he has a non-division, you are already pregnant for six months, you can only sing a big belly. meeting."


That efficiency is too high! One of the soul?

Sprouting and beautiful nine blush. It is because of male phobia, so B is the only one in her life. If you want to give him a child, become a elf mother, so soon, you have to do that.

So far, how much is it in me? I can't repay this kind of love. What is the color of the golden house? It must be very hard? Even so, you are still taking care of my feelings. Only you, even if I "hidden rules", I have no regrets.

Darling, it is really gentle.

I prefer you now. This is my own choice, I want to "hidden rules"!

The United States is determined to say, "Prepare, I have to transfer to Zen high school."

"Don't go, your sister!"

Japan's three luxury cars brand is Infiniti, Lexus and songs. Both Sakura has collected a lot of global limited number, and it will be opened every day. There is a beautiful nine is a beautiful people.

Everblast, the driver's license is also made through some means.

Now, Saku is sitting on the car and opens a notebook. On the screen is playing a fragment of the singing of the beautiful nine, it is passed down to the fans.

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