The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 979

White-haired girl hangs tears, relieved. She slowly closed his eyes and only had a dream word.

"Next, I hope to kiss" Tianlong]. I only belong to you, I must be hot after death ... "

People will die, their words are good.


Wuhe Shiwi is complicated, saying: "We are so happy. Although I am a strange guy, in order to fought to death for the belief of revenge, it is simply like a female Wu."

"Damn?" Bai is very good. "What are you talking about? She just fell asleep."

"Ah?" Blue hair girl stunned.

Shuo said confidently: "I have the super power of [healing], she wants to die."

"Why don't you say it early! I have a big sacrifice that I have made the courage, I decided to complete her wishes ..." Type weaving, ", anyway, do you want to lie to a girl's first kiss?"

Both Saki touching the lip pet rubbing, not too self.

"Ah, do you really have a refreshment?"

A : "I didn't, just ate a blood."

"Wait a minute, you have just a friend, don't kiss me!"

Wuheqin fell in the absence, I didn't know life and death. Rejoicing, I looked at the little couple quarrel and intimate, silly, said.

Do you really fight seriously?

PS: kissing madness,

Chapter 577, the first time

Among the ruins, Wuhe Weaven hugged the piano. The original fire red double horsetail became bleak, such as the waterfall scattered. Chongyong is not far away, after the [healing], it is separated from the danger of life.

At the beginning, the girl and the girl did not fight for any results, only the "repairing the field" in the true sense. The war of human and elves is like a meat grinder.


Both Sakura has a pair of perfect bracelets, can kill people can save people. Super skills and magic of treatment, saving another severe wounded. He cured the last life, and he sweared forehead. If you borrow the [Smile of the Virgin] before crossing it.

"There is a pleasant, hard work."

Wuhe Weida is very distressed, gently helping him sweat.

"Don't worry, the piano is safe. I have limited capacity, connect Fraxinus as soon as possible. The airline has the most advanced medical equipment to transfer the wounded in the past."

"Oh." Blue hair girl reacted.

However, the children's watch in Wuheqin burn it at the time of elf.

"I received it." A mechanical female voice sounded.

Wuhe Weiwi found that it is his nepocapress, take a blue headset. It turned out that the Qinli was gave to the terminal that gave her contact, and I can contact Fraxinus directly, turn on the artificial elves or guarded.

The heaviest of the a fold paper. A light falls, she is sucking the aerial ship in the sleep, as if the UFO's third type of contact.

"What should these people do?"

There are many AST female players on the spot. Under the protection of all driving [White Tie Flowers], they lived. These captive women in the battlefield wear a cool combat tight dress, gray faces in the ruins.

As long as the big devil is swept, it will be frightened, and even people have incontinence.

"Mom, I want to go home ..."

"Sorry, I don't want to fight with the elves!"

Both sport's eyes on the top of our woven, the heart is soft. The little girlfriend is really kind. The magician of this world is basically female. Send a woman and a child to the battlefield, not too cruel.

"Send a spaceship with the identity of the prisoners, and then traverse to AST afterwards. What are you satisfied?" B is scraped to scrape her small Qiong nose.

"Great." The girl smiled.

Wuheqin opened his eyes tired, said: "Sister ..."

"In the piano, you woke up?"

The war is flying, just as the scene of five years ago. The flare of the red-haired girl is gradually extinguished, and it is a rare and helpless.

I am in hell.

"Sorry, old sister. I have been watching you ..."

Wu Hexi woven hugged the piano and said, "I have long you know that you are a wizard."

"... is my brother telling you?" The red-haired girl is bitter, "5 years ago, my old sister, I just came to our home. I am very awkward, I am already told that there is a sister what ... I don't know so.. "

It is said that when the Siwi is coming to the family, the character is cold, a bit like today's true. There is no personal split in the piano, just a crying of "sister". The sisters have always been disturbing, keeping if the relationship is left.

"That day, I met [Phantom]. I will wish God adult, I want to be a strong sister who can make my sister."

Blue-haired girls tears, hugging the piano. It's a fool, actually because of this reason ...

"I can't control the spiritual power of the rush, I will roll it in. Maybe it will also die the parents of the ipi origami. At that time, you are going to be burned, and I still want to protect me." Qinli is embarrassed. " Said, "Later, under the pointer of [Phantom], I made artificial breathing to you, and handed it over to the old."

Shiwi said softly: "I still remember, the first gift for you is black. You have been staying, so I born the second person?"

Truth water falls.

It turns out that the commander model is coming. Wuheqin said that it is the same as the four-, is a heartbody reversing body. Baiqin is a true personality, the chronol is a reversal. [Burning ] can switch two forms, and he will not hear unheard in the elves. If it is the two angels, you can explain it.

Wuhe Sisters Flower Flower Finally, I saw my heart, and I wary. ,

Yan Ya suddenly opened: "Although I don't want to interrupt your memories, the commander's spiritual wave is very unstable, and there is a risk of retreat again at any time. It is easy to generate a uncontrollable destruction urge, and have been controlled by drug control ..."

"Or Guard, don't say it!" The piano wants to stop late.

"Don't you want your sister, have you added drugs in a special lollipop?"

Takah recalls the Philippine of the school city, the expression becomes gentle. He has also had a "daughter" who loves to eat lollipops.

Wu Hexi is very distressed. How many pains have such a small girl? I am really too missing this sister.


Or Guaja said: "After my calculations, now seal [Yanmian] is the best solution. Commander's good feelings of the sister adults have always been full."

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