The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 943

"Hypnosis, want me to close your eyes?"

Biece is gentle: "No, this is another super power. Please look at my eyes."

"Xiaoxue recognizes the look, very handsome." The sound smiled and said, "It is no wonder that it will attract so many elves. I really want to have the same brother like you."

Khan Yan Yan: "I am not a sister mad."


Lite the meaning, the enemy, both sides will be forced to sleep. Can be passively passive with [sleep], eliminating over-capacity side effects.

Silver hair is slowly connected to the eye, the expression becomes soft and enters a sweet dream. There is only a gentle breathing in the laboratory. Not far, it is a sleeping night knife and ten fragrance.

I always feel that this scene is not very wonderful, sleep O?

"Miss, Miss, make a good dream." Both sport said, "Tenxiang, this got up."

Ten fragrant climbed up and said: "Hey, how to make the sound ..."

"Don't woke up her, it's hard to sleep."

"it is good."

The two left the laboratory.

I don't know how long, the village rain is awakened, and the god is refreshed. She is like a long dream, I just want to escape the "sleeping sleep". I haven't slept peace of mind for thirty years. Did you dream of a blue-haired girl, didn't have a nightmare.

"Xiaoyu is really an incredible man."

The Fraxinus command room, and a group of people saw a five-family piano. The first time, the first time, the hate and Wu have nothing to feel.

"First time, [Song Ji] and [Princess]." The Qin rinted, "I am the owner of this spaceship."

Ten fragrance: "Strange, I always feel a bit familiar."

"That is a maid, Miss ..." Both sponsored to flip to her.

"Ban is there!" Red-haired double horses, "your guy, you will delete photos!"

"I reject."

"It's very cute. It turns out that your captain is a maid." Beautiful and nine tastes, "What is your goal is the elich? This lady does not mind to take this battleship as a means of transportation, with my ability to give a good spirit. "

"Ha, what jokes?" The piano said that "If you can't really let the elves open your heart, spiritual control is meaningless."

"Why do you want to manipulate me!" The sashimi wanted to cry without tears.

Wuheqin is born. If the beautiful nine really hangs, the whole air traffic will be dominated, and it is a garden of Geng Ji. Don't worry with your own ability, I only hope that Both Sakae can live this only to play people's heart.

Beautiful nine interests, said: "Hey, this lady is not accompanied. Elf is some children, I don't want to play home with primary school students. Darling, you go to the kindergarten garden."

: In a sense, it is the orphanage of the orphanage.

God said: "Command, the medical report is coming out."

"When this analysis data, where is the sound run?" Qin Li said, "Forget it, or help me look."

On the screen, wear women's clothing or hop out.

"Benzhen and [Princess] have built a stable spiritual loop. The identification response of the elves has disappeared." Or after, "this spiritual power is stored in the bunger. It is very stable, there is no disclosure. "

[Vector operation] can filter energy, of course, including spiritual power. As long as I want to think, you can seal the spiritual power to the old land, do not disclose a silky.

Both , "I can become a container."


A lollipop was broken in a bite of Wuheqin.


This man adds Ratatoskr, and it is premedited. Originally, I made my old sister to Raid Dragon. As a result, he was in the hands of the first, but the princess was raised with the sword. The ability of [plundering] is not under the old sister, is it ... what is going on?

"Too good!" Weave tetranate, "you will live with ordinary people in the future."


Qin Li smiled: "I am going to build a wider apartment, the guardian of [Princess] ..."

B is faintly said: "No. My family is the home of the Elf. Whoever seals the elves, the supervision is handed over. Tenxiang is my student, of course, I will take care of me."

"There is a ..." Ten is so shy.

Mei Niuxin said: Isn't it a proven to be assured?

The abacus in Wuheqin fell, there is no way to recover the custody of the elves, and you will get straight.

"Ulu, how are you doing with the commanding? Area observer, give me the old man to the deck cleaner!"

"I will not be in the air, it is the work of the captain." B is like laughing, "The deck does this regularly, come out."

Dead servants!

Both Sakura has a mantra to launch power, raising energy different from spiritual power.

A group of people came out of the void. The heroic member, including Cao Cao, QiGei, Haygelis ... In addition, there is also the earliest way to follow the Warban Marquis and God of the Dawns, and the ancestors of the ancestors.

Missing group, refer to!

Qinli gains: "Since the organization of the Tiangong Tower tragedy after half a year, in addition to AST and Ratatoskr, the third increasing spirit of the elves - the group of the disaster. Usually only responsible for protecting the security of [Song Ji] The concert order, secretly engaged in the people who can see the people, even helping [dream] hunting human ... "

Timei mad three is not a fight against the army. The dead servants have become "just partners".

"Toudian double horsetail, you investigate a lot of things." B is laughed, "" Re-introducing it, I am the leader of the curse - to create a wreath that does not hurt. "

There is a pleasant, this grand wish ...

Sprouts and nine and night knives are touched. Wuhe Weavigation is the same as the elf. Nobody noted that the bottom of the Wuheqin flashed a panic.

"What, who is proud, who wants you to protect!"

: "I need your technology. There is so little man, the human is not enough? The death of the dead servant is, it is not paid. It was the undead creature, so there is no risk of cleaning the deck."

This condition is too tempting, there is no way to refuse.

"Then, I will be difficult to receive your ministry as a crew." The piano blush.

Both split, told: "You go to the deck."

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