The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 937

Flying leaves, all can hurt people.

"call out--"

The night knife god Tenx felt the threat of death. In contrast, the AST's madness is like a furry.

Really, it will die.


The last sword was cut off. The girl spit out a blood, and a purple brunette flutters. The bullets that are bumps are smashed. Ten solid packs provide a certain defense, otherwise the beautiful chest is wearing it. Ten fragrance fell into a coma, fly out, such as the flying bird fell from the sky.

"Forgive me." I only heard the whisper of B.

Defeat the opponent and plunder it.

Only [plunder] can only be completed in the case of the host. In another sense, in order to obtain an approved by the "Angel of the Sword".

Time is returned this morning, and the Chan Zen has encountered the first space shock. The health department, Baki and the United States are snuggling together in the disaster.

Bay said seriously: "Before I started, I have to borrow things from you - your spirit."

"Yes." The girl bites his lips.

The United States did not ask him to do so. From the beginning, Both is brewing a bold plan - plundering the elves. What is going on, I am fighting with a man!

Bell, kiss, kissed the lips of the beautiful nine.


The wall is gone.

I didn't expect to be suddenly attacked, and I lost my first kiss. Only wearing a lingerie, kissing is too shame in this state.

Sure enough, the spirit of the elf contains spiritual power.

Both Sakae absorbed in Xiangzhou and turned into it. Her song conquered countless people. The small mouth of the sound of the sound of the sound was conquered by him, producing a strong possession.

Both , can feel the oppression of the chest. The girlfriend of the big breasts pro is most comfortable, and it is very soft.

Blending of water milk.

For a long time, the lips. Half year feelings broke out at this moment.

The beautiful nine shy said: "Darling, why do you want to kiss me?"

"I just want to borrow your mouth." Bai Saun smiled, "In order to prevent you from generating lily tenden, I will give you a decimal to let you experience a hundred times of men."

"It's really." The beautiful nine is very sweet.

Do you want to kiss a hundred times?

: "It is actually your saliva contains spiritual power."

"Then, do you want more spiritual power?"

Sprouting in the beautiful nine cheeks. Do you want to make your producer have been eating saliva? She can only move with Baki, let him greedily suck spirit.

Time is now now.

There is no spiritual force in Baki. Every time you contact the new power system, the virus called "Charlotte" should be identified and mutated to let [plunder] evolution. [Vector Operation] parsed the existence form of energy, and the preparations have been completed.

"Night knife god is fragrant, your spirit ... I will be kept by me."

Liu Haifei, the bottom of the Bachelor's eyes bloom, and the right eye hit a knife. He watched the fragrance of free fall and launched [plunder].

At the next moment, he entered the girl's body, for five seconds.


Both Sakae opened his eyes and felt a violation. The body becomes delicate and fragrant. He reached out and wore the elves. A low head, first introduced into the eye-catching breastplate, this angle can see the snow white spirit, lining the velvet corset.

After all, it is vacuum inside. He feels that the lower body is slippery, and it is impressed with unprecedented "chest muscles", and feels the existence of spiritual crystals in the body, like gestation.

Women's body

Wait a minute, the male and female protagonist is exchanging the body of which is the book! I want to get a ten-fragrant face, take off the highlights before the mirror, and then do the girl's body?

[] What is much, too strong!

Both Saki quickly quitted his ten-fragrant body, consciously returned to the body, and took the angel of the sword. In fact, he can use [Tian Jian Yun Jian] to insert the spirit of the elf, directly plundering the spirit, but not to bear to disturb the elves, or attach it to some.

At this time, the round to the ,. . His insurance is dangerous, with a princess holding the posture, hugging the night knife teniety.

Both Sagit: "I woke up, my Princess."

"I, have you returned to the neighborhood?"

The girl is fascinating, and the first look is a brother's handsome face. She feels cool, and she disappears. "Pajamas" flashed, turned into naked sleep.


Night knife gods have a small chest, a little girl's reaction.

Both Biece face, say: "After your [ ] and [Shen Wei Faffolding · Ten] will be kept by me. Wait until you can master your strength, then give it to you."

To be honest, there is no interest in the power of the elf, too weak. Besides [ ] and [Last Sword] can be copied directly. Compared to an angel, it is still even more elf.

"Teacher, this is the reason you undergo light girlish clothes under the light day?" The ears sounded the complaints of Wuhe Weavigation.

Unconsciously, B is hugged with ten fragrances. There is no fourth person present, so there is nothing shy. The biggest benefit of the princess is that it can make a front view. The girl realized that the hands were still not enough, and the backhand was hugged, and the beautiful thing was pressed.

Ten fragrance is embarrassed: "There is a pleasant, help me to block."

It turns out that I am your safety pants?

The first thing that the Elf Princess came to the human society, it may be shameful.

Baked by the head and said, "Wuhe classmates, borrow your safety pants."

"Well ... Wait a minute, don't you take a girl who is only wearing a safety pants? I am alarm!" Wu Hexi woven.

The elves have been sealed. In short, B is peeled off from the spiritual power of the tenth, so that the spiritual crystal lost energy source, as the soul and the separation of the flesh. She will live in a normal girl. Without spiritual power, no longer be sucked into the neighborhood, and it is not free to make it.

: "Then I will come."

Immersion paper!

This time, the turn of the idiot old wore clothes. Both split to decompose his clothes, put on the jk uniform to ten incense. BRA and fat are missing.

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