The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 967


Both Sakai is busy with face, Yu Guangyi. It turned out to be black.

"You feed the bread, what do you eat?"

"Eat you."

Diji mad three looked down and biting a bite on the bread of B. He just bite the position, the strawberry print overlaps together. The girl's blue silk passed back, itching.

Both Sakuya feels cold in the back of the ridge. He looked up, the roof of the weave and the nine of the United States came a desirable look. The mouth is as if it is saying - "I really have you, and other women are grateful at the school."

Night knife god tenthragonhely pulled iron wire. If it is not a spiritual force being sealed, she has already opened the barbed wire, jumping from the roof.

The mad three play: "The expression of the beautiful nine students is so cute."

"It's really harmful to you." Both Saki smashed without tears.

"Miku's idol career is smooth. She never knows how many bad things you have done in the back. We have solved many commercial competitors, purify the entertainment circle with physical methods. It is interesting than killing people, but also compares."

Both Sakura had a mood and said, "Those are the dead people."

"As before, I will festive me?" The mad three looks complicated. "You said, there is no need to kill people in one day."

: "I know. Come over, I will give you a force."

Can't be in front of your girlfriend.

Both ,,,,,, The left eye of the girl is gold, showing the appearance of a clock disk. In the same way, Timei mad three also saw the knife of the right eye, couldn't help but reach it.

"Be sure ... very hurt."

He is aware that you want to dodge, but you can't stand soft.

"That is the past style."

The moment of gaze is intertwined, and the has launched [time accumulation]. He injected the arc of the time into the left eye of the mad, that is her angel - [Safety (Zafkiel). Killing is just to return energy. Both Sakura has nearly infinite magic, through time magic transformation into time.

is time to make, equivalent to the humanoid playing position.

When the girl on the right eye, the needle is flying quickly, and it is full. This man has almost endless time, too delicious!

"Besheng, you have a good taste, it is the spiritual force of others. How many secrets do you have?" Timei mad smile is more gaining.

When she is like a kitten, she is smelling, and a fragrant wind is coming. Beautiful face and full of euple, blushing.

: "We are similar."

"No, we are a total of it."

In the afternoon of the sun, the teenager and the girl seem to have a contract.

PS: All known, girlfriends and fiancee are useless, my sister is a female main standard.

Thanks to the "give her a good stick" and reward, and the support of each book friend.

Chapter 571, my sister's sleep service

"It's good to go to school."

Diwaki three walked in the campus atrium, looked at the innocent student, as if I saw myself. Now she can understand why this man will be willing to be a teacher.

Sometimes, ordinary is also a luxury. Like a nine elf, under his wings, live in the ivory tower with the world.

It's really awkward.

Girl looks at his back - the big devil named "Ben". There is an instant, she is even thinking, if she is also Raiders, will the end will be different?

, "I like it very much. Mad three, you want to experience life, I have no opinions. If you start [City in the school], don't blame me."

"I hate, I don't seem to be a murderer." The mad three loudly.

It is welcome to say: "Isn't it? Do you see that human beings who are abused will not hesitate to hurt the killer type.

"Is this what you hate my reason?"

"I don't hate you, I can't talk. I didn't like it. I didn't comment on your qualifications." B is faintly said, "human beings are in the primate, trample in life. Elf is a higher life, reason Abuse human beings in the same way. There is no difference in essence. "

At first, Timei madness may dream to become a just partner. When she chooses to launch killing with this reason, she is no longer human.

Human, just food.

There are many extreme animal protection organizations in the past. The mouth is talking about, and the back is all business. Weak meat is the most basic natural law. Human beings try to change this iron based on their own morality, but it is an arrogant.

As a result, in order to change the fate of all super power, plunder the world.

"Don't forget who you used to." Both long way.

Dikashi mad three is also human beings, and now you can only maintain your own time by swallowing other lives. Sometimes, after she eats, she will scare the stray cat because of the bloody smell of the body.

- is disgusted by life.

"I am ... your sister?" Mad three laughed.

All eiversia have a common mother. When I just met, the mad three thought that the elf was true, leaving a deep impression on this "younger brother".

"You are happy." Both sponsored, "the hypocritical smile hurts yourself."

The girl's eyes, and step by step and he will hee.

"You wrote new songs, I like it very much."

A sense of "role song" in some sense is. "She has also lived." - The girl named "Timea Mad 3". Before each girl has revived, there is a trace that exists in this world.

"Thank you." Baki said, "The last place is the health room. There is a uncomfortable in the future. You can come here, you can't use it."

The mad three is interesting: "Is this a normal opening method of the healthcare room? I heard that the student couple will hide here ... Love does something."

: "..."

How do you understand so much!

There is only one silver hairdress of the health room, wearing a white coat, a dark circle of giant panda, sleepy. I don't know if I have failed time management. As we all know, the secondary health care teacher must be a big beauty.

"Xiaoyu, you are coming." Village rain made a sound.

Biece said: "Let the sister."

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