The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 956

Mid time!

Japanese girls have a habitual little action. When sitting down, the skirt is smashed, such as petals generally bloom. This is to prevent the skirt to press the wrinkles. Not afraid of cool?

"Ah, the hand is slippery."

The three noise lines of the , explained what is called "rod read". She hugged the head of Basaki and buried in her skirt. Both Sakuyu only felt a fragrant wind. He just wanted to get up, the girl's legs came on the shoulders and came to a scissors feet.


Hand, this is a posture that is not involved in Korean hot dance.

The , She wrapped up like an octopus, and the powerful legs clamped.

"I am learning together, you ..."

It is not easy to escape from the day, and the big mouth breathes fresh air. The white hair girl has a whole skirt, as if nothing happened, the face is faint, and it is said that it has just been .

"Teacher, your beard is tied to me."

Bang Bang Bang Bang, said: "You also tied me, we are flat."

"The girl is not a mustbe." Origami pretty road.

The girl's lips is a small fluff. Snow, soft, like a golden fetus of the newborn baby. Both sponsive affirmed his conjecture, the prisoner is a black paper!

"What do you want to do when you want to go to Tiandai?"

"What?" The origami is confused.

Still acting.

"What did you say?"

: "Squeeze theorem."


Girls don't know why Both sponsing will have such a big response. Origami is a superior life, which is already in self-study university courses, ask English teachers to ask high. What she didn't know is that the Chinese translation of this theorem is very chic.

: "I will learn together, I will learn."

The white-haired girl has a touch of warmth. Love is bold, it also needs courage to her. If it is a man who loves, she is willing to go all out. "Idiot" of the idiot, is actually an infatuation.

Another sense of lips, I can think of the most romantic first kiss.

Less lesson, to the lunch break. Sprouts and Nine and Night Knife God Tenxiang put the table, and they will be eaten according to the practice. The special chef at home made, ten fragrance is a super-added version, and there is a wooden barrel with a wooden barrel.

In the eyes of classmates, the princess of the Elf puts down the box. The desk is permutation.


Ten Xiang enthusiasts: "There is a woman, have lunch together."

"I want to call me a teacher in the school. I still have something, go first."

Both Sakura Hugging the textbook hurried away. If you eat in the classroom, you will have a bad influence.

"Truthful!" Beautiful nine thought.

I'm looking at the eyes, quietly followed.

Tiantai, the door, the door is covered.

Both Sakura has a woman to go to the appointment. When he pushed the door, he didn't see a white hair in the imagination. A blue long straight in the wind is messy in the wind. In the backlight, the girl turned around and the skirt flew. Safety pants are strict and strict.

Wu Hexi is a bit shy, picking up the hair on the ear, and the other hand holds the skirt.

Not a wind, not a skirt, but the heart is moving.

"Teacher B". "

"Wuhe classmates?" Bay, "The letter is ..."

"I wrote it!" The girl didn't break the can.

Time is returned to a day, AI gives the confession.


"1 is blocked in the door of the male toilet to Biece. It is not allowed to go without promise."

"2 On the love letter, the fat O, the body is the precious settlement."

"3 When you call it, you will answer the question when you are in class, and you will be in English to Breakfast in English."

The first option is also too vicious, the third is social death! Finally, there is only the only choice. Girls have to explode. It will definitely be regarded as a woman who is unknowingly shameful.

Big data according to or guarding Asia, men like girls who will play. Women have no men.


"Back to you."

Both split out of the blue white strip from his pocket and gave the weave. The girl has worked hard, and of course it is impossible to wear clothes in his face. Anyway, there is still a layer of safety pants, nothing big deal.

The weave is ashamed: "Teacher has been taking care of the tube, has been used ...?"


Both Sakura had a mood and produced a doubt. If the prisoner is not origami, how can her property not fly?

Only one of the hazelies, the She revealed shocked, and there is such a way to play the game?

"Wuhe classmates, really have you. It was first logged first."

White-haired girl is holding a box, hiding the love letter. She hesitated, or gave up the plan to use fat. After all, there is no fetish, and it may be counterproductive.

Both sponsored: "I guess it is a ghost that your sister is. This time I have to take me as an exercise?"

The girl drums up and shouted: "No ... Yes! Teacher, please tell me!"

"Okay." Sakair smiled.

"Sure enough, ... Hey?"

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